Dominik Meyer e6eaa5fd42
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
chore: initial commit
2024-12-27 14:45:08 +01:00

57 lines
1.7 KiB

# drone-github-mirror
## Issue Tracker
No issue tracker is supported right now. Send issues to
## Description
This repository contains the Containerfile for building a drone github mirror/push plugin.
It verifies that a repository with a given name exist at github. If not it
will create a new repository without issues and wiki.
It will update the repository description and homepage according to the provided ones
and will in the end push everything to the github repository.
### Aim
The aim of this plugin is to keep a github mirror from local repositories but provide
different locations for issues and wiki.
### PLUGIN Variables
#### Mandatory
* `GH_TOKEN` - a github access token with access to repo management
* `GH_REPO` - the full name of the github repository including organization or user prefix
* `GH_REPO_DESC` - the short discription of the github repository. Will be updated on each run.
* `GH_REPO_HOMEPAGE` - the homepage the github repository should link to
#### Optional
* `PLUGIN_GH_REPO_TOPICS` - space seperated list of github topics to append to the topic list of the repository at github.
## Supported Architectures
- amd64
- arm64
## Container Images
## Prebuild Images
Prebuild images are provided at docker hub:
I am trying to update the image weekly as long as my private kubernetes cluster is available.
So I do not promise anything and do **not** rely your business on this image.
## Source Repository
## Authors
* **Dominik Meyer** - *Initial work*
## License
This project is licensed under the MPLv2 License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.