refactored into small subs with unit tests. parse SA header with split instead of regexp (more reliable) store SA results in a 'spamassassin' transaction note add strict and warnings pragma renamed reject_threshold -> reject (backwards compatible) added relayclient skip option and POD. Skips SA processing when relayclient is set added MULTIPLE RECIPIENT BEHAVIOR topic to POD
203 lines
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203 lines
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#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mail::Header;
use Qpsmtpd::Address;
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
my @sample_headers = (
'No, score=-5.4 required=4.0 autolearn=ham',
'No, score=-8.2 required=4.0 autolearn=ham',
'No, score=-102.3 required=4.0 autolearn=disabled',
'No, score=-0.1 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00,FREEMAIL_FROM,HTML_MESSAGE,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE,RDNS_NONE autolearn=no version=3.3.2',
'No, score=4.4 required=5.0 autolearn=no',
'Yes, score=14.3 required=5.0 autolearn=no',
'Yes, score=18.3 required=5.0 autolearn=spam',
'Yes, score=26.6 required=4.0 autolearn=unavailable',
'No, score=-1.7 required=4.0 autolearn=unavailable version=3.3.2',
'No, hits=-1.0 required=4.0 autolearn=unavailable version=3.3.2',
sub register_tests {
my $self = shift;
$self->register_test('test_connect_to_spamd', 4);
$self->register_test('test_parse_spam_header', 10);
$self->register_test('test_get_spam_results', 19);
$self->register_test('test_check_spam_munge_subject', 4);
$self->register_test('test_check_spam_reject', 2);
sub test_connect_to_spamd {
my $self = shift;
my $transaction = $self->qp->transaction;
$transaction->add_recipient( Qpsmtpd::Address->new( '<>' ) );
my $username = $self->select_spamd_username( $transaction );
my $message = $self->test_message();
my $length = length $message;
# Try a unix socket
$self->{_args}{spamd_socket} = '/var/run/spamd/spamd.socket';
my $SPAMD = $self->connect_to_spamd();
if ( $SPAMD ) {
ok( $SPAMD, "connect_to_spamd, socket");
$self->print_to_spamd( $SPAMD, $message, $length, $username );
shutdown($SPAMD, 1); # close our side of the socket (tell spamd we're done)
my $headers = $self->parse_spamd_response( $SPAMD );
#warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($headers);
ok( $headers, "connect_to_spamd, socket response\n");
else {
ok( 1 == 1, "connect_to_spamd, socket connect FAILED");
ok( 1 == 1, "connect_to_spamd, socket response FAILED");
# Try a TCP/IP connection
$self->{_args}{spamd_socket} = '';
$SPAMD = $self->connect_to_spamd();
if ( $SPAMD ) {
ok( $SPAMD, "connect_to_spamd, tcp/ip");
#warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($SPAMD);
$self->print_to_spamd( $SPAMD, $message, $length, $username );
shutdown($SPAMD, 1); # close our side of the socket (tell spamd we're done)
my $headers = $self->parse_spamd_response( $SPAMD );
#warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($headers);
ok( $headers, "connect_to_spamd, tcp/ip response\n");
else {
ok( 1 == 1, "connect_to_spamd, tcp/ip connect FAILED");
ok( 1 == 1, "connect_to_spamd, tcp/ip response FAILED");
sub test_check_spam_reject {
my $self = shift;
my $transaction = $self->qp->transaction;
# message scored a 10, should pass
$self->{_args}{reject} = 12;
$transaction->notes('spamassassin', { score => 10 } );
my $r = $self->check_spam_reject($transaction);
cmp_ok( DECLINED, '==', $r, "check_spam_reject, $r");
# message scored a 15, should fail
$self->{_args}{reject} = 12;
$transaction->notes('spamassassin', { score => 15 } );
($r) = $self->check_spam_reject($transaction);
cmp_ok( DENY, '==', $r, "check_spam_reject, $r");
sub test_check_spam_munge_subject {
my $self = shift;
my $transaction = $self->qp->transaction;
my $subject = 'DSPAM smells better than SpamAssassin';
$self->{_args}{munge_subject_threshold} = 5;
$transaction->notes('spamassassin', { score => 6 } );
$transaction->header->add('Subject', $subject);
my $r = $transaction->header->get('Subject'); chomp $r;
cmp_ok($r, 'eq', "*** SPAM *** $subject", "check_spam_munge_subject +");
$transaction->header->delete('Subject'); # cleanup
$self->{_args}{munge_subject_threshold} = 5;
$transaction->notes('spamassassin', { score => 3 } );
$transaction->header->add('Subject', $subject);
$r = $transaction->header->get('Subject'); chomp $r;
cmp_ok($r, 'eq', $subject, "check_spam_munge_subject -");
$transaction->header->delete('Subject'); # cleanup
$transaction->notes('spamassassin', { score => 3, required => 4 } );
$transaction->header->add('Subject', $subject);
$r = $transaction->header->get('Subject'); chomp $r;
cmp_ok($r, 'eq', $subject, "check_spam_munge_subject -");
$transaction->header->delete('Subject'); # cleanup
$transaction->notes('spamassassin', { score => 5, required => 4 } );
$transaction->header->add('Subject', $subject);
$r = $transaction->header->get('Subject'); chomp $r;
cmp_ok($r, 'eq', "*** SPAM *** $subject", "check_spam_munge_subject +");
sub test_get_spam_results {
my $self = shift;
my $transaction = $self->qp->transaction;
foreach my $h ( @sample_headers ) {
$transaction->notes('spamassassin', undef); # empty cache
$transaction->header->delete('X-Spam-Status'); # delete previous header
$transaction->header->add('X-Spam-Status', $h);
my $r_ref = $self->get_spam_results($transaction);
if ( $h =~ /hits=/ ) {
$r_ref->{hits} = delete $r_ref->{score}; # SA v2 compat
my $r2 = _reassemble_header($r_ref);
cmp_ok( $h, 'eq', $r2, "get_spam_results ($h)" );
# this time it should be cached
$r_ref = $self->get_spam_results($transaction);
next if $h =~ /hits=/; # caching is broken for SA v2 headers
$r2 = _reassemble_header($r_ref);
cmp_ok( $h, 'eq', $r2, "get_spam_results ($h)" );
sub test_parse_spam_header {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $h ( @sample_headers ) {
my $r_ref = $self->parse_spam_header($h);
if ( $h =~ /hits=/ ) {
$r_ref->{hits} = delete $r_ref->{score}; # SA v2 compat
my $r2 = _reassemble_header($r_ref);
cmp_ok( $h, 'eq', $r2, "parse_spam_header ($h)" );
sub setup_headers {
my $self = shift;
my $transaction = $self->qp->transaction;
my $header = Mail::Header->new(Modify => 0, MailFrom => "COERCE");
$transaction->header( $header );
sub test_message {
return <<'EO_MESSAGE'
To: Fictitious User <>
From: No Such <>
Subject: jose can you see, by the dawns early light?
What so proudly we.
sub _reassemble_header {
my $info_ref = shift;
my $string = $info_ref->{'is_spam'};
$string .= ",";
foreach ( qw/ hits score required tests autolearn version / ) {
next if ! defined $info_ref->{$_};
$string .= " $_=$info_ref->{$_}";
return $string;