John Peacock c840a1d04f Changes by jpeacock@cpan.org (John Peacock)
o plugins/check_badmailfromto
    - New plugin in the style of check_badmailfrom, which matches a pair
      of FROM/TO and makes it seem like the recipient's address no longer
      exists (but only from the matching sender's point of view).  Useful
      for stalkers and other harassment cases.

o plugins/dns_whitelist_soft
    - New plugin to provide a DNS-based whitelist (good for distributed

o various files
    - Replaced tab character with 8 spaces and adjusted line breaks for
      better readability.

Changes by mct@toren.net (Michael C. Toren)

o lib/Qpsmtpd/SMTP.pm

    - Assumes a MAIL FROM value of "<#@[]>" (utilized by qmail to
      indicate a null sender when generating a doublebounce message)
      is equivalent to "<>".  Previously qpsmtpd complained that the
      value could not be parsed.

    - Adds LOGIN to the default list of supported auth mechanisms.
      The documentation in Auth.pm indicated that auth-login was not
      currently supported due to lack of functionality, however I can
      confirm that LOGIN appears to work fine as tested by using msmtp
      (http://msmtp.sourceforge.net/).  Are there any indications that
      LOGIN support is actually broken in the current implementation?

    - Removes the "X-Qpsmtpd-Auth: True" header appended when a message
      has been sent by an authenticated user.  One problem with such a
      header is that it's impossible to say which SMTP hop added it,
      and it provides no information which could be used to backtrack
      the transaction.  I grepped through my mail archives a bit
      looking for how other MTAs handled the problem, and decided it
      would be best to place this information in the Received: header:

        Received: from remotehost (HELO remotehost) (
          (smtp-auth username foo, mechanism cram-md5)
          by mail.netisland.net (qpsmtpd/0.28) with ESMTP; <date>

o lib/Qpsmtpd/Auth.pm:

    - Documentation update for the arguments passed to an auth
      handler; previously the $mechanism argument was not mentioned,
      which threw off the argument offsets.

    - Documentation update for auth-login removing the warning
      that auth-login is not currently supported due to lack of

    - Fix to execute a generic auth hook when a more specific
      auth-$mechanism hook does not exist.  (Previously posted
      to the list last week.)

    - Upon authentication, sets $session->{_auth_user} and
      $session->{_auth_mechanism} so that SMTP.pm can include them
      in the Received: header.

o plugins/queue/qmail-queue

    - Added a timestamp and the qmail-queue qp identifier to the
      "Queued!" 250 message, for compatibility with qmail-smtpd, which
      can be very useful for tracking message delivery from machine to
      machine.  For example, the new 250 message might be:

        250 Queued! 1105927468 qp 3210 <1105927457@netisland.net>

      qmail-smtpd returns:

        250 ok 1106546213 qp 7129

      Additionally, for consistency angle brackets are placed around
      the Message-ID displayed in the 250 if they were missing in the
      message header.

o plugins/check_badmailfrom:

    - Changed the error message from "Mail from $bad not accepted
      here" to "sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom
      list", for compatibility with qmail-smtpd.  I didn't see any
      reason to share with the sender the value of $bad, especially
      for situations where the sender was rejected resulting from a

o plugins/check_earlytalker:
o plugins/require_resolvable_fromhost:

    - No longer checks for earlytalkers or resolvable senders if the
      connection note "whitelistclient" is set, which is nice for
      helping backup MX hosts empty their queue faster.

o plugins/count_unrecognized_commands:

    - Return code changed from DENY_DISCONNECT, which isn't valid in
      an unrecognized_command hook, to DENY, which in this context
      drops the connection anyway.  (Previously posted to the list
      last week.)

git-svn-id: https://svn.perl.org/qpsmtpd/trunk@356 958fd67b-6ff1-0310-b445-bb7760255be9
2005-01-28 03:30:50 +00:00

