find . -type f | xargs -n1 perl -pi.bak -0777 -e '$want = "#!perl -Tw"; s/\A#!.*\n/$want\n/; s/\A([^#])/$want\n\1/s'
160 lines
4.2 KiB
160 lines
4.2 KiB
#!perl -Tw
# H+B EDV-AV plugin.
=head1 NAME
hbedv - plugin for qpsmtpd which calls the H+BEDV anti virus scanner
The B<hbedv> plugin checks a mail for viruses with the H+BEDV anti virus
scanner (see L<> for info). It can deny mails if a
virus was found with a configurable deny list.
=head1 VERSION
this is B<hbedv> version 1.1
Add (perl-)regexps to the F<hbedv_deny> configuration file, one per line for the
virii you want to block, e.g.:
or just
to block any virus ;)
Set the location of the binary with
hbedv hbedvscanner /path/to/antivir
in the plugin config if qpsmtpd, the location defaults to I</usr/bin/antivir>.
=head1 NOTES
If the hbedv_deny config file is empty or could not be found, any virus
will be blocked.
This plugin started life as a copy of the B<clamav> plugin.
=head1 LICENCE
Written by Hanno Hecker E<lt>hah@uu-x.deE<gt>.
The B<hbedv> plugin is published under the same licence as qpsmtpd itself.
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, @args) = @_;
if (@args % 2) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "FATAL ERROR: odd number of arguments");
exit 3;
my %args = @args;
if (!exists $args{hbedvscanner}) {
$self->{_hbedvscan_loc} = "/usr/bin/antivir";
} else {
if ($args{hbedvscanner} =~ /^(\/[\/\-\_\.a-z0-9A-Z]*)$/) {
$self->{_hbedvscan_loc} = $1;
} else {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "FATAL ERROR: Unexpected characters in hbedvscanner argument");
exit 3;
sub hook_data_post {
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
my $filename = $transaction->body_filename;
unless (defined $filename) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "didn't get a file name");
return (DECLINED);
# Now do the actual scanning!
my $cmd = $self->{_hbedvscan_loc}." --archive-max-recursion=50 --alltypes -z -noboot -nombr -rs $filename 2>&1";
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "Running: $cmd");
my @output = `$cmd`;
my $result = ($? >> 8);
my $signal = ($? & 127);
my @virii = ();
foreach my $line (@output) {
next unless $line =~ /^ALERT: \[([^\]]+)\s+(\w+)?\]/; # $2 =~ /^(virus|worm)$/;
push @virii, $1;
@virii = unique(@virii);
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "results: ".join("//",@output));
if ($signal) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "scanner exited with signal: $signal");
return (DECLINED);
my $output = join(", ", @virii);
$output = substr($output, 0, 60);
if ($result == 1 || $result == 3) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "Virus(es) found: $output");
# return (DENY, "Virus Found: $output");
# $transaction->header->add('X-Virus-Found', 'Yes', 0);
# $transaction->header->add('X-Virus-Details', $output, 0);
$transaction->header->add('X-H+BEDV-Virus-Found', 'Yes', 0);
$transaction->header->add('X-H+BEDV-Virus-Details', $output, 0);
elsif ($result == 200) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "Program aborted, not enough memory available");
elsif ($result == 211) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "Programm aborted, because the self check failed");
elsif ($result == 214) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "License key not found");
elsif ($result) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "Error: $result, look for exit codes in the output of '"
.$self->{_hbedvscan_loc}." --help' for more info\n");
# $transaction->header->add('X-Virus-Checked', 'Checked', 0);
$transaction->header->add('X-H+BEDV-Virus-Checked', 'Checked', 0);
return (DECLINED) unless $result;
if (@virii) {
return(DENY, "Virus found: $output")
unless $self->qp->config("hbedv_deny");
foreach my $d ($self->qp->config("hbedv_deny")) {
foreach my $v (@virii) {
if ($v =~ /^$d$/i) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "Denying mail with virus '$v'");
return(DENY, "Virus found: $output");
return (DECLINED);
sub unique {
## This is the short version, I haven't tried if any warnings
## are generated by perl if you use just this... if you need
## every cpu cycle, try this:
## my %h;foreach (@_) { ++$h{$_}; }; return keys(%h);
my @list = @_;
my %hash;
foreach my $item (@list) {
exists $hash{$item} || ($hash{$item} = 1);
return keys(%hash)