#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
# Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Ask Bjoern Hansen. See the LICENSE file for details.
# The "command dispatch" system is taken from colobus - http://trainedmonkey.com/colobus/
# For more information see http://smtpd.github.io/qpsmtpd/

use lib 'lib';
use Qpsmtpd::TcpServer;
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Socket;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h :errno_h :signal_h);
use Net::DNS::Header;
use strict;
$| = 1;

my $has_ipv6 = Qpsmtpd::TcpServer::has_ipv6;

# Configuration
my $MAXCONN = 15;    # max simultaneous connections
my @PORT;            # port number(s)
my @LOCALADDR;       # ip address(es) to bind to
my $MAXCONNIP = 5;   # max simultaneous connections from one IP
my $PID_FILE  = '';
my $DETACH;          # daemonize on startup

my $USER = (getpwuid $>)[0];    # user to suid to
$USER = "smtpd" if $USER eq "root";

sub usage {
    print <<"EOT";
usage: qpsmtpd-forkserver [ options ]
 -l, --listen-address addr : listen on specific address(es); can be specified
                             multiple times for multiple bindings. IPv6 
                             addresses must be inside square brackets [], and 
                             don't need to be zero padded.
                             Default is [::] (if has_ipv6) or (if not)
 -p, --port P              : listen on a specific port; default 2525; can be
                             specified multiple times for multiple bindings.
 -c, --limit-connections N : limit concurrent connections to N; default 15
 -u, --user U              : run as a particular user (default '$USER')
 -m, --max-from-ip M       : limit connections from a single IP; default 5
     --pid-file P          : print main servers PID to file P
 -d, --detach              : detach from controlling terminal (daemonize)
 -H, --no-rdns             : don't perform reverse DNS lookups
    exit 0;

           'h|help'                => \&usage,
           'l|listen-address=s'    => \@LOCALADDR,
           'c|limit-connections=i' => \$MAXCONN,
           'm|max-from-ip=i'       => \$MAXCONNIP,
           'p|port=s'              => \@PORT,
           'u|user=s'              => \$USER,
           'pid-file=s'            => \$PID_FILE,
           'd|detach'              => \$DETACH,
           'H|no-rdns'             => \$NORDNS,
  || &usage;

# detaint the commandline
if ($has_ipv6) {
    @LOCALADDR = ('[::]') if !@LOCALADDR;
else {
    @LOCALADDR = ('') if !@LOCALADDR;
@PORT = (2525) if !@PORT;

for (0 .. $#LOCALADDR) {
    if ($LOCALADDR[$_] =~ /^(\[.*\]|[\d\w\-.]+)(?::(\d+))?$/) {
        if (defined $2) {
            push @LISTENADDR, {'addr' => $1, 'port' => $2};
        else {
            my $addr = $1;
            for (0 .. $#PORT) {
                if ($PORT[$_] =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
                    push @LISTENADDR, {'addr' => $addr, 'port' => $1};
                else {
    else {

if ($USER =~ /^([\w\-]+)$/) { $USER = $1 }
else                        { &usage }
if ($MAXCONN =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $MAXCONN = $1 }
else                       { &usage }

delete $ENV{ENV};
$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/var/qmail/bin';

my %childstatus = ();

sub REAPER {
    while (defined(my $chld = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG))) {
        last unless $chld > 0;
        ::log(LOGINFO, "cleaning up after $chld");
        delete $childstatus{$chld};

    kill 'INT' => keys %childstatus;
    if ($PID_FILE && -e $PID_FILE) {
        unlink $PID_FILE or ::log(LOGERROR, "unlink: $PID_FILE: $!");


my $select = new IO::Select;
my $server;

# establish SERVER socket(s), bind and listen.
for my $listen_addr (@LISTENADDR) {
    my @Socket_opts = (
                       LocalPort => $listen_addr->{'port'},
                       LocalAddr => $listen_addr->{'addr'},
                       Proto     => 'tcp',
                       Reuse     => 1,
                       Blocking  => 0,
                       Listen    => SOMAXCONN
    if ($has_ipv6) {
        $server = IO::Socket::INET6->new(@Socket_opts)
          or die
"Creating TCP socket $listen_addr->{'addr'}:$listen_addr->{'port'}: $!\n";
    else {
        $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(@Socket_opts)
          or die
"Creating TCP socket $listen_addr->{'addr'}:$listen_addr->{'port'}: $!\n";
    IO::Handle::blocking($server, 0);

if ($PID_FILE) {
    if ($PID_FILE =~ m#^(/[\w\d/\-.]+)$#) { $PID_FILE = $1 }
    else                                  { &usage }
    if (-e $PID_FILE) {
        open PID, "+<$PID_FILE"
          or die "open pid_file: $!\n";
        my $running_pid = <PID> || '';
        chomp $running_pid;
        if ($running_pid =~ /(\d+)/) {
            $running_pid = $1;
            if (kill 0, $running_pid) {
                die "Found an already running qpsmtpd with pid $running_pid.\n";
        seek PID, 0, 0
          or die "Could not seek back to beginning of $PID_FILE: $!\n";
        truncate PID, 0
          or die "Could not truncate $PID_FILE at 0: $!";
    else {
        open PID, ">$PID_FILE"
          or die "open pid_file: $!\n";

