#!perl -w

=head1 NAME

dkim: validate DomainKeys and (DKIM) Domain Keys Indentified Messages


Validate the DKIM and Domainkeys signatures of a message, and enforce DKIM
sending policies.


=head2 reject [ 0 | 1 ]

  dkim reject 1

Reject is a boolean that toggles message rejection on or off. Messages failing
validation are rejected by default.

Default: 1

=head2 reject_type

  dkim reject_type [ temp | perm ]

Default: perm

=head1 SEE ALSO


http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6376 - DKIM Signatures 

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5863 - DKIM Development, Deployment, & Operations

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5617 - DKIM ADSP (Author Domain Signing Practices)

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5585 - DKIM Service Overview

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5016 - DKIM Signing Practices Protocol

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4871 - DKIM Signatures 

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4870 - DomainKeys

=head1 AUTHORS

  2012 - Matt Simerson - initial plugin


David Summers - http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.qpsmtpd/2010/08/msg9417.html

Matthew Harrell - http://alecto.bittwiddlers.com/files/qpsmtpd/dkimcheck

I first attempted to fix the dkimcheck plugin, but soon scrapped that effort and wrote this one.

The nine 'if' brackets with 19 conditionals, and my inability to easily determine which of the 15 possible permutations (5 signature validation results x 3 possible policy results) were covered.

The use of $dkim->fetch_author_policy, which is deprecated by Mail::DKIM.

The paradim of a single policy, when DKIM supports 0 or many. Although I may yet implement the 'local' policy idea, so long as I'm confident it will never result in a false positive.

The OBF programming style, which is nigh impossible to test.


use strict;
use warnings;

use Qpsmtpd::Constants;

# use Mail::DKIM::Verifier;  # eval'ed in register()
use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);

sub init {
    my ($self, $qp) = (shift, shift);

    $self->{_args} = { @_ };

    $self->{_args}{reject} = 1 if ! defined $self->{_args}{reject};
    $self->{_args}{reject_type} ||= 'perm';

sub register {
    my $self = shift;

    eval "use  Mail::DKIM::Verifier";
    if ( $@ ) {
        warn "skip, plugin disabled, could not load Mail::DKIM::Verifier\n";
        $self->log(LOGERROR, "skip, plugin disabled, is Mail::DKIM installed?");

    $self->register_hook('data_post', 'data_post_handler');

sub data_post_handler {
    my ($self, $transaction) = @_;

    return DECLINED if $self->is_immune();

    my $dkim = Mail::DKIM::Verifier->new() or do {
        $self->log(LOGERROR, "error, could not instantiate a new Mail::DKIM::Verifier");
        return DECLINED;

    my $result = $self->get_dkim_result( $dkim, $transaction );
    my $mess   = $self->get_details( $dkim );

    foreach my $r ( qw/ pass fail invalid temperror none / ) {
        my $handler = 'handle_sig_' . $r;
        if ( $result eq $r && $self->can( $handler ) ) {
            #$self->log(LOGINFO, "dispatching $result to $handler");
            return $self->$handler( $dkim, $mess );

    $self->log( LOGERROR, "unknown result: $result, $mess" );
    return DECLINED;

sub get_details {
    my ($self, $dkim ) = @_;

    my @data;
    my $string;
    push @data, "domain: "   . $dkim->signature->domain   if $dkim->signature;
    push @data, "selector: " . $dkim->signature->selector if $dkim->signature;
    push @data, "result: "   . $dkim->result_detail       if $dkim->result_detail;

    foreach my $policy ( $dkim->policies ) {
        next if ! $policy;
        push @data, "policy: " . $policy->as_string;
        push @data, "name: "   . $policy->name;
        push @data, "policy_location: " . $policy->location if $policy->location;

        my $policy_result;
        $policy_result = $policy->apply($dkim);
        $policy_result or next;
        push @data, "policy_result: " . $policy_result if $policy_result;

    return join(', ', @data);

sub handle_sig_fail {
    my ( $self, $dkim, $mess ) = @_;

    return $self->get_reject( "DKIM signature invalid: " . $dkim->result_detail, $mess );

sub handle_sig_temperror {
    my ( $self, $dkim, $mess ) = @_;

