No workaddress (#50)
The proposal class used to depend on the sTeX workaddress style, this caused problems, which I have now resolved.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,12 +8,20 @@
\ProvidesPackage{pdata}[2019/03/21 v1.6 Project Data]
@ -21,10 +29,11 @@
\define@key{task}{#1RM}{\pdata@def{\wp@id @\task@id}{#1}{RM}{##1}}%
\if@RAM\define@key{task}{#1RAM}{\pdata@def{\wp@id @\task@id}{#1}{RAM}{##1}}\fi
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\wa@ref3{institution}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}%
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\prop@gen@employed@lines \wa@ref3{institution}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}}}}
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\pdataref{site}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}%
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\prop@gen@employed@lines\ \pdataref{site}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}}}}
\PackageWarning{Do not use the RM key in the presence of sites}\else%
@ -32,6 +41,10 @@
\PackageWarning{Do not use the RAM key in the presence of sites}\else%
@ -83,8 +96,8 @@
{\message{proposal: Reading Project Data}\makeatletter\input{#1.pdata}\makeatother}
{\message{proposal: Reading Project Data}\makeatletter\input{./#1.pdata}\makeatother}
{proposal: No Project Data found, (forward) references may be compromized}}
@ -123,7 +136,7 @@
\qquad\number\day. \number\month. \number\year\\[6ex]
\strut\qquad Date\hfill\@for\@p:=\prop@gen@PIs\do{%
\def\@dmp#1{\ifkeys\marginpar{\small #1}\fi}
@ -213,14 +213,12 @@
% \item \DescribeMacro{discipline}|discipline| for the academic discipline and |areas| for
% the research areas in that discipline.
% \item \DescribeMacro{PI}|PI| to declare the principal investigator. For collaborative
% proposals we can use the |PI| key multiple times. The |proposal| package uses the
% |workaddress| package for representation of personal metadata,
% see~\cite{Kohlhase:workaddress:ctan} or the file |proposal.tex| for details.
% proposals we can use the |PI| key multiple times. \ednote{document the generated keys}
% \item Many collaborative proposals are shared between two institutions, which we can
% declare with the \DescribeMacro{site}|site| key. As this changes the interface this
% should not be used for single-institution proposals. We will describe the setup for a
% single-site proposal below and point out the differences. The example |proposal.tex|
% is a two-site proposal.
% is a two-site proposal. \ednote{document the generated keys}
% \item Sometimes it makes sense to document the proposal number in the metadata, e.g. to
% use the generated metadata file \meta{main}|.pdata| for project reports. The
% |proposalnumber| can be used for that.
@ -753,11 +751,9 @@
% \subsection{Proposal Metadata}\label{sec:impl:metadata}
% Most of the metadata functionality is encapsulated into the \DescribeMacro{pdata}|pdata|
% package, which is shared by the proposal and report classes. |pdata.sty| first loads the
% |workaddress| package from sTeX and supplies the Euro symbol.
% package, which is shared by the proposal and report classes. |pdata.sty| first supplies the Euro symbol.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% We define the keys for metadata declarations in the |proposal| environment, they park
@ -771,6 +767,15 @@
@ -778,10 +783,11 @@
\define@key{task}{#1RM}{\pdata@def{\wp@id @\task@id}{#1}{RM}{##1}}%
\if@RAM\define@key{task}{#1RAM}{\pdata@def{\wp@id @\task@id}{#1}{RAM}{##1}}\fi
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\wa@ref3{institution}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}%
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\prop@gen@employed@lines \wa@ref3{institution}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}}}}
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\pdataref{site}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}%
{\xdef\prop@gen@employed@lines{\prop@gen@employed@lines\ \pdataref{site}{#1}{shortname} & ##1\tabularnewline\hline}}}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% If there are no sites, then we have to define keys |RM| and |RAM| that store the
% intended research (assistant months). Unfortunately, we cannot just include this in the
@ -797,6 +803,10 @@
% similarly, the |PI| keys are registered in |\prop@gen@PIs|.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% and the |pubspage| keys in |\prop@gen@pubspages|.
@ -853,7 +863,7 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\prop@tl}
% An auxiliary macro that is handy for making tables of WorkAddress data.
