removing the german parts of the section titles, capitalizting
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
\section{Requested Modules/Funds \deu{(Beantragte Module/Mittel)}}
\section{Requested Modules/Funds}
For each applicant, we apply for funding within the Basic Module.
\subsection{Funding for Staff \deu{(Personalbedarf)}}\label{sec:positions}
\subsection{Funding for Staff}\label{sec:positions}
\subsubsection{Research Staff}
We apply for the following positions. All run over the entire duration of the proposed project.
@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ One student with BSc. for 2 years at $100 \%$ for Michael Kohlhase.
One student with BSc. for 2 years at $100 \%$ for Florian Rabe.
\subsubsection{Non-academic Staff} None.
\subsubsection{Non-Academic Staff} None.
\subsubsection{Student assistants} None.
\subsubsection{Student Assistants} None.
\subsection{Funding for direct project costs}
\subsection{Funding for Direct Project Costs}
\subsubsection{Equipment up to 10,000 \texteuro, software and consumables}
\subsubsection{Equipment up to 10,000 \texteuro, Software and Consumables}
None. PC will cover the workspace, computing needs, and consumables for its staff as part
of the basic support.
\subsubsection{Travel Expenses\deu{(Reisen)}}\label{sec:travel}
\subsubsection{Travel Expenses}\label{sec:travel}
The travel budget shall cover:
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ an average duration of 3 weeks, we estimate the cost of one visit at 600 {\texte
traveling and 70 {\texteuro} per night for accommodation, amounting to 2040 \texteuro per
\subsubsection{Expenses for laboratory animals} None.
\subsubsection{Expenses for Laboratory Animals} None.
\subsubsection{Other costs \deu{(Sonstige Kosten)}} None.
\subsubsection{Other Costs} None.
\subsubsection{Project-related publication expenses} None.
\subsubsection{Project-Related Publication Expenses} None.
\subsection{Funding for Instrumentation} None.
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
\section{Project Requirements \deu{(Voraussetzungen f\"ur die Durchf\"uhrung des Vorhabens)}}
\section{Project Requirements}
\subsection{Employment status information \deu{(Angaben zur Dienststellung)}}
\subsection{Employment Status Information}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
For each applicant, state the last name, first name, and employment status (including
duration of contract and funding body, if on a fixed-term contract).
\subsection{First-time proposal data \deu{(Angaben zur Erstantragstellung)}}
\subsection{First-time Proposal Data}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
Only if applicable: Last name, first name of first-time applicant.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
form, as a first-time proposal for the same project.
\subsection{Composition of the project group \deu{(Zusammensetzung der Projektarbeitsgruppe)}}
\subsection{Composition of the Project Group}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
List only those individuals who will work on the project but will not be paid out of the
@ -58,13 +58,12 @@
\subsection{Cooperation with other researchers \deu{(Zusammenarbeit mit anderen
Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern)}}
\subsubsection{Researchers with whom you have agreed to cooperate on this project
\deu{(Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, mit denen für dieses Vorhaben eine
konkrete Vereinbarung zur Zusammenarbeit besteht)}}
\subsection{Cooperation with other Researchers}
\subsubsection{Planned Cooperations}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
Researchers with whom you have agreed to cooperate on this project
\item[Prof. Dr. Super Akquisiteur (Uni Paderborn)] knows exactly what to do to get funding
with DFG, we will interview him closely and integrate all his intuitions into the {\pn}
@ -86,21 +85,19 @@
sehr lang sein, also ist es wahrscheinlich besser nur die wichtigsten Projekte und
Kontakte zu listen.}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
This information will assist the DFG’s Head Office in avoiding potential conflicts of
in- terest during the review process.
\subsection{Scientific equipment \deu{(Apparative Ausstattung)}}
\subsection{Scientific Equipment}
Jacobs University provides laptops or desktop workstations for all academic
employees. Great Consulting GmbH. is rolling in money anyways and has all of the latest
\subsection{Project-relevant interests in commercial enterprises \deu{(Projektrelevante
Beteiligungen an erwerbswirtschaftlichen Unternehmen)}}
\subsection{Project-Relevant Interests in Commercial Enterprises}
Not applicable.
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
\section{Bibliography concerning the state of the art, the research objectives, and the
work programme}
\section{Bibliography Concerning the State of the Art, the Research objectives, and the
Work Programme}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
In this bibliography, list only the works you cite in your presentation of the state of the
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ of publications. Non-published works must be included with the proposal.
