#!perl -Tw =head1 NAME check_badmailfromto - checks the badmailfromto config =head1 DESCRIPTION Much like the similar check_badmailfrom, this plugin references both the FROM: and TO: lines, and if they both are present in the badmailfromto config file (a tab delimited list of FROM/TO pairs), then the message is blocked as if the recipient (TO) didn't exist. This is specifically designed to not give the impression that the sender is blocked (good for cases of harassment). Based heavily on check_badmailfrom. =cut sub hook_mail { my ($self, $transaction, $sender, %param) = @_; my @badmailfromto = $self->qp->config("badmailfromto") or return (DECLINED); return (DECLINED) unless ($sender->format ne "<>" and $sender->host && $sender->user); my $host = lc $sender->host; my $from = lc($sender->user) . '@' . $host; for my $bad (@badmailfromto) { $bad =~ s/^\s*(\S+).*/$1/; next unless $bad; $bad = lc $bad; $self->log(LOGWARN, "Bad badmailfromto config: No \@ sign in $bad") and next unless $bad =~ m/\@/; $transaction->notes('badmailfromto', "$bad") if ($bad eq $from) || (substr($bad,0,1) eq '@' && $bad eq "\@$host"); } return (DECLINED); } sub hook_rcpt { my ($self, $transaction, $rcpt, %param) = @_; my $recipient = lc($rcpt->user) . '@' . lc($rcpt->host); my $sender = $transaction->notes('badmailfromto'); if ($sender) { my @badmailfromto = $self->qp->config("badmailfromto") or return (DECLINED); foreach (@badmailfromto) { my ($from, $to) = m/^\s*(\S+)\t(\S+).*/; return (DENY, "mail to $recipient not accepted here") if lc($from) eq $sender and lc($to) eq $recipient; } } return (DECLINED); }