% An auxiliary macro that is handy for making tables of metadata.
% \begin{macrocode}
@ -892,8 +902,9 @@
\ifx\prop@gen@acronym\@empty\else{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]\fi
@ -904,7 +915,7 @@
\item Curriculum Vitae and list of publications for
\wa@ref3{person}\@I{personaltitle} \wa@ref3{person}\@I{name}}
\pdataref{PI\@I}{title} \pdataref{PI}\@I{name}}
% \end{macrocode}
@ -977,8 +988,9 @@
\ifx\prop@gen@acronym\@empty\else{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]\fi
@ -990,8 +1002,8 @@
% \begin{macro}{\site*}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
@ -1818,8 +1830,8 @@
% \begin{macro}{\readpdata}
% This macro reads the project data file and its error handling
% \begin{macrocode}
{\message{proposal: Reading Project Data}\makeatletter\input{#1.pdata}\makeatother}
{\message{proposal: Reading Project Data}\makeatletter\input{./#1.pdata}\makeatother}
{proposal: No Project Data found, (forward) references may be compromized}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
@ -2684,7 +2696,7 @@ joint&\multicolumn{\the@site}{l|}{\jpub $\hat=$ publication, \jpro $\hat=$ proje
\qquad\number\day. \number\month. \number\year\\[6ex]
\strut\qquad Date\hfill\@for\@p:=\prop@gen@PIs\do{%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
@ -2721,8 +2733,8 @@ joint&\multicolumn{\the@site}{l|}{\jpub $\hat=$ publication, \jpro $\hat=$ proje
% LocalWords: hyperref LaTeX workpackage PIs thema acrolong anzungsantrag im Mitarbeiter
% LocalWords: Einzelverfahren tabline Allgemeine Angaben Antragsteller worktel ifsvninfo
% LocalWords: bitabline personaltitle academictitle birthdate Dienstanschrift Hilfskraft
% LocalWords: workaddress atabline workfax Privatanschrift privaddress privtel ifgitinfo
% LocalWords: dt Kennwort Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung Voraussichtliche wa fancyfoot
% LocalWords: atabline workfax Privatanschrift privaddress privtel ifgitinfo
% LocalWords: Kennwort Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung Voraussichtliche wa fancyfoot
% LocalWords: Gesamtdauer Antragszeitraum Zusammenfassung workarea wp wps num prop@gen
% LocalWords: refundefinedtrue lightgray gantt xstep Unterschriften Id areas acro Lutz
% LocalWords: submit hide ed public article paper today array comment wide RE tweakable
Binary file not shown.
@ -81,8 +81,9 @@
\ifx\prop@gen@acronym\@empty\else{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]\fi
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
\item Curriculum Vitae and list of publications for
\wa@ref3{person}\@I{personaltitle} \wa@ref3{person}\@I{name}}
\pdataref{PI\@I}{title} \pdataref{PI}\@I{name}}
@ -113,8 +114,8 @@
@ -58,8 +58,9 @@
\ifx\prop@gen@acronym\@empty\else{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]\fi
@ -13,27 +13,11 @@
\def\prop@gen@Dkeywords{kommt noch}
\def\prop@gen@keywords{to be added}
\renewcommand\prop@gen@instrument{Neuantrag auf Sachbeihilfe}
\newcommand\prop@gen@thema{??? Thema ???}
\prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{\wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{personaltitle} \wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{name}}\\
\prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{Tel: \wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{worktel}}\\
\prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{Fax: \wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{workfax}}\\
\prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{Tel: \wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{privtel}}\\}