# Load plugins here
my $qpsmtpd = Qpsmtpd::TcpServer->new();
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $qpsmtpd->warn_handler(@_) };

# Drop privileges
my (undef, undef, $quid, $qgid) = getpwnam $USER
  or die "unable to determine uid/gid for $USER\n";
my $groups = "$qgid $qgid";
while (my ($name, $passwd, $gid, $members) = getgrent()) {
    my @m = split(/ /, $members);
    if (grep { $_ eq $USER } @m) {
        $groups .= " $gid";
$) = $groups;
  or die "unable to change gid: $!\n";
  or die "unable to change uid: $!\n";
$> = $quid;


foreach my $listen_addr (@LISTENADDR) {
          "Listening on $listen_addr->{'addr'}:$listen_addr->{'port'}");
          'Running as user '
        . (getpwuid($>) || $>)
        . ', group '
        . (getgrgid($)) || $))

if ($DETACH) {
    open STDIN,  '/dev/null'  or die "/dev/null: $!";
    open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "/dev/null: $!";
    open STDERR, '>&STDOUT'   or die "open(stderr): $!";
    defined(my $pid = fork) or die "fork: $!";
    exit 0 if $pid;
    POSIX::setsid or die "setsid: $!";

if ($PID_FILE) {
    print PID $$, "\n";
    close PID;

# Populate class cached variables

$SIG{HUP} = sub {
    $qpsmtpd = Qpsmtpd::TcpServer->new('restart' => 1);

while (1) {
    my $running = scalar keys %childstatus;
    if ($running >= $MAXCONN) {
              "Too many connections: $running >= $MAXCONN.  Waiting one second."
    my @ready = $select->can_read(1);
    next if !@ready;
    while (my $server = shift @ready) {
        my ($client, $hisaddr) = $server->accept;

        if (!$hisaddr) {

            # possible something condition...
        IO::Handle::blocking($client, 1);

        # get local/remote hostname, port and ip address
        my ($port, $iaddr, $lport, $laddr, $nto_iaddr, $nto_laddr) =
          Qpsmtpd::TcpServer::lrpip($server, $client, $hisaddr);

        my ($rc, @msg) =
                              remote_ip   => $nto_iaddr,
                              remote_port => $port,
                              local_ip    => $nto_laddr,
                              local_port  => $lport,
                              max_conn_ip => $MAXCONNIP,
                              child_addrs => [values %childstatus],
        if ($rc == DENYSOFT || $rc == DENYSOFT_DISCONNECT) {
            unless ($msg[0]) {
                @msg = ("Sorry, try again later");
            &respond_client($client, 451, @msg);
            close $client;
        elsif ($rc == DENY || $rc == DENY_DISCONNECT) {
            unless ($msg[0]) {
                @msg = ("Sorry, service not available for you");
            &respond_client($client, 550, @msg);
            close $client;

        my $pid = safe_fork();
        if ($pid) {

            # parent
            $childstatus{$pid} = $iaddr;    # add to table
                 # $childstatus{$pid} = 1;        # add to table

        # otherwise child

        close $_ for $select->handles;

        $SIG{$_} = 'DEFAULT' for keys %SIG;
        $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
            print $client "421 Connection Timed Out\n";
            ::log(LOGINFO, "Connection Timed Out");

        # set enviroment variables
          Qpsmtpd::TcpServer::tcpenv($nto_laddr, $nto_iaddr);

        # don't do this!
        #$0 = "qpsmtpd-forkserver: $ENV{TCPREMOTEIP} / $ENV{TCPREMOTEHOST}";

"Accepted connection $running/$MAXCONN from $ENV{TCPREMOTEIP} / $ENV{TCPREMOTEHOST}"

        # dup to STDIN/STDOUT
        POSIX::dup2(fileno($client), 0);
        POSIX::dup2(fileno($client), 1);

                                   local_ip    => $ENV{TCPLOCALIP},
                                   local_port  => $lport,
                                   remote_ip   => $ENV{TCPREMOTEIP},
                                   remote_port => $port,

        close $client;
        exit;    # child leaves

sub log {
    my ($level, $message) = @_;
    $qpsmtpd->log($level, $message);

sub respond_client {
    my ($client, $code, @message) = @_;
    while (my $msg = shift @message) {
        my $line = $code . (@message ? "-" : " ") . $msg;
        ::log(LOGDEBUG, $line);
        print $client "$line\r\n"
          or (::log(LOGERROR, "Could not print [$line]: $!"), return 0);
    return 1;

### routine to protect process during fork
sub safe_fork {

    ### block signal for fork
    my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT);
    POSIX::sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, $sigset)
      or die "Can't block SIGINT for fork: [$!]\n";

    ### fork off a child
    my $pid = fork;
    unless (defined $pid) {
        die "Couldn't fork: [$!]\n";

    ### make SIGINT kill us as it did before
    $SIG{INT} = 'DEFAULT';

    ### put back to normal
    POSIX::sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset)
      or die "Can't unblock SIGINT for fork: [$!]\n";

    return $pid;