\section{Additional information \deu{(Ergänzende Erklärungen)}}
\section{Additional Information}
Funding proposal XYZ-83282 has been submitted prior to this proposal on related topic XYZ.
@ -1,6 +1,25 @@
\section{State of the Art and Preliminary Work \deu{(Stand der Forschung und eigene Vorarbeiten)}}\label{stand}
\section{State of the Art and Preliminary Work}\label{stand}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal guidelines}
For new proposals please explain briefly and precisely the state of the art in your
field in its direct relationship to your project. This description should make clear in
which context you situate your own research and in what areas you intend to make a
unique, innovative, promising contribution. This description must be concise and
understand- able without referring to additional literature.
\subsection{List of Project-Related Publications \deu{(Projektbezogenes Publikationsverzeichnis)}}
For renewal proposals, please report on your previous work. This report should also be
understandable without referring to additional literature.
To illustrate and enhance your presentation you may refer to your own and others’ pub-
lications. Indicate whenever you are referring to other researchers’ work. Please list
all cited publications in your bibliography under section 3. This reference list is not
consid- ered your list of publications. Note that reviewers are not required to read any
of the works you cite. This also applies to review sessions that are held on site. In
this case, manuscripts and publications that provide more information on the progress
reports and are published up to the review panel’s meeting may be made available at the
meeting to enable reviewers to read through the information. Reviews will be based only
on the text of the actual proposal.
\subsection{List of Project-Related Publications}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
Please include a list of own publications that are related to the proposed project. It
@ -18,7 +37,7 @@
publications so far.
\subsubsection{Peer-Reviewed Articles \deu{(Artikel mit wissenschaftlicher Qualitätssicherung)}}
\subsubsection{Peer-Reviewed Articles}
@ -27,9 +46,9 @@
Publikationen entsprechend DFG-Richtlinien angegeben werden. Die Anzahl ist sehr eng
\subsubsection{Other Articles \deu{(Andere Artikel)}} None.
\subsubsection{Other Articles} None.
\subsubsection{Patents \deu{(Patente)}} None.
\subsubsection{Patents} None.
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
\section{Objectives and Work Programme \deu{(Ziele und Arbeitsprogramm)}}
\section{Objectives and Work Programme}
\subsection{Anticipated total duration of the project \deu{(Voraussichtliche Gesamtdauer des Projekts)}}
\subsection{Anticipated Total Duration of the Project}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
Please state
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Please state
\subsection{Objectives \deu{(Ziele)}}
\begin{objective}[id=firstobj,title=Supporting Authors]
This is the first objective, after all we have to write proposals all the time, and we
@ -22,18 +22,17 @@ Please state
\subsection{Work programme including proposed research methods \deu{(Arbeitsprogramm inkl. vorgesehener Untersuchungsmethoden)}}
\subsection{Work Programme Including Proposed Research Methods}
%\subsection{Description (Beschreibung)}%\label{sec:state}
\LaTeX is the best document markup language, it can even be used for literate
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
review the state of the art in the and your own contribution to it; probably you want to
divide this into subsubsections.
% \dfgprojpapers{Kohlhase:pdpl10,providemore}
\begin{todo}{from the proposal template}
For each applicant
@ -195,16 +194,16 @@ We abstract an example from existing proposals
\subsection{Data Handling \deu{(Umgang mit den im Projekt erzielten Forschungsdaten)}}
\subsection{Data Handling}
The \pn project will not systematically produce researchdata. All project results will be
published for at least $x$ years at our archive at \url{}.
\subsection{Other Information \deu{(Weitere Angaben)}} Not applicable.
\subsection{Other Information} Not applicable.
\subsection{Explanations on the proposed investigations \deu{(Erläuterungen zu den vorgesehenen Untersuchungen)}} Not applicable.
\subsection{Explanations on the Proposed Investigations} Not applicable.
\subsection{Information on scientific and financial involvement of international cooperation partners \deu{(Erläuterungen zur inhaltlichen und finanziellen Projektbeteiligung von Kooperationspartnerinnen und Kooperationspartnern im Ausland)}} Not applicable.
\subsection{Information on Scientific and Financial Involvement of International Cooperation Partners} Not applicable.
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