package Qpsmtpd::Constants; use strict; require Exporter; my (@common) = qw(OK DECLINED DONE DENY DENYSOFT DENYHARD DENY_DISCONNECT DENYSOFT_DISCONNECT ); my (@loglevels) = qw(LOGDEBUG LOGINFO LOGNOTICE LOGWARN LOGERROR LOGCRIT LOGALERT LOGEMERG LOGRADAR); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = (@common, @loglevels); use constant OK => 900; use constant DENY => 901; # 550 use constant DENYSOFT => 902; # 450 use constant DENYHARD => 903; # 550 + disconnect (deprecated in 0.29) use constant DENY_DISCONNECT => 903; # 550 + disconnect use constant DENYSOFT_DISCONNECT => 904; # 450 + disconnect use constant DECLINED => 909; use constant DONE => 910; # log levels use constant LOGDEBUG => 8; use constant LOGINFO => 7; use constant LOGNOTICE => 6; use constant LOGWARN => 5; use constant LOGERROR => 4; use constant LOGCRIT => 3; use constant LOGALERT => 2; use constant LOGEMERG => 1; use constant LOGRADAR => 0; 1; =head1 NAME Qpsmtpd::Constants - Constants for plugins to use =head1 CONSTANTS See L<README.plugins> for hook specific information on applicable constants. Constants available: =over 4 =item C<OK> Return this only from the queue phase to indicate the mail was queued successfully. =item C<DENY> Returning this from a hook causes a 5xx error (hard failure) to be returned to the connecting client. =item C<DENYSOFT> Returning this from a hook causes a 4xx error (temporary failure - try again later) to be returned to the connecting client. =item C<DECLINED> Returning this from a hook implies success, but tells qpsmtpd to go on to the next plugin. =item C<DONE> Returning this from a hook implies success, but tells qpsmtpd to skip any remaining plugins for this phase. =back =cut