replace with done_testing(), which provides the same "make sure to kvetch if tests fail to run" without requiring humans to do the bookkeeping.
121 lines
2.7 KiB
121 lines
2.7 KiB
package Test::Qpsmtpd;
use strict;
use Carp qw(croak);
use Test::More;
use lib 't';
use lib 'lib';
use parent 'Qpsmtpd::SMTP';
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
use Test::Qpsmtpd::Plugin;
sub new_conn {
ok(my $smtpd = __PACKAGE__->new(), "new");
my $conn =
remote_host => 'localhost',
remote_ip => ''
is(($smtpd->response)[0], "220", "greetings");
($smtpd, $conn);
sub start_connection {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $remote_host = $args{remote_host} or croak "no remote_host parameter";
my $remote_info = "test\@$remote_host";
my $remote_ip = $args{remote_ip} or croak "no remote_ip parameter";
my $conn =
remote_info => $remote_info,
remote_ip => $remote_ip,
remote_host => $remote_host,
my $rc = $self->start_conversation;
return if $rc != DONE;
sub respond {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_response} = [@_];
sub response {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_response} ? (@{delete $self->{_response}}) : ();
sub command {
my ($self, $command) = @_;
sub input {
my ($self, $command) = @_;
my $timeout = $self->config('timeout');
alarm $timeout;
$command =~ s/\r?\n$//s; # advanced chomp
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "dispatching $command");
if (!defined $self->dispatch(split / +/, $command, 2)) {
$self->respond(502, "command unrecognized: '$command'");
alarm $timeout;
sub config_dir {
return './t/config' if $ENV{QPSMTPD_DEVELOPER};
return './config.sample';
sub plugin_dirs {
('./plugins', './plugins/ident', './plugins/async');
sub log {
my ($self, $trace, $hook, $plugin, @log) = @_;
my $level = Qpsmtpd::TRACE_LEVEL() || 5;
$level = $self->init_logger if !defined $level;
print("# " . join(' ', $$, @log) . "\n") if $trace <= $level;
sub varlog {
# sub run
# sub disconnect
sub run_plugin_tests {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_test_mode} = 1;
my @plugins = $self->load_plugins();
require Test::Builder;
my $Test = Test::Builder->new();
foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {