require 'redmine/scm/adapters/git_adapter' require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' # require 'open3' class Repository::GitRemote < Repository::Git before_validation :initialize_clone safe_attributes 'extra_info', :if => lambda {|repository, _user| repository.new_record?} # TODO: figure out how to do this safely (if at all) # before_deletion :rm_removed_repo # def rm_removed_repo # if Repository.find_all_by_url(repo.url).length <= 1 # system "rm -Rf #{self.clone_path}" # end # end def extra_clone_url return nil unless extra_info extra_info["extra_clone_url"] end def clone_url self.extra_clone_url end def clone_path self.url end def clone_host p = parse(clone_url) return p[:host] end def clone_protocol_ssh? # Possible valid values (via # ssh://user@server/project.git # user@server:project.git # server:project.git # For simplicity we just assume if it's not HTTP(S), then it's SSH. !clone_url.match(/^http/) end # Hook into Repository.fetch_changesets to also run 'git fetch'. def fetch_changesets # ensure we don't fetch twice during the same request return if @already_fetched @already_fetched = true puts "Calling fetch changesets on #{clone_path}" # runs git fetch self.fetch super end # Override default_branch to fetch, otherwise caching problems in # find_project_repository prevent Repository::Git#fetch_changesets from running. # # Ideally this would only be run for RepositoriesController#show. def default_branch if self.branches == [] && && Setting.autofetch_changesets? # git_adapter#branches caches @branches incorrectly, reset it scm.instance_variable_set :@branches, nil # NB: fetch_changesets is idemptotent during a given request, so OK to call it 2x self.fetch_changesets end super end # called in before_validate handler, sets form errors def initialize_clone # avoids crash in RepositoriesController#destroy return unless attributes["extra_info"]["extra_clone_url"] p = parse(attributes["extra_info"]["extra_clone_url"]) self.identifier = p[:identifier] if identifier.empty? base_path = Setting.plugin_redmine_git_remote['git_remote_repo_clone_path'] base_path = base_path + "/" unless base_path.end_with?("/") self.url = base_path + p[:path] if url.empty? err = ensure_possibly_empty_clone_exists errors.add :extra_clone_url, err if err end # equality check ignoring trailing whitespace and slashes def two_remotes_equal(a,b) a.chomp.gsub(/\/$/,'') == b.chomp.gsub(/\/$/,'') end def ensure_possibly_empty_clone_exists Repository::GitRemote.add_known_host(clone_host) if clone_protocol_ssh? unless system "git", "ls-remote", "-h", clone_url return "#{clone_url} is not a valid remote." end if Dir.exist? clone_path existing_repo_remote, status = RedmineGitRemote::PoorMansCapture3::capture2("git", "--git-dir", clone_path, "config", "--get", "remote.origin.url") return "Unable to run: git --git-dir #{clone_path} config --get remote.origin.url" unless status.success? unless two_remotes_equal(existing_repo_remote, clone_url) return "Directory '#{clone_path}' already exits, unmatching clone url: #{existing_repo_remote}" end else unless system "git", "init", "--bare", clone_path return "Unable to run: git init --bare #{clone_path}" end unless system "git", "--git-dir", clone_path, "remote", "add", "--mirror=fetch", "origin", clone_url return "Unable to run: git --git-dir #{clone_path} remote add --mirror=fetch origin #{clone_url}" end end end unloadable def self.scm_name 'GitRemote' end # TODO: first validate git URL and display error message def parse(url) url.strip! ret = {} # start with or ret[:url] = url # NB: Starting lines with ".gsub" is a syntax error in ruby 1.8. # See # path is ret[:path] = url.gsub(/^.*:\/\//, ''). # Remove anything before :// gsub(/:/, '/'). # convert ":" to "/" gsub(/^.*@/, ''). # Remove anything before @ gsub(/\.git$/, '') # Remove trailing .git ret[:host] = ret[:path].split('/').first #TODO: handle project uniqueness automatically or prompt ret[:identifier] = ret[:path].split('/').last.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9_-]/,'-') return ret end def fetch puts "Fetching repo #{clone_path}" Repository::GitRemote.add_known_host(clone_host) if clone_protocol_ssh? err = ensure_possibly_empty_clone_exists Rails.logger.warn err if err # If dir exists and non-empty, should be safe to 'git fetch' unless system "git", "--git-dir", clone_path, "fetch", "--all" Rails.logger.warn "Unable to run 'git -c #{clone_path} fetch --all'" end end # Checks if host is in ~/.ssh/known_hosts, adds it if not present def self.add_known_host(host) # if not found... out, status = RedmineGitRemote::PoorMansCapture3::capture2("ssh-keygen", "-F", host) raise "Unable to run 'ssh-keygen -F #{host}" unless status unless out.match /found/ # hack to work with 'docker exec' where HOME isn't set (or set to /) ssh_dir = (ENV['HOME'] == "/" || ENV['HOME'] == nil ? "/root" : ENV['HOME']) + "/.ssh" ssh_known_hosts = ssh_dir + "/known_hosts" begin FileUtils.mkdir_p ssh_dir rescue Exception => e raise "Unable to create directory #{ssh_dir}: " + e.to_s end puts "Adding #{host} to #{ssh_known_hosts}" out, status = RedmineGitRemote::PoorMansCapture3::capture2("ssh-keyscan", host) raise "Unable to run 'ssh-keyscan #{host}'" unless status Kernel::open(ssh_known_hosts, 'a') { |f| f.puts out} end end end