387 lines
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387 lines
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package Qpsmtpd::SMTP;
use Qpsmtpd;
@ISA = qw(Qpsmtpd);
package Qpsmtpd::SMTP;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Qpsmtpd::Connection;
use Qpsmtpd::Transaction;
use Qpsmtpd::Plugin;
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
use Mail::Address ();
use Mail::Header ();
use IPC::Open2;
use Data::Dumper;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Net::DNS;
# $SIG{ALRM} = sub { respond(421, "Game over pal, game over. You got a
# timeout; I just can't wait that long..."); exit };
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my %args = @_;
my $self = bless ({ args => \%args }, $class);
my (@commands) = qw(ehlo helo rset mail rcpt data help vrfy noop quit);
my (%commands); @commands{@commands} = ('') x @commands;
# this list of valid commands should probably be a method or a set of methods
$self->{_commands} = \%commands;
sub dispatch {
my $self = shift;
my ($cmd) = lc shift;
#$self->respond(553, $state{dnsbl_blocked}), return 1
# if $state{dnsbl_blocked} and ($cmd eq "rcpt");
$self->respond(500, "Unrecognized command"), return 1
if ($cmd !~ /^(\w{1,12})$/ or !exists $self->{_commands}->{$1});
$cmd = $1;
if (1 or $self->{_commands}->{$cmd} and $self->can($cmd)) {
my ($result) = eval { $self->$cmd(@_) };
$self->log(0, "XX: $@") if $@;
return $result if defined $result;
return $self->fault("command '$cmd' failed unexpectedly");
sub fault {
my $self = shift;
my ($msg) = shift || "program fault - command not performed";
print STDERR "$0[$$]: $msg ($!)\n";
return $self->respond(451, "Internal error - try again later - " . $msg);
sub start_conversation {
my $self = shift;
# this should maybe be called something else than "connect", see
# lib/Qpsmtpd/TcpServer.pm for more confusion.
my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("connect");
if ($rc != DONE) {
$self->respond(220, $self->config('me') ." ESMTP qpsmtpd "
. $self->version ." ready; send us your mail, but not your spam.");
sub transaction {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_transaction} || $self->reset_transaction();
sub reset_transaction {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_transaction} = Qpsmtpd::Transaction->new();
sub connection {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_connection} || ($self->{_connection} = Qpsmtpd::Connection->new());
sub helo {
my ($self, $hello_host, @stuff) = @_;
my $conn = $self->connection;
return $self->respond (503, "but you already said HELO ...") if $conn->hello;
$self->respond(250, $self->config('me') ." Hi " . $conn->remote_info . " [" . $conn->remote_ip ."]; I am so happy to meet you.");
sub ehlo {
my ($self, $hello_host, @stuff) = @_;
my $conn = $self->connection;
return $self->respond (503, "but you already said HELO ...") if $conn->hello;
$self->config("me") . " Hi " . $conn->remote_info . " [" . $conn->remote_ip ."]",
($self->config('databytes') ? "SIZE ". ($self->config('databytes'))[0] : ()),
sub mail {
my $self = shift;
return $self->respond(501, "syntax error in parameters") if !$_[0] or $_[0] !~ m/^from:/i;
