use Test::More qw(no_plan); use strict; use lib 't'; use_ok('Test::Qpsmtpd'); ok(my ($smtpd, $conn) = Test::Qpsmtpd->new_conn(), "get new connection"); is(($smtpd->command('EHLO localhost'))[0], 250, 'EHLO localhost'); is(($smtpd->command('MAIL FROM:'))[0], 250, 'MAIL FROM:'); is($smtpd->transaction->sender->address, '', 'got the right sender'); is(($smtpd->command('MAIL FROM:'))[0], 250, 'MAIL FROM:'); is($smtpd->transaction->sender->address, 'ask', 'got the right sender'); is(($smtpd->command('MAIL'))[0], 250, 'MAIL'); is($smtpd->transaction->sender->format, '', 'got the right sender'); my $command = 'MAIL FROM: SIZE=1230'; is(($smtpd->command($command))[0], 250, $command); is($smtpd->transaction->sender->format, '', 'got the right sender'); my $command = 'MAIL FROM:<>'; is(($smtpd->command($command))[0], 250, $command); is($smtpd->transaction->sender->format, '<>', 'got the right sender'); my $command = 'MAIL FROM: SIZE=1230'; is(($smtpd->command($command))[0], 250, $command); is($smtpd->transaction->sender->format, '', 'got the right sender');