# Yet Another Argument Parser (YAAP) YAAP is a simple command line argument parser for C. It uses functions and structures to add arguments to the parsing context and parse the command line. ## Author Dominik Meyer ## License Copyright 2018 by Dominik Meyer Licensed under GPLv3 ## Features * git like command support (git commit) * short and long flag support ( -t YAAP or –title=YAAP) * string argument support ( -t YAAP or – title=YAAP) * simple flags (-v, -V, -h, –help) * integer arguments (-c 10) ## Coming * hex arguments ( -c 0x5A) ## Installation YAAP is intented to be copied into your project directory. Different approaches are available: * simpe copy argparse.h and argparse.c into your source directory * add the github repository as a submodule * add the github repository as a subtree * add the github repository as a subrepo In all cases you have to make sure that argparse.c is compiled into an object file and is appended to your link stage. ## Documentation The Doxygen documentation can be found at https://byterazor.github.io/yaap/ . ## Signed Commits All commits are signed with the GPG key for dmeyer@federationhq.de valid from 2017-07-30 Fingerprint: 8A96 F2F7 FC07 3485 C724 9879 B4C3 12B6 0060 6B64