#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

check_bogus_bounce - Check that a bounce message isn't bogus


This plugin is designed to reject bogus bounce messages.

In our case a bogus bounce message is defined as a bounce message
which has more than a single recipient.


Only a single argument is recognized and is assumed to be the default
action.  Valid settings are:

=over 8

=item log

Merely log the receipt of the bogus bounce (the default behaviour).

=item deny

Deny with a hard error code.

=item denysoft

Deny with a soft error code.



=head1 AUTHOR

Steve Kemp


=begin doc

Look for our single expected argument and configure "action" appropriately.

=end doc


sub register {
    my ($self, $qp, $arg, @nop) = (@_);

    #  Default behaviour is to merely log.
    $self->{_action} = "log";

    #  Unless one was specified
    if ($arg) {
        if ($arg =~ /^(log|deny|denysoft)$/i) {
            $self->{_action} = $arg;
        else {
            die "Invalid argument '$arg' - use one of : log, deny, denysoft";

=begin doc

Handle the detection of bounces here.

If we find a match then we'll react with our expected action.

=end doc


sub hook_data_post {
    my ($self, $transaction) = (@_);

    # Find the sender, and return unless it wasn't a bounce.
    my $sender = $transaction->sender->address || undef;
    return DECLINED unless ($sender eq "<>");

    #  Get the recipients.
    my @to = $transaction->recipients || ();
    return DECLINED unless (scalar @to > 1);

    #  OK at this point we know:
    #   1.  It is a bounce, via the null-envelope.
    #   2.  It is a bogus bounce, because there are more than one recipients.
    if (lc $self->{_action} eq "log") {
                 $self->plugin_name() . " bogus bounce for :" . join(",", @to));
    elsif (lc $self->{_action} eq "deny") {
        return (DENY,
                $self->plugin_name() . " determined this to be a bogus bounce");
    elsif (lc $self->{_action} eq "denysoft") {
        return (DENYSOFT,
                $self->plugin_name() . " determined this to be a bogus bounce");
    else {
                   $self->plugin_name() . " failed to determine action.  bug?");

    #  All done; allow this to proceed
    return DECLINED;