\subsection{\if@sites\ifnum\the@sites>1 Joint Proposal; \fi\fi%
Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
\newcommand\dfg@topic{\subsection{\ifdeutsch Thema\else Topic \deu{(Thema)}\fi}\prop@gen@thema}
\ifdeutsch\subsection{Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung}\else
@ -19,24 +19,10 @@
{\def\@test{#1}\def\@@title{\ifx\@test\@empty\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{acronym}\else #1\fi:
{\def\@test{#1}\def\@@title{\ifx\@test\@empty\pdataref{site}{#2}{acronym}\else #1\fi:
\advance\applicants@table@columnwidth by -6em
\divide\applicants@table@columnwidth by \the@PIs
&\multicolumn{\the@PIs}{|l|}{\textbf{Work Address\deu{ (Dienstanschrift)}:}}\\\hline
&\multicolumn{\the@PIs}{|l|}{\textbf{Private Address\deu{ (Privatanschrift)}:}}\\\hline
@ -44,7 +30,12 @@
\ifx\prop@gen@acronym\@empty\else{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]\fi
\message{XXXXXX PIs: \the@PIs}
@ -55,7 +46,6 @@
\ifdeutsch\section{Allgemeine Angaben (nur f\"ur ELAN)}\else
\section{General Information (for the ELAN system only)}\fi
\ifdeutsch\subsection{Voraussichtliche Gesamtdauer}\else
@ -69,8 +59,10 @@
\@ifundefined{prop@gen@since}{initial proposal}{continuation proposal, the project started
\subsection{Application period \deu{(Antragszeitraum)}}\fi
\prop@gen@months\quad Months starting \prop@gen@start
@ -89,16 +81,8 @@
\section{List of Attachments \deu{(Verzeichnis der Anlagen)}}\fi
\item\ifdeutsch Lebenslauf und Publikatinsverzeichnis\else
Curriculum Vitae and list of publications for \fi
\@nameuse{wa@person@\@I @personaltitle}
\@nameuse{wa@person@\@I @name}
(CD + \ifdeutsch Ausdruck\else printed version\fi)}
\item Publications either cited in section~\ref{sec:ourpubs} or occurring in one of the
curricula vitae (CD only)\else
\item Zitierte Publikationen aus Abschnitt~\ref{sec:ourpubs} oder einem der Lebensl\"aufe
(nur CD)\fi
\item\ifdeutsch Lebenslauf und Publikatinsverzeichnis\else Curriculum Vitae and list of publications for \fi
@ -231,6 +231,7 @@
\def\prop@gen@Dkeywords{kommt noch}
\def\prop@gen@keywords{to be added}
% \end{macrocode}
@ -257,41 +258,7 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% Now, we can build the title page and general information, we first start with the
% applicants table. The following macros build up the lines to be used in the table
% eventually.
% \begin{macro}{\dfg@applicants@*}
% the macros use the |\prop@tl| macro from the base |proposal| package which iterates
% over the first argument (the PIs here) building up lines with the material from the
% second argument (where |\tl@ext| is the current PI).
% \begin{macrocode}
\prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{\wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{personaltitle} \wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{name}}\\
\prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{Tel: \wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{worktel}}\\
\prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{Fax: \wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{workfax}}\\
\prop@tl\prop@gen@PIs{Tel: \wa@ref3{person}\tl@ext{privtel}}\\}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\dfg@applicants}
% We automatically make it plurals if there is more than one PI and we indicate a joint
% proposal if there is more than one site.
% \begin{macrocode}
\subsection{\if@sites\ifnum\the@sites>1 Joint Proposal; \fi\fi%
Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Now, we can build the title page and general information.
