Ask Bjørn Hansen a23d4b3da9 Fix 01-syntax test failures
Exclude some tests with dependencies.

Remove -T from perl line in plugins
This makes it harder to test with PERL5LIB/perlbrew etc
2012-04-29 01:36:01 -07:00

86 lines
1.7 KiB

#!perl -w
=head1 NAME
This plugin randomly disconnects and issues DENYSOFTs.
=head1 CONFIG
one parameter is allowed, which is how often to error, as a percentage
of messages. The default is 1. Use a negative number to disable.
2/5 of failures are DENYSOFT_DISOCNNECT, 3/5 simply DENYSOFT.
For use with other plugins, scribble the revised failure rate to
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, @args) = @_;
die "Invalid args: '@args'" unless @args < 2;
($self->{__PACKAGE__.'_how'}) = $args[0] || 1;
sub random_fail {
my $fpct = $_[0]->qp->connection->notes('random_fail_%');
=head1 calculating the probability of failure
There are six tests a message must pass to reach the queueing stage, and we wish to
provide random failure for each one, with the combined probability being out
configuration argument. So we want to solve this equation:
(1-x) ** 6 = ( 1 - input_number )
x = 1 - ( (1 - input_number ) ** (1/6) )
my $successp = 1 - ($fpct / 100);
$_[0]->log(LOGINFO, "to fail, rand(1) must be more than ". ($successp ** (1 / 6)) );
rand(1) < ($successp ** (1 / 6)) and return NEXT;
rand(5) < 2 and return (DENYSOFT_DISCONNECT, "random failure");
return (DENYSOFT, "random failure");
sub hook_connect {
$_[0]->qp->connection->notes('random_fail_%', $_[0]->{__PACKAGE__.'_how'});
goto &random_fail
sub hook_helo {
goto &random_fail
sub hook_ehlo {
goto &random_fail
sub hook_mail {
goto &random_fail
sub hook_rcpt {
goto &random_fail
sub hook_data {
goto &random_fail
sub hook_data_post {
goto &random_fail