168 lines
4.5 KiB

=head1 NAME
dns_whitelist_soft - dns-based whitelist override for other qpsmtpd plugins
The dns_whitelist_soft plugin allows selected host to be whitelisted as
exceptions to later plugin processing. It is strongly based on the original
dnsbl plugin as well as Gavin Carr's original whitelist_soft plugin. It is
most suitable for multisite installations, so that the whitelist is stored
in one location and available from all.
To enable the plugin, add it to the ~qpsmtpd/config/plugins file as usual.
It should precede any plugins whose rejections you wish to override. You may
have to alter those plugins to check the appropriate notes field.
Several configuration files are supported, corresponding to different
parts of the SMTP conversation:
=over 4
=item whitelist_zones
Any IP address listed in the whitelist_zones file is queried using
the connecting MTA's IP address. Any A or TXT answer is means that the
remote HOST address can be selectively exempted at other stages by plugins
testing for a 'whitelisthost' connection note.
NOTE: other 'connect' hooks will continue to fire (e.g. dnsbl), since the DNS
queries happen in the background. This plugin's 'rcpt_handler' retrieves
the results of the query and sets the connection note if found.
=head1 AUTHOR
John Peacock <jpeacock@rowman.com>
Based on the 'whitelist_soft' plugin by Gavin Carr <gavin@openfusion.com.au>,
based on the 'whitelist' plugin by Devin Carraway <qpsmtpd@devin.com>.
sub register {
my ($self, $qp) = @_;
$self->register_hook("connect", "connect_handler");
$self->register_hook("rcpt", "rcpt_handler");
sub connect_handler {
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
my $remote_ip = $self->qp->connection->remote_ip;
my %whitelist_zones = map { (split /\s+/, $_, 2)[0,1] }
return DECLINED unless %whitelist_zones;
my $reversed_ip = join(".", reverse(split(/\./, $remote_ip)));
# we queue these lookups in the background and just fetch the
# results in the first rcpt handler
my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver;
my $sel = IO::Select->new();
for my $dnsbl (keys %whitelist_zones) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "Checking $reversed_ip.$dnsbl in the background");
$sel->add($res->bgsend("$reversed_ip.$dnsbl", "TXT"));
$self->qp->connection->notes('whitelist_sockets', $sel);
return DECLINED;
sub process_sockets {
my ($self) = @_;
my $conn = $self->qp->connection;
return $conn->notes('whitelisthost')
if $conn->notes('whitelisthost');
my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver;
my $sel = $conn->notes('whitelist_sockets') or return "";
my $result;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "waiting for whitelist dns");
# don't wait more than 4 seconds here
my @ready = $sel->can_read(4);
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "DONE waiting for whitelist dns, got ",
scalar @ready, " answers ...") ;
return '' unless @ready;
for my $socket (@ready) {
my $query = $res->bgread($socket);
undef $socket;
my $whitelist;
if ($query) {
my $a_record = 0;
foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
$a_record = 1 if $rr->type eq "A";
my $name = $rr->name;
($whitelist) = ($name =~ m/(?:\d+\.){4}(.*)/) unless $whitelist;
$whitelist = $name unless $whitelist;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "name ", $rr->name);
next unless $rr->type eq "TXT";
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "got txt record");
$result = $rr->txtdata and last;
$a_record and $result = "Blocked by $whitelist";
else {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "$whitelist query failed: ", $res->errorstring)
unless $res->errorstring eq "NXDOMAIN";
if ($result) {
#kill any other pending I/O
$conn->notes('whitelist_sockets', undef);
return $conn->notes('whitelisthost', $result);
if ($sel->count) {
# loop around if we have dns blacklists left to see results from
return $self->process_sockets();
# er, the following code doesn't make much sense anymore...
# if there was more to read; then forget it
$conn->notes('whitelist_sockets', undef);
return $conn->notes('whitelisthost', $result);
sub rcpt_handler {
my ($self, $transaction, $rcpt) = @_;
my $ip = $self->qp->connection->remote_ip || return (DECLINED);
my $note = $self->process_sockets;
if ( $note ) {
$self->log(LOGNOTICE,"Host $ip is whitelisted: $note");
return DECLINED;
sub disconnect_handler {
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
$self->qp->connection->notes('whitelist_sockets', undef);
return DECLINED;