Create a single Qpsmtpd::TcpServer object in the parent process and then rely on fork to let each child have it's own copy * lib/Qpsmtpd/ Add new pre-connection and post-connection hooks * README.plugins Document the above new hooks * lib/ No longer have local value for trace_level() the first time through, which was masking the global value (due to stupid search/replace error). Don't call log() from trace_level() since it is only ever called from within the varlog() sub when no logging plugin is registered. * plugins/dnsbl Config line option to use DENY_DISCONNECT instead of DENY (since any IP on a blacklist should not have a chance to send anything for now). Add POD to document the new disconnect behavior * lib/ Compatibility changes so test files continue to work * t/Test/ Compatibility sub for core subs which call varlog() directly git-svn-id: 958fd67b-6ff1-0310-b445-bb7760255be9
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145 lines
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package Qpsmtpd::Plugin;
use strict;
our %hooks = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
config queue data data_post quit rcpt mail ehlo helo
auth auth-plain auth-login auth-cram-md5
connect reset_transaction unrecognized_command disconnect
deny logging ok pre-connection post-connection
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
bless ({}, $class);
sub register_hook {
my ($plugin, $hook, $method, $unshift) = @_;
die $plugin->plugin_name . " : Invalid hook: $hook" unless $hooks{$hook};
# I can't quite decide if it's better to parse this code ref or if
# we should pass the plugin object and method name ... hmn.
$plugin->qp->_register_hook($hook, { code => sub { local $plugin->{_qp} = shift; local $plugin->{_hook} = $hook; $plugin->$method(@_) },
name => $plugin->plugin_name,
sub _register {
my $self = shift;
my $qp = shift;
local $self->{_qp} = $qp;
$self->register($qp, @_);
sub qp {
sub log {
my $self = shift;
$self->qp->varlog(shift, $self->hook_name, $self->plugin_name, @_)
unless defined $self->hook_name and $self->hook_name eq 'logging';
sub transaction {
# not sure if this will work in a non-forking or a threaded daemon
sub connection {
sub spool_dir {
sub temp_file {
my $self = shift;
my $tempfile = $self->qp->temp_file;
push @{$self->qp->transaction->{_temp_files}}, $tempfile;
return $tempfile;
sub temp_dir {
my $self = shift;
my $tempdir = $self->qp->temp_dir();
push @{$self->qp->transaction->{_temp_dirs}}, $tempdir;
return $tempdir;
# plugin inheritance:
# usage:
# sub register {
# my $self = shift;
# $self->isa_plugin("rhsbl");
# $self->SUPER::register(@_);
# }
sub isa_plugin {
my ($self, $parent) = @_;
my ($currentPackage) = caller;
my $newPackage = $currentPackage."::_isa_";
return if defined &{"${newPackage}::register"};
Qpsmtpd::_compile($self->plugin_name . "_isa",
"plugins/$parent"); # assumes Cwd is qpsmtpd root
no strict 'refs';
push @{"${currentPackage}::ISA"}, $newPackage;
sub compile {
my ($class, $plugin, $package, $file, $test_mode) = @_;
my $sub;
open F, $file or die "could not open $file: $!";
local $/ = undef;
$sub = <F>;
close F;
my $line = "\n#line 0 $file\n";
if ($test_mode) {
if (open(F, "t/plugin_tests/$plugin")) {
local $/ = undef;
$sub .= "#line 1 t/plugin_tests/$plugin\n";
$sub .= <F>;
close F;
my $eval = join(
"package $package;",
'use Qpsmtpd::Constants;',
"require Qpsmtpd::Plugin;",
'use vars qw(@ISA);',
'use strict;',
'@ISA = qw(Qpsmtpd::Plugin);',
($test_mode ? 'use Test::More;' : ''),
"sub plugin_name { qq[$plugin] }",
"sub hook_name { return shift->{_hook}; }",
"\n", # last line comment without newline?
#warn "eval: $eval";
$eval =~ m/(.*)/s;
$eval = $1;
eval $eval;
die "eval $@" if $@;