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand\dfg@topic{\subsection{\ifdeutsch Thema\else Topic \deu{(Thema)}\fi}\prop@gen@thema}
% \end{macrocode}
@ -310,38 +277,14 @@ Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
% \begin{macrocode}
{\def\@test{#1}\def\@@title{\ifx\@test\@empty\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{acronym}\else #1\fi:
{\def\@test{#1}\def\@@title{\ifx\@test\@empty\pdataref{site}{#2}{acronym}\else #1\fi:
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \subsection{Proposal Title Page}\label{sec:impl:proptitlepage}
% \begin{macro}{\dfg@applicants@table}
% Now, we can build the title page and general information, we first start with the
% applicants table: We first compute the width of the columns for the case where we have
% more than two PIs. Then we add the lines we compute with the auxiliary macros
% |\dfg@applicants@lines|, |\dfg@applicants@institute@lines| and
% |\dfg@applicants@private@lines|
% \begin{macrocode}
\advance\applicants@table@columnwidth by -6em
\divide\applicants@table@columnwidth by \the@PIs
&\multicolumn{\the@PIs}{|l|}{\textbf{Work Address\deu{ (Dienstanschrift)}:}}\\\hline
&\multicolumn{\the@PIs}{|l|}{\textbf{Private Address\deu{ (Privatanschrift)}:}}\\\hline
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{prop@proposal}
% This internal environment is called in the |proposal| environment from the |proposal|
@ -354,7 +297,11 @@ Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
\ifx\prop@gen@acronym\@empty\else{\LARGE Acronym: {\prop@gen@acronym}}\\[.2cm]\fi
@ -365,7 +312,6 @@ Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
\ifdeutsch\section{Allgemeine Angaben (nur f\"ur ELAN)}\else
\section{General Information (for the ELAN system only)}\fi
\ifdeutsch\subsection{Voraussichtliche Gesamtdauer}\else
@ -379,8 +325,10 @@ Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
\@ifundefined{prop@gen@since}{initial proposal}{continuation proposal, the project started
\subsection{Application period \deu{(Antragszeitraum)}}\fi
\prop@gen@months\quad Months starting \prop@gen@start
@ -408,16 +356,8 @@ Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
\section{List of Attachments \deu{(Verzeichnis der Anlagen)}}\fi
\item\ifdeutsch Lebenslauf und Publikatinsverzeichnis\else
Curriculum Vitae and list of publications for \fi
\@nameuse{wa@person@\@I @personaltitle}
\@nameuse{wa@person@\@I @name}
(CD + \ifdeutsch Ausdruck\else printed version\fi)}
\item Publications either cited in section~\ref{sec:ourpubs} or occurring in one of the
curricula vitae (CD only)\else
\item Zitierte Publikationen aus Abschnitt~\ref{sec:ourpubs} oder einem der Lebensl\"aufe
(nur CD)\fi
\item\ifdeutsch Lebenslauf und Publikatinsverzeichnis\else Curriculum Vitae and list of publications for \fi
% \end{macrocode}
@ -466,8 +406,8 @@ Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
{\large Reference number(s): \show@prop@gen@keys}\\[.2cm]
@ -585,7 +525,7 @@ Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
% LocalWords: hyperref LaTeX workpackage PIs thema acrolong anzungsantrag im generaltrue
% LocalWords: Einzelverfahren tabline Allgemeine Angaben Antragsteller worktel Deutscher
% LocalWords: bitabline personaltitle academictitle birthdate Dienstanschrift Antrag gen
% LocalWords: workaddress atabline workfax Privatanschrift privaddress privtel prop@gen
% LocalWords: atabline workfax Privatanschrift privaddress privtel prop@gen
% LocalWords: dt Kennwort Fachgebiet und Arbeitsrichtung Voraussichtliche wa deutschtrue
% LocalWords: Gesamtdauer Antragszeitraum Zusammenfassung workarea wp wps num Neuantrag
% LocalWords: refundefinedtrue lightgray gantt xstep Unterschriften Id areas auf deu nur
@ -626,7 +566,7 @@ Applicant\if@sites\ifnum\the@PIs>1{s}\fi\fi\ \deu{(Antragsteller)}}%
% LocalWords: whilenum hfill marginpar texteuro officialeuro texttt newpage cb grau wprm
% LocalWords: min-crossrefs pdata xdef newcommand hline aff NeedsTeXFormat dfgreporting
% LocalWords: renewenvironment nameuse paperlist applareas applareas dfgpdata kursiv
% LocalWords: Gesch aftszeichen projpapers shortname sitedescription ednote generalfalse
% LocalWords: Gesch aftszeichen projpapers sitedescription ednote generalfalse
% LocalWords: textsc newlength setlength textwidth WAauthorblock assoc tmpop markiert
% LocalWords: tmpop tmpop deutschfalse Sachbeihilfe Arbeitsgebiet Fortsetungsantrag
% LocalWords: Publikationen Publikatinsverzeichnis Wissenschaftler Verwertungsfelder
Binary file not shown.
