Matt Simerson adbbfe6f67 auth_vpopmail: refactored, added tests, logging
added more logging
standard log prefixes
tests run a pretest to make sure tests have a chance to succeed
2012-05-07 09:52:46 -07:00

34 lines
918 B

#!perl -w
sub register_tests {
my $self = shift;
$self->register_test("test_auth_vpopmail", 3);
my @u_list = qw ( good bad none );
my %u_data = (
good => [ '', OK, 'Good Strong Passphrase' ],
bad => [ '', DENY, 'not_bad_pass' ],
none => [ '', DECLINED, '' ],
sub test_auth_vpopmail {
my $self = shift;
if ( ! $self->test_vpopmail_module ) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "vpopmail plugin not configured" );
foreach ( 0..2) { ok( 1, "test_auth_vpopmail, skipped") };
my ($tran, $ret, $note, $u, $r, $p, $a );
$tran = $self->qp->transaction;
for $u ( @u_list ) {
( $a,$r,$p ) = @{$u_data{$u}};
($ret, $note) = $self->auth_vpopmail($tran,'CRAMMD5',$a,$p);
defined $note or $note='auth_vpopmail: No-Message';
is ($ret, $r, $note);