Dominik Meyer 38c69d8da1
FIX: subscribing when manager is unset
One feature added to EventManager has been disconnecting
a participant at runtime. Unfortunatly, then the
manager of this participant is set to nullptr using
the setManager method. But this method also subscribes to the
shutdown event afterwords. This commit checks if the manager
is nullptr and ignore subscribing in that case.
2023-07-03 12:23:04 +02:00

230 lines
6.4 KiB

#pragma once
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* Copyright 2021 Dominik Meyer <dmeyer@federationhq.de>
* This file is part of the EventManager distribution hosted at https://gitea.federationhq.de/byterazor/EventManager.git
/** @file */
#include <memory>
#include <atomic>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <EventManager/Event.hpp>
namespace EventManager
// forward declaration for the EventManager::Manager
class Manager;
* @brief The entity participating in the event system.
* If you want the participant to be scheduled from the manager call
* _enableScheduling class function.
class Participant : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Participant>
/// a unique id for this participant, helpful for debugging
std::uint32_t id_;
/// pointer to the event manager
std::shared_ptr<EventManager::Manager> manager_;
/// is the participant scheduled by the EventManager::Manager
std::atomic<bool> isScheduledByManager_;
/// queue for incomng events
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<EventManager::Event>> eventQueue_;
/// mutex to protect the event queue
std::mutex mutexEventQueue_;
/// condition variable to wake of thread on new trigger
std::condition_variable newEventInQueue_;
/// has the participant locked the queue itself already
std::atomic<bool> isQueueLocked_;
* all private methods
* @brief Method called if the participant is scheduled by EventManager::Manager
* This method needs to be implemented by the child class.
* Please make sure this method returns as fast as possible!
* No endless loops are supported.
* Just process some incoming events and then return!
virtual void schedule_() { throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) + " not implemented");}
* @brief method called by the EventManager::Manager on connecting this particpant
* This method need to be implemented by each child class of EventManager::Participant
* Its the best location for subscribing to events and enable scheduling if required.
virtual void init_() {throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) + " not implemented");}
* @brief check if events are available
bool _hasEvents();
* @brief Lock the queue to process all events
void _lockQueue();
* @brief UnLock the queue to process all events
void _unlockQueue();
* @brief fetch one event from the queue
std::shared_ptr<EventManager::Event> _fetchEvent();
* @brief wait for a new event
void _waitForEvent();
* @brief wait for a new event with timeout
* @return true - new event available and queue locked
* @return false - no new event, queue not locked, timeout reached
bool _waitForEvent(std::uint32_t timeoutMS);
* @brief This method subscribes the participant to an event type
* @param type - the event type to subscribe this participant to
void _subscribe(std::uint32_t type);
* @brief unsubscribe the participant from the given event type
void _unsubscribe(std::uint32_t type);
* @brief unsubscribe the participant from the all event types
void _unsubscribe();
* @brief Method to emit an event to the event manager
* @param event - the event to emit
void _emit(std::shared_ptr<EventManager::Event> event);
* @brief enable scheduling of this particpant through the EventManager::Manager
void _enableScheduling();
* @brief disable scheduling of this particpant through the EventManager::Manager
void _disableScheduling();
* @brief check if the participant is scheduled by event manager
bool isScheduledByManager() const {return isScheduledByManager_;}
* @brief connect a new participant through another participant
void connect(std::shared_ptr<EventManager::Participant> participant);
* @brief disconnect a participant through another participant
void disconnect(std::shared_ptr<EventManager::Participant> participant);
* @brief disconnect this participant from the event manager
void disconnect();
* @brief Constructor setting the participant up for use
* @brief Method to set the Manager object
* This method is in general only used by the EventManager::Manager!
* Only use this method if you really know what you are doing!
* @param manager - the manager to set
void setManager(std::shared_ptr<EventManager::Manager> manager)
{ manager_=manager;
if (manager_!=nullptr)
* @brief Method to set the unique id of the participant
* This method is in general only used by the EventManager::Manager!
* Only use this method if you really know what you are doing!
* @param id - the id to set
void setID(const std::uint32_t id) { id_=id;}
* @brief Method to return the unique id of the participant
* @return std::uint32_t
std::uint32_t getID() const { return id_;}
* @brief Method called by the EventManager::Manager to schedule the particpant
void schedule() {schedule_();};
* @brief method called by the EventManager::Manager when connecting the particpant
* method calls virtual _init method which has to be implemented by each particpants child class
void init() {init_();}
* @brief emit an event to this participant
void emit(std::shared_ptr<EventManager::Event> event);
}; // namespace EventManager