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.PHONY: pretty clean ChangeLog.md release
# configuration
# directory to recent compiler binaries
# find GNU sed to use `-i` parameter
SED:=$(shell command -v gsed || which sed)
# source files
# the list of sources in the include folder
SRCS=$(shell find include -type f | sort)
# the single header (amalgamated from the source files)
# documentation of the Makefile's targets
# main target
@echo "amalgamate - amalgamate file single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp from the include/nlohmann sources"
@echo "ChangeLog.md - generate ChangeLog file"
@echo "check-amalgamation - check whether sources have been amalgamated"
@echo "clean - remove built files"
@echo "doctest - compile example files and check their output"
@echo "fuzz_testing - prepare fuzz testing of the JSON parser"
@echo "fuzz_testing_bson - prepare fuzz testing of the BSON parser"
@echo "fuzz_testing_cbor - prepare fuzz testing of the CBOR parser"
@echo "fuzz_testing_msgpack - prepare fuzz testing of the MessagePack parser"
@echo "fuzz_testing_ubjson - prepare fuzz testing of the UBJSON parser"
@echo "pretty - beautify code with Artistic Style"
@echo "run_benchmarks - build and run benchmarks"
# documentation tests
# compile example files and check output
$(MAKE) check_output -C doc
# benchmarks
rm -fr cmake-build-benchmarks
mkdir cmake-build-benchmarks
cd cmake-build-benchmarks ; cmake ../benchmarks -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DJSON_BuildTests=On
cd cmake-build-benchmarks ; ninja
cd cmake-build-benchmarks ; ./json_benchmarks
# fuzzing
# the overall fuzz testing target
rm -fr fuzz-testing
mkdir -p fuzz-testing fuzz-testing/testcases fuzz-testing/out
$(MAKE) parse_afl_fuzzer -C test CXX=afl-clang++
mv test/parse_afl_fuzzer fuzz-testing/fuzzer
find test/data/json_tests -size -5k -name *json | xargs -I{} cp "{}" fuzz-testing/testcases
@echo "Execute: afl-fuzz -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer"
rm -fr fuzz-testing
mkdir -p fuzz-testing fuzz-testing/testcases fuzz-testing/out
$(MAKE) parse_bson_fuzzer -C test CXX=afl-clang++
mv test/parse_bson_fuzzer fuzz-testing/fuzzer
find test/data -size -5k -name *.bson | xargs -I{} cp "{}" fuzz-testing/testcases
@echo "Execute: afl-fuzz -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer"
rm -fr fuzz-testing
mkdir -p fuzz-testing fuzz-testing/testcases fuzz-testing/out
$(MAKE) parse_cbor_fuzzer -C test CXX=afl-clang++
mv test/parse_cbor_fuzzer fuzz-testing/fuzzer
find test/data -size -5k -name *.cbor | xargs -I{} cp "{}" fuzz-testing/testcases
@echo "Execute: afl-fuzz -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer"
rm -fr fuzz-testing
mkdir -p fuzz-testing fuzz-testing/testcases fuzz-testing/out
$(MAKE) parse_msgpack_fuzzer -C test CXX=afl-clang++
mv test/parse_msgpack_fuzzer fuzz-testing/fuzzer
find test/data -size -5k -name *.msgpack | xargs -I{} cp "{}" fuzz-testing/testcases
@echo "Execute: afl-fuzz -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer"
rm -fr fuzz-testing
mkdir -p fuzz-testing fuzz-testing/testcases fuzz-testing/out
$(MAKE) parse_ubjson_fuzzer -C test CXX=afl-clang++
mv test/parse_ubjson_fuzzer fuzz-testing/fuzzer
find test/data -size -5k -name *.ubjson | xargs -I{} cp "{}" fuzz-testing/testcases
@echo "Execute: afl-fuzz -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer"
afl-fuzz -S fuzzer1 -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer > /dev/null &
afl-fuzz -S fuzzer2 -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer > /dev/null &
afl-fuzz -S fuzzer3 -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer > /dev/null &
afl-fuzz -S fuzzer4 -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer > /dev/null &
afl-fuzz -S fuzzer5 -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer > /dev/null &
afl-fuzz -S fuzzer6 -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer > /dev/null &
afl-fuzz -S fuzzer7 -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer > /dev/null &
afl-fuzz -M fuzzer0 -i fuzz-testing/testcases -o fuzz-testing/out fuzz-testing/fuzzer
-killall fuzzer
-killall afl-fuzz
# Static analysis
# call PVS-Studio Analyzer <https://www.viva64.com/en/pvs-studio/>
rm -fr cmake-build-pvs-studio
mkdir cmake-build-pvs-studio
