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The KWARC (KnoWledge Adaptation and Reasoning for
Content\footnote{\url{http://kwarc.info}}) Group headed by {\emph{Prof.\ Dr.\ Michael
Kohlhase}} specializes in building knowledge management systems for e-science
applications, in particular for the natural and mathematical sciences. Formal logic,
natural language semantics, and semantic web technology provide the foundations for the
research of the group.
Since doing research and developing systems is much more fun than writing proposals, they
try go do that as efficiently as possible, hence this meta-proposal.
\paragraph{Main tasks}
\item creating {\LaTeX} class files
\paragraph{Relevant previous experience}
The KWARC group is the main center and lead implementor of the OMDoc (Open Mathematical
Document) format for representing mathematical knowledge. The group has developed
added-value services powered by such semantically rich representations, different paths to
obtaining them, as well as platforms that integrate both aspects. Services include the
adaptive context-sensitive presentation framework JOMDoc and the semantic search engine
MathWebSearch. For obtaining rich mathematical content, the group has been pursuing the
two alternatives of assisting manual editing (with the sTeXIDE editing environment) and
automatic annotation using natural language processing techniques. The latter is work in
progress but builds on the arXMLiv system, which is currently capable of converting 70\%
out of the 600,000 scientific publications in the arXiv from {\LaTeX} to XHTML+MathML
without errors. Finally, the KWARC group has been developing the Planetary integrated
\paragraph{Specific expertise}
\item writing intelligent proposals
\paragraph{Staff members involved}
\textbf{Prof.\ Dr.\ Michael Kohlhase} is head of the KWARC research group. He is the head
developer of the OMDoc mathematical markup language. He was a member of the Math Working
Group at W3C, which finished its work with the publication of the MathML 3 recommendation.
He is president of the OpenMath society and trustee of the MKM interest group.
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