    $self->log(LOGINFO, "error, $mess" );
    return ( DENYSOFT, "Please try again later - $dkim->result_detail" );

sub handle_sig_invalid {
    my ( $self, $dkim, $mess ) = @_;

    my ( $prs, $policies) = $self->get_policy_results( $dkim );

    if ( ! $self->qp->connection->relay_client() ) {
        foreach my $policy ( @$policies ) {
            if ( $policy->signall && ! $policy->is_implied_default_policy ) {
                $self->log(LOGINFO, $mess );
                return $self->get_reject( 
                    "invalid DKIM signature with sign-all policy",
                    "invalid signature, sign-all policy" 

    $self->log(LOGINFO, $mess );

    if ( $prs->{accept} ) {
        $self->add_header( $mess );
        $self->log( LOGERROR, "error, invalid signature but accept policy!?" );
        return DECLINED;
    elsif ( $prs->{neutral} ) {
        $self->add_header( $mess );
        $self->log( LOGERROR, "error, invalid signature but neutral policy?!" );
        return DECLINED;
    elsif ( $prs->{reject} ) {
        return $self->get_reject( 
                "invalid DKIM signature: " . $dkim->result_detail,
                "fail, invalid signature, reject policy"

    # this should never happen
    $self->log( LOGINFO, "error, invalid signature, unhandled" );
    $self->add_header( $mess );
    return DECLINED;

sub handle_sig_pass {
    my ( $self, $dkim, $mess ) = @_;

    my ($prs) = $self->get_policy_results( $dkim );

    if ( $prs->{accept} ) {
        $self->add_header( $mess );
        $self->log(LOGINFO, "pass, valid signature, accept policy");
        return DECLINED;
    elsif ( $prs->{neutral} ) {
        $self->add_header( $mess );
        $self->log(LOGINFO, "pass, valid signature, neutral policy");
        $self->log(LOGINFO, $mess );
        return DECLINED;
    elsif ( $prs->{reject} ) {
        $self->log(LOGINFO, $mess );
        return $self->get_reject(
                "DKIM signature valid but fails policy, $mess",
                "fail, valid sig, reject policy"

    # this should never happen
    $self->add_header( $mess );
    $self->log(LOGERROR, "pass, valid sig, no policy results" );
    $self->log(LOGINFO, $mess );
    return DECLINED;

sub handle_sig_none {
    my ( $self, $dkim, $mess ) = @_;

    my ( $prs, $policies) = $self->get_policy_results( $dkim );

    if ( ! $self->qp->connection->relay_client() ) {
        foreach my $policy ( @$policies ) {
            if ( $policy->signall && ! $policy->is_implied_default_policy ) {
                $self->log(LOGINFO, $mess );
                return $self->get_reject( 
                    "no DKIM signature with sign-all policy",
                    "no signature, sign-all policy" 

    if ( $prs->{accept} ) {
        $self->log( LOGINFO, "pass, no signature, accept policy" );
        return DECLINED;
    elsif ( $prs->{neutral} ) {
        $self->log( LOGINFO, "pass, no signature, neutral policy" );
        return DECLINED;
    elsif ( $prs->{reject} ) {
        $self->log(LOGINFO, $mess );
            "no DKIM signature, policy says reject: " . $dkim->result_detail,
            "no signature, reject policy"

    # should never happen
    $self->log( LOGINFO, "error, no signature, no policy" );
    $self->log(LOGINFO, $mess );
    return DECLINED;

sub get_dkim_result {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dkim, $transaction) = @_;

    foreach ( split ( /\n/s, $transaction->header->as_string ) ) {
        $_ =~ s/\r?$//s;
        eval { $dkim->PRINT ( $_ . CRLF ); };
        $self->log(LOGERROR, $@ ) if $@;

    while (my $line = $transaction->body_getline) {
        chomp $line;
        eval { $dkim->PRINT($line . CRLF ); };
        $self->log(LOGERROR, $@ ) if $@;


    return $dkim->result;

sub get_policies {
    my ($self, $dkim) = @_;

    my @policies;
    eval { @policies = $dkim->policies };
    $self->log(LOGERROR, $@ ) if $@;
    return @policies;

sub get_policy_results {
    my ( $self, $dkim ) = @_;

    my %prs;
    my @policies = $self->get_policies( $dkim );

    foreach my $policy ( @policies ) {
        my $policy_result;
        eval { $policy_result = $policy->apply($dkim); }; # accept, reject, neutral
        if ( $@ ) {
            $self->log(LOGERROR, $@ );
        $prs{$policy_result}++ if $policy_result;

    return \%prs, \@policies;

sub add_header {
    my $self = shift;
    my $header = shift or return;

    $self->qp->transaction->header->add( 'X-DKIM-Authentication', $header, 0 );