Matt Sergeant 79ecf24218 Fix for tls enabling auth - this is kind of hacky, and I'd prefer to fix
this nastiness in the auth support instead. But this works for now.

git-svn-id: 958fd67b-6ff1-0310-b445-bb7760255be9
2005-08-15 17:58:41 +00:00

162 lines
4.7 KiB

#!perl -w
=head1 NAME
tls - plugin to support STARTTLS
# in config/plugins
tls ssl/cert.pem ssl/privkey.pem
This plugin implements basic TLS support.
If TLS is successfully negotiated then the C<tls_enabled> field in the
Connection notes is set. If you wish to make TLS mandatory you should check
that field and take appropriate action. Note that you can only do that from
MAIL FROM onwards.
use IO::Socket::SSL; # qw(debug1 debug2 debug3 debug4);
sub init {
my ($self, $qp, $cert, $key) = @_;
$cert ||= 'ssl/cert.pem';
$key ||= 'ssl/privkey.pem';
local $^W; # this bit is very noisy...
my $ssl_ctx = IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_Context->new(
SSL_use_cert => 1,
SSL_cert_file => $self->tls_cert,
SSL_key_file => $self->tls_key,
SSL_cipher_list => 'HIGH',
SSL_server => 1
) or die "Could not create SSL context: $!";
# Check for possible AUTH mechanisms
HOOK: foreach my $hook ( keys %{$qp->{hooks}} ) {
if ( $hook =~ m/^auth-?(.+)?$/ ) {
if ( defined $1 ) {
my $hooksub = "hook_$hook";
$hooksub =~ s/\W/_/g;
*$hooksub = \&bad_ssl_hook;
else { # at least one polymorphous auth provider
*hook_auth = \&bad_ssl_hook;
sub hook_ehlo {
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
return DECLINED unless $self->can_do_tls;
return DECLINED if $self->connection->notes('tls_enabled');
return DENY, "Command refused due to lack of security" if $transaction->notes('ssl_failed');
my $cap = $transaction->notes('capabilities');
push @$cap, 'STARTTLS';
$transaction->notes('tls_enabled', 1);
return DECLINED;
sub hook_unrecognized_command {
my ($self, $transaction, $cmd, @args) = @_;
return DECLINED unless $cmd eq 'starttls';
return DECLINED unless $transaction->notes('tls_enabled');
return DENY, "Syntax error (no parameters allowed)" if @args;
# OK, now we setup TLS
$self->qp->respond (220, "Go ahead with TLS");
eval {
my $tlssocket;
if ($self->qp->isa('Danga::Socket')) {
# high_perf
$tlssocket = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($self->qp->sock,
SSL_use_cert => 1,
SSL_cert_file => $self->tls_cert,
SSL_key_file => $self->tls_key,
SSL_cipher_list => 'HIGH',
SSL_server => 1,
SSL_reuse_ctx => $self->ssl_context,
) or die "Could not convert SSL socket: $!";
else {
$tlssocket = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd(
fileno(STDIN), '+>',
SSL_use_cert => 1,
SSL_cert_file => $self->tls_cert,
SSL_key_file => $self->tls_key,
SSL_cipher_list => 'HIGH',
SSL_server => 1,
SSL_reuse_ctx => $self->ssl_context,
) or die "Could not create SSL socket: $!";
my $conn = $self->connection;
# Create a new connection object with subset of information collected thus far
my $newconn = Qpsmtpd::Connection->new();
for (qw(local_ip local_port remote_ip remote_port remote_host remote_info relay_client)) {
if ($self->qp->isa('Danga::Socket')) {
$self->connection->notes('tls_socket', $tlssocket);
else {
*STDIN = *STDOUT = $self->connection->notes('tls_socket', $tlssocket);
$self->connection->notes('tls_enabled', 1);
if ($@) {
# SSL setup failed. Now we must respond to every command with 5XX
warn("TLS failed: $@\n");
$transaction->notes('ssl_failed', 1);
return DENY, "TLS Negotiation Failed";
warn("TLS setup returning\n");
return DONE;
sub can_do_tls {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->tls_cert && -r $self->tls_cert;
sub tls_cert {
my $self = shift;
@_ and $self->{_tls_cert} = shift;
sub tls_key {
my $self = shift;
@_ and $self->{_tls_key} = shift;
sub ssl_context {
my $self = shift;
@_ and $self->{_ssl_ctx} = shift;
# Fulfill RFC 2487 secn 5.1
sub bad_ssl_hook {
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
return DENY, "Command refused due to lack of security" if $transaction->notes('ssl_failed');
return DECLINED;
*hook_helo = *hook_data = *hook_rcpt = *hook_mail = \&bad_ssl_hook;