These are noops: clients that retry before grey_timeout is exceeded and clients that retry after grey_timeout is exceeded all pass greylisting until expired by white_timeout.
284 lines
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284 lines
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#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Qpsmtpd::Address;
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
my $test_email = '';
my @greydbs = qw( denysoft_greylist.dbm denysoft_greylist.dbm.lock );
foreach ( @greydbs ) {
unlink $_ if -f $_;
sub register_tests {
my $self = shift;
sub test_load_exclude_files {
my ( $self ) = @_;
delete $self->{$_} for qw( _exclude_ip _exclude_hostname exclude_re );
ok( $self->{_exclude_ip}{''},
'Excluded IPs populated by load_exclude_files()' );
ok( $self->{_exclude_hostname}{''},
'Excluded hostnames populated by load_exclude_files()' );
ok( ( grep { $_ eq qr/^mta[12]$/ } @{ $self->{_exclude_re} || [] } ),
'Excluded REs populated by load_exlude_files()' );
sub test_exclude_file_match {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my @test_data = (
ip =>,
hostname => '',
expected => 0,
descr => 'miss',
ip => '',
hostname => '',
expected => 1,
descr => 'IP match',
ip =>,
hostname => '',
expected => 1,
descr => 'Hostname match',
ip =>,
hostname => '',
expected => 1,
descr => 'Regex match',
for my $t ( @test_data ) {
$self->connection->remote_ip( $t->{ip} );
$self->connection->remote_host( $t->{hostname} );
is( $self->exclude_file_match(), $t->{expected}, "exclude_file_match(): $t->{descr}" );
sub test_hook_data {
my $self = shift;
my $transaction = $self->qp->transaction;
my ($code, $mess) = $self->hook_data( $transaction );
cmp_ok( $code, '==', DECLINED, "no note" );
$transaction->notes('greylist', 1);
($code, $mess) = $self->hook_data( $transaction );
cmp_ok( $code, '==', DECLINED, "no recipients");
my $address = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( "<$test_email>" );
$transaction->recipients( $address );
$transaction->notes('whitelistrcpt', 2);
($code, $mess) = $self->hook_data( $transaction );
cmp_ok( $code, '==', DENYSOFT, "missing recipients");
$transaction->notes('whitelistrcpt', 1);
($code, $mess) = $self->hook_data( $transaction );
cmp_ok( $code, '==', DECLINED, "missing recipients");
sub test_get_greylist_key {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_args}{sender} = 0;
$self->{_args}{recipient} = 0;
$self->{_args}{remote_ip} = 0;
my $test_ip = '';
my $address = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( "<$test_email>" );
$self->qp->transaction->sender( $address );
$self->qp->transaction->add_recipient( $address );
my $key = $self->get_greylist_key();
ok( ! $key, "db key empty: -");
$self->{_args}{remote_ip} = 1;
$key = $self->get_greylist_key( $address, $address );
cmp_ok( $key, 'eq', '3232235777', "db key: $key");
$self->{_args}{sender} = 1;
$key = $self->get_greylist_key( $address, $address );
cmp_ok( $key, 'eq', "3232235777:$test_email", "db key: $key");
$self->{_args}{recipient} = 1;
$key = $self->get_greylist_key( $address, $address );
cmp_ok( $key, 'eq', "3232235777:$test_email:$test_email", "db key: $key");
sub test_exclude {
my ( $self ) = @_;
ok( $self->exclude(), "Relay client results in exclude() hit" );
ok( ! $self->exclude(), "Non-relay client results in exclude() miss" );
my $old_p0f = $self->connection->notes('p0f');
$self->connection->notes('p0f'=> { genre => 'windows' } );
delete $self->{_args}{p0f};
ok( ! $self->exclude(), 'no p0f args = no exclusion' );
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'genre,Lindows';
ok( $self->exclude(), 'p0f miss = exclusion' );
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'genre,Windows';
