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Redmine Container Image


This repository contains the Containerfile and associated scripts for a container image that runs Redmine.

This Container Image is at the moment based on the original Redmine Dockerfile

This image includes the following additional plugins:

and the following themes:


The same as the official Redmine Docker Image.


Unfortunatly, is the security of the original image very limitted.

  • rootfs can not be mounted readonly (requirement for kubernetes sucurity best practices)
  • the image updates itself on restart (suddenly container not working anymore if a problem witht he dependency exist, no rollback possible in kubernetes)

In the future a complete new Image is planned that will address these issues.

Supported Architectures

  • amd64
  • arm64


I am trying to update the image weekly as long as my private kubernetes cluster is available. So I do not promise anything and do not rely your business on this image.

Prebuild Images

Git Repository


  • the authors of the original image
  • Dominik Meyer - extending with plugins and themes


This project is licensed under the GPLv2 License - see the LICENSE file for details.