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
{\large Reference number(s): \show@prop@gen@keys}\\[.2cm]
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
%% This is file `metakeys.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% metakeys.dtx (with options: `package')
\ProvidesPackage{metakeys}[2011/07/03 v0.9 Framework for Metadata Keys]
\define@key{#2}{#3}[#4]{\expandafter\gdef\csname #2@#3\endcsname{##1}}}
{\expandafter\gdef\csname clear@#1@keys\endcsname%
{\expandafter\gdef\csname #2\endcsname{#3}}}%
{\expandafter\g@addto@macro\csname clear@#1@keys\endcsname%
{\expandafter\gdef\csname #2\endcsname{#3}}}}
\expandafter\gdef\csname #2@#3s\endcsname{}
\expandafter\ifx\csname #2@#3s\endcsname\@empty\expandafter\gdef\csname #2@#3s\endcsname{##1}%
\else\expandafter\xdef\csname #2@#3s\endcsname{\csname #2@#3s\endcsname,##1}%
{\@ifundefined{#1@showkeys}{\expandafter\def\csname #1@showkeys\endcsname{}}{}}%
{\expandafter\def\csname #1@showkeys\endcsname{#2}}%
{\expandafter\edef\csname #1@showkeys\endcsname{\csname #1@showkeys\endcsname,#2}}}
\newcommand\metakeys@show@key[2]{\edef\@test{#2}\ifx\@test\@empty\else #1:#2\quad\fi}
\newcommand\metakeys@show@keys[2]{\marginpar{{\scriptsize #2}}}
{\expandafter\@metakeys@show@key\csname #1@#2\endcsname{#2}}
\define@key{#2}{#3}{\expandafter\gdef\csname #2@#3\endcsname{##1}}}
\newcommand\metakeys@unspecified{an metakeys-defined key left unspecified}
\newcommand\metakeysifus[4]{\message{testing #1@#2=\csname#1@#2\endcsname}%
\expandafter\ifx\csname #1@#2\endcsname\metakeys@unspecified{#3}\else{#4}\fi}
%% End of file `metakeys.sty'.
@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
%% This is file `sref.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% sref.dtx (with options: `package')
\ProvidesPackage{sref}[2016/04/07 v1.2 Semantic Cross-References]
\sref@hlink[\sref@linktext]{\sref@part @#2}{\sref@fallback}{\sref@pre}{\sref@post}%
\sref{#2} and \sref{#3}%
\sref{#2} to \sref{#3}%
\sref@pageref{\sref@part @#1}%
\edef\@target{sref@\ifcsundef{sref@part}{}{\sref@part @}\sref@id @target}%
\@metakeys@ext@clear@keys{#2}{sref@id}{}% id cannot have a default
\edef\sref@id{\srefaddidkey@prefix ##1}%
%\expandafter\edef\csname #2@id\endcsname{\srefaddidkey@prefix ##1}%
\csedef{#2@id}{\srefaddidkey@prefix ##1}%
\sref@def{\ifcsundef{sref@part}{}{\sref@part @}#2}{page}{\thepage}%
\sref@def{\ifcsundef{sref@part}{}{\sref@part @}#2}{label}{#1}%
\newcommand\sreflabel[2]{\sref@label{#1 \@currentlabel}{#2}}
\ifx\@fallback\@empty% warn about undefined links and show a substitute
\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{reference #2 undefined}%
\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{using fallback for undefined reference #2}%
\edef\@link{#4\@nameuse{sref@#2@label}#5}% retrieve the reference label and prepost it
\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{reference #1 undefined}\sref@page@label{??}%
\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{reference #2 undefined}??%
\protect\G@refundefinedtrue\@latex@warning{external refs of type #3 undefined}??%
\csname doextref@#2\endcsname%
\csname doextpageref@#2\endcsname%
\message{Reading external references: #2.refs}\input{#2.refs}%
\PackageError{sref}{Reference file #2.refs does not exist}%
{Maybe you have to run LaTeX on #2.tex first}}%
\else% no id, using equation*
%% End of file `sref.sty'.