ok( ! $self->exclude(), 'p0f hit = no exclusion' );
$self->connection->notes( p0f => $old_p0f );
sub test_greylist_geoip {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_args}{'geoip'} = 'US,UK,HU';
my @valid = qw/ US us UK hu /;
my @invalid = qw/ PK RU ru /;
foreach my $cc ( @valid ) {
$self->connection->notes('geoip_country', $cc );
ok( $self->geoip_match(), "match + ($cc)");
ok( $self->exclude(), "match + ($cc) results in exclude() hit");
foreach my $cc ( @invalid ) {
$self->connection->notes('geoip_country', $cc );
ok( ! $self->geoip_match(), "bad - ($cc)");
ok( ! $self->exclude(), "miss - ($cc) results in exclude() miss");
sub test_greylist_p0f_genre {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'genre,Linux';
$self->connection->notes('p0f'=> { genre => 'windows', link => 'dsl' } );
ok( ! $self->p0f_match(), 'p0f genre miss');
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'genre,Windows';
$self->connection->notes('p0f'=> { genre => 'windows', link => 'dsl' } );
ok( $self->p0f_match(), 'p0f genre hit');
sub test_greylist_p0f_distance {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'distance,8';
$self->connection->notes('p0f'=> { distance=>9 } );
ok( $self->p0f_match(), 'p0f distance hit');
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'distance,8';
$self->connection->notes('p0f'=> { distance=>7 } );
ok( ! $self->p0f_match(), 'p0f distance miss');
sub test_greylist_p0f_link {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'link,dsl';
$self->connection->notes('p0f'=> { link=>'DSL' } );
ok( $self->p0f_match(), 'p0f link hit');
ok( ! $self->exclude(), 'p0f link hit results in exclude() miss' );
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'link,dsl';
$self->connection->notes('p0f'=> { link=>'Ethernet' } );
ok( ! $self->p0f_match(), 'p0f link miss');
ok( $self->exclude(), 'p0f link miss results in exclude() hit' );
sub test_greylist_p0f_uptime {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'uptime,100';
$self->connection->notes('p0f'=> { uptime=> 99 } );
ok( $self->p0f_match(), 'p0f uptime hit');
$self->{_args}{'p0f'} = 'uptime,100';
$self->connection->notes('p0f'=> { uptime=>500 } );
ok( ! $self->p0f_match(), 'p0f uptime miss');
my $mocktime;
sub test_greylist {
my ( $self ) = @_;
$self->{_args} = {
remote_ip => 1,
sender => 0,
recipient => 0,
reject => 1,
black_timeout => 50 * 60, # 50m
grey_timeout => 3 * 3600 + 20 * 60, # 3h:20m
white_timeout => 36 * 3600 * 24, # 36 days
p0f => 0,
geoip => 0,
my $sender = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( "<$test_email>" );
my $rcpt = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( "<$test_email>" );
my $start = time() - 40 * 3600 * 24; # 40 days ago
$mocktime = $start;
is( $self->rc( $self->greylist( $self->transaction, $sender, $rcpt ) ),
'DENYSOFT: This mail is temporarily denied',
'Initial connection attempt greylisted' );
$mocktime = $start + 60 * 49;
is( $self->rc( $self->greylist( $self->transaction, $sender, $rcpt ) ),
'DENYSOFT: This mail is temporarily denied',
'Greylisted 49 minutes later' );
$mocktime = $start + 60 * 51;
is( $self->rc( $self->greylist( $self->transaction, $sender, $rcpt ) ),
'Allowed 51 minutes later' );
$mocktime = $start + 60 * 52 + 36 * 3600 * 24;
is( $self->rc( $self->greylist( $self->transaction, $sender, $rcpt ) ),
'DENYSOFT: This mail is temporarily denied',
're-greylisted 36 days later' );
no warnings qw( redefine );
sub now { $mocktime || time() }
sub rc {
my ( $self, $r, $msg ) = @_;
return '' if ! defined $r;
return return_code($r) if ! defined $msg;
return return_code($r) . ": $msg";
sub _reset_transaction {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_args}{p0f} = undef;
$self->{_args}{geoip} = undef;