cd cmake-build-pvs-studio ; cmake .. -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=On -DJSON_MultipleHeaders=ON
cd cmake-build-pvs-studio ; pvs-studio-analyzer analyze -j 10
cd cmake-build-pvs-studio ; plog-converter -a'GA:1,2;64:1;CS' -t fullhtml PVS-Studio.log -o pvs
open cmake-build-pvs-studio/pvs/index.html
# Code format and source amalgamation
# call the Artistic Style pretty printer on all source files
astyle \
--style=allman \
--indent=spaces=4 \
--indent-modifiers \
--indent-switches \
--indent-preproc-block \
--indent-preproc-define \
--indent-col1-comments \
--pad-oper \
--pad-header \
--align-pointer=type \
--align-reference=type \
--add-brackets \
--convert-tabs \
--close-templates \
--lineend=linux \
--preserve-date \
--suffix=none \
--formatted \
$(SRCS) $(AMALGAMATED_FILE) test/src/*.cpp test/src/*.hpp benchmarks/src/benchmarks.cpp doc/examples/*.cpp
# call the Clang-Format on all source files
for FILE in $(SRCS) $(AMALGAMATED_FILE) test/src/*.cpp test/src/*.hpp benchmarks/src/benchmarks.cpp doc/examples/*.cpp; do echo $$FILE; clang-format -i $$FILE; done
# create single header file
amalgamate: $(AMALGAMATED_FILE)
# call the amalgamation tool and pretty print
third_party/amalgamate/amalgamate.py -c third_party/amalgamate/config.json -s . --verbose=yes
$(MAKE) pretty
# check if file single_include/nlohmann/json.hpp has been amalgamated from the nlohmann sources
# Note: this target is called by Travis
@$(MAKE) amalgamate
@diff $(AMALGAMATED_FILE) $(AMALGAMATED_FILE)~ || (echo "===================================================================\n Amalgamation required! Please read the contribution guidelines\n in file .github/CONTRIBUTING.md.\n===================================================================" ; mv $(AMALGAMATED_FILE)~ $(AMALGAMATED_FILE) ; false)
# ChangeLog
# Create a ChangeLog based on the git log using the GitHub Changelog Generator
# (<https://github.com/github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator>).
# variable to control the diffs between the last released version and the current repository state
NEXT_VERSION ?= "unreleased"
github_changelog_generator -o ChangeLog.md --user nlohmann --project json --simple-list --release-url https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/%s --future-release $(NEXT_VERSION)
$(SED) -i 's|https://github.com/nlohmann/json/releases/tag/HEAD|https://github.com/nlohmann/json/tree/HEAD|' ChangeLog.md
$(SED) -i '2i All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).' ChangeLog.md
# Release files
# Create the files for a release and add signatures and hashes. We use `-X` to make the resulting ZIP file
# reproducible, see <https://content.pivotal.io/blog/barriers-to-deterministic-reproducible-zip-files>.
rm -fr release_files
mkdir release_files
zip -9 --recurse-paths -X include.zip $(SRCS) $(AMALGAMATED_FILE) meson.build LICENSE.MIT
gpg --armor --detach-sig include.zip
mv include.zip include.zip.asc release_files
gpg --armor --detach-sig $(AMALGAMATED_FILE)
cp $(AMALGAMATED_FILE) release_files
mv $(AMALGAMATED_FILE).asc release_files
cd release_files ; shasum -a 256 json.hpp > hashes.txt
cd release_files ; shasum -a 256 include.zip >> hashes.txt
# Maintenance
# clean up
rm -fr json_unit json_benchmarks fuzz fuzz-testing *.dSYM test/*.dSYM oclint_report.html
rm -fr benchmarks/files/numbers/*.json
rm -fr cmake-3.1.0-Darwin64.tar.gz cmake-3.1.0-Darwin64
rm -fr cmake-build-benchmarks cmake-build-pedantic fuzz-testing cmake-build-clang-analyze cmake-build-pvs-studio cmake-build-infer cmake_build
$(MAKE) clean -Cdoc
# Thirdparty code
rm -f include/nlohmann/thirdparty/hedley/hedley.hpp include/nlohmann/thirdparty/hedley/hedley_undef.hpp
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nemequ/hedley/master/hedley.h -o include/nlohmann/thirdparty/hedley/hedley.hpp
$(SED) -i 's/HEDLEY_/JSON_HEDLEY_/g' include/nlohmann/thirdparty/hedley/hedley.hpp
grep "[[:blank:]]*#[[:blank:]]*undef" include/nlohmann/thirdparty/hedley/hedley.hpp | grep -v "__" | sort | uniq | $(SED) 's/ //g' | $(SED) 's/undef/undef /g' > include/nlohmann/thirdparty/hedley/hedley_undef.hpp
$(SED) -i '1s/^/#pragma once\n\n/' include/nlohmann/thirdparty/hedley/hedley.hpp
$(SED) -i '1s/^/#pragma once\n\n/' include/nlohmann/thirdparty/hedley/hedley_undef.hpp
$(MAKE) amalgamate