@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
%% This is file `workaddress.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% workaddress.dtx (with options: `package')
\ProvidesPackage{workaddress}[2016/07/06 v0.5 WorkAddress]
\def\wa@def#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\xdef\csname wa@#1@#2@#3\endcsname{#4}}
\PackageError{workaddress}{reference to undefined #3 of #1 #2}%
{you must define a #1 with #2=#3\MessageBreak%
via the macro \protect\WA#1, before you can use it!}
\ifcase#1 {}\or%
\PackageWarning{workaddress}{reference to undefined #4 of #2 #3\MessageBreak%
you must define a #2 with #3=#4\MessageBreak%
via the macro \protect\WA#2, before you can use it!}%
\PackageWarning{workaddress}{reference to undefined #4 of #2 #3\MessageBreak%
you must define a #2 with #3=#4\MessageBreak%
via the macro \protect\WA#2, before you can use it!}%
\PackageError{workaddress}{reference to undefined #4 of #2 #3}%
{you must define a #2 with #3=#4\MessageBreak%
via the macro \protect\WA#2, before you can use it!}
\else\PackageError{workaddress}{\protect\wa@ref#1 not defined}
}{\csname wa@#2@#3@#4\endcsname}}%
\@latex@warning{key 'id' undefined in WAperson}%
\wa@def{person}\wa@person@id{id}{\wa@person@id}% redundant, but useful for checking
\PackageWarning{workaddress}{\protect\DCMperson\space is deprecated, use \protect\WAperson\space instead}
\@latex@warning{key 'id' undefined in WAinstitution}%
\wa@def{institution}\wa@institution@id{id}{\wa@institution@id}% redundant, but useful for checking
\PackageWarning{workaddress}{\protect\DCMinstitution\space is deprecated, use \protect\WAinstitution\space instead}%
\xdef\@shortname{\csname wa@institution@\@@dept @shortname\endcsname}
\xdef\@shortname{\csname wa@institution@\@@aff @shortname\endcsname}
\message{\theauthors authors: \@authors}%
\newcommand\waptname[1]{\wa@ref3{person}{#1}{personaltitle} \wa@ref3{person}{#1}{name}}
\fbox{#2 logo}\message{still need logo for #2}%
%% End of file `workaddress.sty'.
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
\ProvidesPackage{eupdata}[2019/03/21 v1.5 EU Project Data]
@ -33,10 +33,9 @@
\xdef\@@table{\@@table&\@nameuse{wa@institution@\@I @name}
\ifx\@I\prop@gen@coordinatorsite (coordinator)\fi}
\xdef\@@table{\@@table&\@nameuse{wa@institution@\@I @acronym}}
\xdef\@@table{\@@table&\@nameuse{wa@institution@\@I @countryshort}\tabularnewline\hline}}}
\xdef\@@table{\@@table&\pdataref{site}\@I{shortname}\ifx\@I\prop@gen@coordinatorsite (coordinator)\fi}
\# & Participant organisation name & Short name & Country\\\hline\hline
@ -60,9 +59,9 @@
% \textbf{Objective \prop@gen@objectiveid}: \prop@gen@objective,
% \textbf{target outcome \prop@gen@outcomeid}) \prop@gen@outcome.
% {\prop@gen@topicsaddressed}\\[1em]
\item[Coordinator:] \wa@ref3{person}\prop@gen@coordinator{name}
\item[e-mail:] \wa@ref3{person}\prop@gen@coordinator{email}
\item[tel/fax:] \wa@ref3{person}\prop@gen@coordinator{worktelfax}
\item[Coordinator:] \prop@gen@coordinator
\item[e-mail:] \prop@gen@Cemail
\item[tel/fax:] \prop@gen@Ctelfax
\@ifundefined{prop@gen@keywords}{}{\item[Keywords:] \prop@gen@keywords}
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@
\fi% ifgrantagreement
@ -103,16 +102,16 @@
\ifx\@site@desc@logo\@true% if we want a logo
\fi% end logo
\textbf{\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{type}.\hfill \wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{country}}\\%
\small\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{streetaddress}, \wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{townzip}\\\hline%
\textbf{\pdataref{site}{#2}{type}.\hfill \pdataref{site}{#2}{country}}\\%
\small\pdataref{site}{#2}{streetaddress}, \pdataref{site}{#2}{townzip}\\\hline%
\fi% end box
{\subsubsection{\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{acronym}: % space here
{\textsc{\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{name}} (\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{countryshort})}}}%
{\subsubsection{\pdataref{site}{#2}{acronym}: % space here
{\textsc{\pdataref{site}{#2}{shortname}} (\pdataref{site}{#2}{countryshort})}}}%
{0.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@
% metakeys support.}
% \item \DescribeMacro{topicsaddressed}|topicsaddressed| allows to enter free-form text
% instead of specifying the |challenge*|, |objective*|, and |outcome*| keys.
