# $Id: Client.pm,v 1.8 2005/02/14 22:06:38 msergeant Exp $ package Danga::Client; use base 'Danga::TimeoutSocket'; use fields qw(line pause_count read_bytes data_bytes callback get_chunks); use Time::HiRes (); use bytes; # 30 seconds max timeout! sub max_idle_time { 30 } sub max_connect_time { 1200 } sub new { my Danga::Client $self = shift; $self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self; $self->SUPER::new( @_ ); $self->reset_for_next_message; return $self; } sub reset_for_next_message { my Danga::Client $self = shift; $self->{line} = ''; $self->{pause_count} = 0; $self->{read_bytes} = 0; $self->{callback} = undef; $self->{data_bytes} = ''; $self->{get_chunks} = 0; return $self; } sub get_bytes { my Danga::Client $self = shift; my ($bytes, $callback) = @_; if ($self->{callback}) { die "get_bytes/get_chunks currently in progress!"; } $self->{read_bytes} = $bytes; $self->{data_bytes} = $self->{line}; $self->{read_bytes} -= length($self->{data_bytes}); $self->{line} = ''; if ($self->{read_bytes} <= 0) { if ($self->{read_bytes} < 0) { $self->{line} = substr($self->{data_bytes}, $self->{read_bytes}, # negative offset 0 - $self->{read_bytes}, # to end of str ""); # truncate that substr } $callback->($self->{data_bytes}); return; } $self->{callback} = $callback; } sub process_chunk { my Danga::Client $self = shift; my $callback = shift; my $last_crlf = rindex($self->{line}, "\r\n"); if ($last_crlf != -1) { if ($last_crlf + 2 == length($self->{line})) { my $data = $self->{line}; $self->{line} = ''; $callback->($data); } else { my $data = substr($self->{line}, 0, $last_crlf + 2); $self->{line} = substr($self->{line}, $last_crlf + 2); $callback->($data); } } } sub get_chunks { my Danga::Client $self = shift; my ($bytes, $callback) = @_; if ($self->{callback}) { die "get_bytes/get_chunks currently in progress!"; } $self->{read_bytes} = $bytes; $self->process_chunk($callback) if length($self->{line}); $self->{callback} = $callback; $self->{get_chunks} = 1; } sub end_get_chunks { my Danga::Client $self = shift; my $remaining = shift; $self->{callback} = undef; $self->{get_chunks} = 0; if (defined($remaining)) { $self->process_read_buf(\$remaining); } } sub event_read { my Danga::Client $self = shift; if ($self->{callback}) { $self->{alive_time} = time; if ($self->{get_chunks}) { my $bref = $self->read($self->{read_bytes}); return $self->close($!) unless defined $bref; $self->{line} .= $$bref; $self->process_chunk($self->{callback}) if length($self->{line}); return; } if ($self->{read_bytes} > 0) { my $bref = $self->read($self->{read_bytes}); return $self->close($!) unless defined $bref; $self->{read_bytes} -= length($$bref); $self->{data_bytes} .= $$bref; } if ($self->{read_bytes} <= 0) { # print "Erk, read too much!\n" if $self->{read_bytes} < 0; my $cb = $self->{callback}; $self->{callback} = undef; $cb->($self->{data_bytes}); } } else { my $bref = $self->read(8192); return $self->close($!) unless defined $bref; $self->process_read_buf($bref); } } sub process_read_buf { my Danga::Client $self = shift; my $bref = shift; $self->{line} .= $$bref; return if $self->{pause_count} || $self->{closed}; if ($self->{line} =~ s/^(.*?\n)//) { my $line = $1; $self->{alive_time} = time; my $resp = $self->process_line($line); if ($::DEBUG > 1 and $resp) { print "$$:".($self+0)."S: $_\n" for split(/\n/, $resp) } $self->write($resp) if $resp; # $self->watch_read(0) if $self->{pause_count}; return if $self->{pause_count} || $self->{closed}; # read more in a timer, to give other clients a look in $self->AddTimer(0, sub { if (length($self->{line}) && !$self->paused) { $self->process_read_buf(\""); # " for bad syntax highlighters } }); } } sub has_data { my Danga::Client $self = shift; return length($self->{line}) ? 1 : 0; } sub clear_data { my Danga::Client $self = shift; $self->{line} = ''; } sub paused { my Danga::Client $self = shift; return 1 if $self->{pause_count}; return 1 if $self->{closed}; return 0; } sub pause_read { my Danga::Client $self = shift; $self->{pause_count}++; # $self->watch_read(0); } sub continue_read { my Danga::Client $self = shift; $self->{pause_count}--; if ($self->{pause_count} <= 0) { $self->{pause_count} = 0; $self->AddTimer(0, sub { if (length($self->{line}) && !$self->paused) { $self->process_read_buf(\""); # " for bad syntax highlighters } }); } } sub process_line { my Danga::Client $self = shift; return ''; } sub close { my Danga::Client $self = shift; print "closing @_\n" if $::DEBUG; $self->SUPER::close(@_); } sub event_err { my Danga::Client $self = shift; $self->close("Error") } sub event_hup { my Danga::Client $self = shift; $self->close("Disconnect (HUP)") } 1;