#pragma once /* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Copyright 2021 Dominik Meyer * This file is part of the EventManager distribution hosted at https://gitea.federationhq.de/byterazor/EventManager.git */ /** @file */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace EventManager { // forward declaration for the EventManager::Manager class Manager; /** * @brief The entity participating in the event system. * * If you want the participant to be scheduled from the manager call * _enableScheduling class function. */ class Participant : public std::enable_shared_from_this { private: /// a unique id for this participant, helpful for debugging std::uint32_t id_; /// pointer to the event manager std::shared_ptr manager_; /// is the participant scheduled by the EventManager::Manager std::atomic isScheduledByManager_; /// queue for incomng events std::queue> eventQueue_; /// mutex to protect the event queue std::mutex mutexEventQueue_; /// condition variable to wake of thread on new trigger std::condition_variable newEventInQueue_; /// has the participant locked the queue itself already std::atomic isQueueLocked_; /* * all private methods */ /** * @brief Method called if the participant is scheduled by EventManager::Manager * * This method needs to be implemented by the child class. * Please make sure this method returns as fast as possible! * No endless loops are supported. * Just process some incoming events and then return! */ virtual void schedule_() { throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) + " not implemented");} /** * @brief method called by the EventManager::Manager on connecting this particpant * * This method need to be implemented by each child class of EventManager::Participant * Its the best location for subscribing to events and enable scheduling if required. */ virtual void init_() {throw std::runtime_error(std::string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__) + " not implemented");} protected: /** * @brief check if events are available */ bool _hasEvents(); /** * @brief Lock the queue to process all events */ void _lockQueue(); /** * @brief UnLock the queue to process all events */ void _unlockQueue(); /** * @brief fetch one event from the queue */ std::shared_ptr _fetchEvent(); /** * @brief wait for a new event */ void _waitForEvent(); /** * @brief wait for a new event with timeout * * @return true - new event available and queue locked * @return false - no new event, queue not locked, timeout reached */ bool _waitForEvent(std::uint32_t timeoutMS); /** * @brief This method subscribes the participant to an event type * * @param type - the event type to subscribe this participant to */ void _subscribe(std::uint32_t type); /** * @brief unsubscribe the participant from the given event type */ void _unsubscribe(std::uint32_t type); /** * @brief unsubscribe the participant from the all event types */ void _unsubscribe(); /** * @brief Method to emit an event to the event manager * * @param event - the event to emit */ void _emit(std::shared_ptr event); /** * @brief enable scheduling of this particpant through the EventManager::Manager */ void _enableScheduling(); /** * @brief disable scheduling of this particpant through the EventManager::Manager */ void _disableScheduling(); /** * @brief check if the participant is scheduled by event manager */ bool isScheduledByManager() const {return isScheduledByManager_;} /** * @brief connect a new participant through another participant */ void connect(std::shared_ptr participant); /** * @brief disconnect a participant through another participant */ void disconnect(std::shared_ptr participant); public: /** * @brief Constructor setting the participant up for use */ Participant(); /** * @brief Method to set the Manager object * * This method is in general only used by the EventManager::Manager! * Only use this method if you really know what you are doing! * * @param manager - the manager to set */ void setManager(std::shared_ptr manager) { manager_=manager;_subscribe(EVENT_TYPE_SHUTDOWN);} /** * @brief Method to set the unique id of the participant * * This method is in general only used by the EventManager::Manager! * Only use this method if you really know what you are doing! * * @param id - the id to set */ void setID(const std::uint32_t id) { id_=id;} /** * @brief Method to return the unique id of the participant * * @return std::uint32_t */ std::uint32_t getID() const { return id_;} /** * @brief Method called by the EventManager::Manager to schedule the particpant * */ void schedule() {schedule_();}; /** * @brief method called by the EventManager::Manager when connecting the particpant * * method calls virtual _init method which has to be implemented by each particpants child class */ void init() {init_();} /** * @brief emit an event to this participant */ void emit(std::shared_ptr event); };// }; // namespace EventManager