# -> from RFC2821
# The MAIL command (or the obsolete SEND, SOML, or SAML commands)
# begins a mail transaction. Once started, a mail transaction
# consists of a transaction beginning command, one or more RCPT
# commands, and a DATA command, in that order. A mail transaction
# may be aborted by the RSET (or a new EHLO) command. There may be
# zero or more transactions in a session. MAIL (or SEND, SOML, or
# SAML) MUST NOT be sent if a mail transaction is already open,
# i.e., it should be sent only if no mail transaction had been
# started in the session, or it the previous one successfully
# concluded with a successful DATA command, or if the previous one
# was aborted with a RSET.
# sendmail (8.11) rejects a second MAIL command.
# qmail-smtpd (1.03) accepts it and just starts a new transaction.
# Since we are a qmail-smtpd thing we will do the same.
unless ($self->connection->hello) {
return $self->respond(503, "please say hello first ...");
else {
my $from_parameter = join " ", @_;
$self->log(2, "full from_parameter: $from_parameter");
my ($from) = ($from_parameter =~ m/^from:\s*(\S+)/i)[0];
warn "$$ from email address : [$from]\n";
if ($from eq "<>" or $from =~ m/\[undefined\]/) {
$from = Mail::Address->new("<>");
else {
$from = (Mail::Address->parse($from))[0];
return $self->respond(501, "could not parse your mail from command") unless $from;
my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("mail", $from);
if ($rc == DONE) {
return 1;
elsif ($rc == DENY) {
$msg ||= $from->format . ', denied';
$self->log(2, "deny mail from " . $from->format . " ($msg)");
$self->respond(550, $msg);
elsif ($rc == DENYSOFT) {
$msg ||= $from->format . ', temporarily denied';
$self->log(2, "denysoft mail from " . $from->format . " ($msg)");
$self->respond(450, $msg);
else { # includes OK
$self->log(2, "getting mail from ".$from->format);
$self->respond(250, $from->format . ", sender OK - how exciting to get mail from you!");
sub rcpt {
my $self = shift;
return $self->respond(501, "syntax error in parameters") unless $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^to:/i;
return $self->respond(503, "Use MAIL before RCPT") unless $self->transaction->sender;
my ($rcpt) = ($_[0] =~ m/to:(.*)/i)[0];
$rcpt = $_[1] unless $rcpt;
$rcpt = (Mail::Address->parse($rcpt))[0];
return $self->respond(501, "could not parse recipient") unless $rcpt;
my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("rcpt", $rcpt);
if ($rc == DONE) {
return 1;
elsif ($rc == DENY) {
$msg ||= 'relaying denied';
$self->respond(550, $msg);
elsif ($rc == DENYSOFT) {
$msg ||= 'relaying denied';
return $self->respond(550, $msg);
elsif ($rc == OK) {
$self->respond(250, $rcpt->format . ", recipient ok");
return $self->transaction->add_recipient($rcpt);
else {
return $self->respond(450, "Could not determine of relaying is allowed");
return 0;
sub help {
my $self = shift;
"This is qpsmtpd " . $self->version,
"See http://develooper.com/code/qpsmtpd/",
'To report bugs or send comments, mail to <ask@perl.org>.');
sub noop {
my $self = shift;
warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\$self], [qw(self)]);
$self->respond(250, "OK");
sub vrfy {
shift->respond(252, "Just try sending a mail and we'll see how it turns out ...");
sub rset {
my $self = shift;
$self->respond(250, "OK");
sub quit {
my $self = shift;
my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("quit");
if ($rc != DONE) {
$self->respond(221, $self->config('me') . " closing connection. Have a wonderful day.");
sub disconnect {
my $self = shift;
sub data {
my $self = shift;
$self->respond(503, "MAIL first"), return 1 unless $self->transaction->sender;
$self->respond(503, "RCPT first"), return 1 unless $self->transaction->recipients;
$self->respond(354, "go ahead");
my $buffer = '';
my $size = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $max_size = ($self->config('databytes'))[0] || 0; # this should work in scalar context
my $blocked = "";
my %matches;
my $in_header = 1;
my $complete = 0;
$self->log(6, "max_size: $max_size / size: $size");
my $header = Mail::Header->new(Modify => 0, MailFrom => "COERCE");
my $timeout = $self->config('timeout');
while (<STDIN>) {
$complete++, last if $_ eq ".\r\n";
$self->respond(451, "See http://develooper.com/code/qpsmtpd/barelf.html"), exit
if $_ eq ".\n";
# add a transaction->blocked check back here when we have line by line plugin access...
unless (($max_size and $size > $max_size)) {
if ($in_header and m/^\s*$/) {
$in_header = 0;
my @header = split /\n/, $buffer;
# ... need to check that we don't reformat any of the received lines.
# 3.8.2 Received Lines in Gatewaying
# When forwarding a message into or out of the Internet environment, a
# gateway MUST prepend a Received: line, but it MUST NOT alter in any
# way a Received: line that is already in the header.
$header->add("X-SMTPD", "qpsmtpd/".$self->version.", http://develooper.com/code/qpsmtpd/");
$buffer = "";
# FIXME - call plugins to work on just the header here; can
# save us buffering the mail content.
if ($in_header) {
$buffer .= $_;
else {
$size += length $_;
#$self->log(5, "size is at $size\n") unless ($i % 300);
alarm $timeout;
$self->log(6, "max_size: $max_size / size: $size");
$header->add("Received", "from ".$self->connection->remote_info
." (HELO ".$self->connection->hello_host . ") (".$self->connection->remote_ip
. ") by ".$self->config('me')." (qpsmtpd/".$self->version
.") with SMTP; ". (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %TZ', gmtime)),
# if we get here without seeing a terminator, the connection is
# probably dead.
$self->respond(451, "Incomplete DATA"), return 1 unless $complete;
#$self->respond(550, $self->transaction->blocked),return 1 if ($self->transaction->blocked);
$self->respond(552, "Message too big!"),return 1 if $max_size and $size > $max_size;
my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("data_post");
if ($rc == DONE) {
return 1;
elsif ($rc == DENY) {
$self->respond(552, $msg || "Message denied");
elsif ($rc == DENYSOFT) {
$self->respond(452, $msg || "Message denied temporarily");
else {
# DATA is always the end of a "transaction"
return $self->reset_transaction;
sub queue {
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("queue");
if ($rc == DONE) {
return 1;
elsif ($rc == OK) {
$self->respond(250, ($msg || 'Queued'));
elsif ($rc == DENY) {
$self->respond(552, $msg || "Message denied");
elsif ($rc == DENYSOFT) {
$self->respond(452, $msg || "Message denied temporarily");
else {
$self->respond(451, $msg || "Queuing declined or disabled; try again later" );