# -*- perl -*-


An Identification Plugin

 ./p0f -u qpsmtpd -d -q -Q /tmp/.p0f_socket 'dst port 25' -o /dev/null && \
    chown qpsmtpd /tmp/.p0f_socket

and add 

 ident/p0f /tmp/.p0f_socket 

to config/plugins

it puts things into the 'p0f' connection notes so other plugins can do
things based on source OS.


use IO::Socket;
use Net::IP;

sub register {
  my ($self, $qp, $p0f_socket) = @_;
  $self->register_hook("connect", "lookup_p0f");

  $p0f_socket =~ /(.*)/; # untaint
  $self->{_args}->{p0f_socket} = $1;

sub lookup_p0f {
  my($self, $qp) = @_;

  eval {
    my $p0f;
    $p0f = p0fq( $self->{_args}->{p0f_socket},
    $self->log(LOGNOTICE, "Results: ".$p0f->{genre}." (".$p0f->{detail}.")");
  $self->log(LOGERROR,"error: $@") if $@;

  return DECLINED;


Heavily based on p0fq.pl from the p0f districution, and is marked as:
 Copyright (C) 2004 by Aurelien Jacobs <aurel@gnuage.org>

It says:
# If you want to query p0f from a production application, just
# implement the same functionality in your code. It's perhaps 10
# lines.


my $QUERY_MAGIC = 0x0defaced;
sub p0fq {
  my ($p0f_socket,$srcip,$srcport,$destip,$destport) = @_;

  # Convert the IPs and pack the request message
  my $src = new Net::IP ($srcip) or die (Net::IP::Error());
  my $dst = new Net::IP ($destip) or die (Net::IP::Error());
  my $query = pack("L L N N S S", $QUERY_MAGIC, 0x12345678,
		   $src->intip(), $dst->intip(), $srcport, $destport);

  # Open the connection to p0f
  my $sock = new IO::Socket::UNIX (Peer => $p0f_socket,
				   Type => SOCK_STREAM);
  die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock;

  # Ask p0f
  print $sock $query;
  my $response = <$sock>;
  close $sock;

  # Extract the response from p0f
  my ($magic, $id, $type, $genre, $detail, $dist, $link, $tos, $fw,
      $nat, $real, $score, $mflags, $uptime) =
	unpack ("L L C Z20 Z40 c Z30 Z30 C C C s S N", $response);
  die "Bad response magic.\n" if $magic != $QUERY_MAGIC;
  die "P0f did not honor our query.\n" if $type == 1;
  die "This connection is not (no longer?) in the cache.\n" if $type == 2;
  return ({ genre => $genre,
	    detail => $detail,
	    distance => $dist,
	    link => $link,
	    uptime => $uptime,