% \item The \DescribeMacro{coordinator}|coordinator| key gives the identifier of the
% proposal coordinator. The |euproposal| package uses the |workaddress| package for
% representation of personal metadata, see~\cite{Kohlhase:workaddress:ctan} for details.
% \item The \DescribeMacro{coordinatorsite}|coordinatorsite| key gives the identifier of
% the coordinating site (for the table).
% \item The \DescribeMacro{coordinator}|coordinator| key full name of the proposal
% coordinator.
% \item The \DescribeMacro{Csite}|Csite|, \DescribeMacro{Cemail}|Cemail|, and
% \DescribeMacro{Ctelfax}|Ctelfax| keys give further metadata of the coordinator (for
% the table).
% \item If given, the \DescribeMacro{iconrowheight}|iconrowheight| key instructs the
% |euproposal| class to make a line with the logos of the participants at the bottom of
% the title page, and specify their heights; |1.5cm| is often a good value.
@ -293,7 +293,9 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
@ -341,10 +343,9 @@
\xdef\@@table{\@@table&\@nameuse{wa@institution@\@I @name}
\ifx\@I\prop@gen@coordinatorsite (coordinator)\fi}
\xdef\@@table{\@@table&\@nameuse{wa@institution@\@I @acronym}}
\xdef\@@table{\@@table&\@nameuse{wa@institution@\@I @countryshort}\tabularnewline\hline}}}
\xdef\@@table{\@@table&\pdataref{site}\@I{shortname}\ifx\@I\prop@gen@coordinatorsite (coordinator)\fi}
\# & Participant organisation name & Short name & Country\\\hline\hline
@ -380,9 +381,9 @@
% \textbf{Objective \prop@gen@objectiveid}: \prop@gen@objective,
% \textbf{target outcome \prop@gen@outcomeid}) \prop@gen@outcome.
% {\prop@gen@topicsaddressed}\\[1em]
\item[Coordinator:] \wa@ref3{person}\prop@gen@coordinator{name}
\item[e-mail:] \wa@ref3{person}\prop@gen@coordinator{email}
\item[tel/fax:] \wa@ref3{person}\prop@gen@coordinator{worktelfax}
\item[Coordinator:] \prop@gen@coordinator
\item[e-mail:] \prop@gen@Cemail
\item[tel/fax:] \prop@gen@Ctelfax
\@ifundefined{prop@gen@keywords}{}{\item[Keywords:] \prop@gen@keywords}
@ -390,7 +391,7 @@
\fi% ifgrantagreement
@ -414,8 +415,7 @@
% \begin{environment}{sitedescription}
% \ednote{document this above} |\begin{sitedescritpion}[|\meta{opt}|]{\meta{site}}|
% marks up the description for the site \meta{site}. It looks up the relevant metadata
% from the respective |\WAinstitution| declarations. The options argument \meta{opt}
% marks up the description for the site \meta{site}. The options argument \meta{opt}
% is a key-value list for the keys \DescribeMacro{logo}|logo| (add the logo from
% |\WAinstitution| to the site description), \DescribeMacro{width}|width|,
% \DescribeMacro{height}|height| (intended dimensions of the logo), \ednote{more?}.
@ -440,16 +440,16 @@
\ifx\@site@desc@logo\@true% if we want a logo
\fi% end logo
\textbf{\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{type}.\hfill \wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{country}}\\%
\small\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{streetaddress}, \wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{townzip}\\\hline%
\textbf{\pdataref{site}{#2}{type}.\hfill \pdataref{site}{#2}{country}}\\%
\small\pdataref{site}{#2}{streetaddress}, \pdataref{site}{#2}{townzip}\\\hline%
\fi% end box
{\subsubsection{\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{acronym}: % space here
{\textsc{\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{name}} (\wa@ref3{institution}{#2}{countryshort})}}}%
{\subsubsection{\pdataref{site}{#2}{acronym}: % space here
{\textsc{\pdataref{site}{#2}{shortname}} (\pdataref{site}{#2}{countryshort})}}}%
{0.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
@ -630,6 +630,17 @@
% \Finale
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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@