#!perl -w =head1 SYNOPSIS deny connections to recipients in the I<badrcptto> file like badmailfrom, but for recipient address rather than sender =head1 CONFIG Recipients are matched against entries in I<config/badrcptto>. Entries can be a complete email address, a host entry that starts with an @ symbol, or a regular expression. For regexp pattern matches, see PATTERNS. =head1 PATTERNS This allows special patterns to be denied (e.g. percent hack, bangs, double ats). Patterns are stored in the format pattern\sresponse, where pattern is a Perl pattern expression. Don't forget to anchor the pattern if you want to restrict it from matching anywhere in the string. qpsmtpd already ensures that the address contains an @, with something to the left and right of the @. =head1 AUTHOR 2002 - original badrcptto plugin - apparently Jim Winstead https://github.com/smtpd/qpsmtpd/commits/master/plugins/check_badrcptto 2005 - pattern feature, (c) Gordon Rowell <gordonr@gormand.com.au> 2012 - merged the two, refactored, added tests - Matt Simerson =head1 LICENSE This software is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as qpsmtpd itself. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Qpsmtpd::Constants; use Qpsmtpd::DSN; sub hook_rcpt { my ($self, $transaction, $recipient, %param) = @_; return (DECLINED) if $self->is_immune(); my ($host, $to) = $self->get_host_and_to( $recipient ) or return (DECLINED); my @badrcptto = $self->qp->config("badrcptto") or do { $self->log(LOGINFO, "skip: empty config"); return (DECLINED); }; for my $line (@badrcptto) { $line =~ s/^\s+//g; # trim leading whitespace my ($bad, $reason) = split /\s+/, $line, 2; next if ! $bad; if ( $self->is_match( $to, lc($bad), $host ) ) { if ( $reason ) { return (DENY, "mail to $bad not accepted here"); } else { return Qpsmtpd::DSN->no_such_user("mail to $bad not accepted here"); } }; } $self->log(LOGINFO, 'pass'); return (DECLINED); } sub is_match { my ( $self, $to, $bad, $host ) = @_; if ( $bad =~ /[\/\^\$\*\+\!\%]/ ) { # it's a regexp $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "badmailfrom pattern ($bad) match for $to"); if ( $to =~ /$bad/i ) { $self->log(LOGINFO, 'fail: pattern match'); return 1; }; return; }; if ( $bad !~ m/\@/ ) { $self->log(LOGERROR, "badrcptto: bad config: no \@ sign in $bad"); return; }; $bad = lc $bad; $to = lc $to; if ( substr($bad,0,1) eq '@' ) { if ( $bad eq "\@$host" ) { $self->log(LOGINFO, 'fail: host match'); return 1; }; return; }; if ( $bad eq $to ) { $self->log(LOGINFO, 'fail: rcpt match'); return 1; } return; }; sub get_host_and_to { my ( $self, $recipient ) = @_; if ( ! $recipient ) { $self->log(LOGERROR, 'skip: no recipient!'); return; }; if ( ! $recipient->host || ! $recipient->user ) { $self->log(LOGINFO, 'skip: missing host or user'); return; }; my $host = lc $recipient->host; return ( $host, lc($recipient->user) . '@' . $host ); };