package Qpsmtpd; use strict; use Carp; use Qpsmtpd::Connection; use Qpsmtpd::Transaction; use Qpsmtpd::Constants; use Qpsmtpd::Plugin; use Mail::Address (); use Mail::Header (); use Sys::Hostname; use IPC::Open2; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX qw(strftime); BEGIN{$^W=0;} use Net::DNS; BEGIN{$^W=1;} $Qpsmtpd::VERSION = "0.10-dev"; # $SIG{ALRM} = sub { respond(421, "Game over pal, game over. You got a timeout; I just can't wait that long..."); exit }; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my %args = @_; my $self = bless ({ args => \%args }, $class); my (@commands) = qw(ehlo helo rset mail rcpt data help vrfy noop quit); my (%commands); @commands{@commands} = ('') x @commands; # this list of valid commands should probably be a method or a set of methods $self->{_commands} = \%commands; $self; } # # method to get the configuration. It just calls get_qmail_config by # default, but it could be overwritten to look configuration up in a # database or whatever. # sub config { my ($self, $c) = @_; my %defaults = ( me => hostname, timeout => 1200, ); if (wantarray) { my @config = $self->get_qmail_config($c); @config = @{$defaults{$c}} if (!@config and $defaults{$c}); return @config; } else { return ($self->get_qmail_config($c) || $defaults{$c}); } }; sub log { my ($self, $trace, @log) = @_; warn join(" ", $$, @log), "\n" if $trace <= 10; } sub dispatch { my $self = shift; my ($cmd) = lc shift; warn "command: $cmd"; #$self->respond(553, $state{dnsbl_blocked}), return 1 # if $state{dnsbl_blocked} and ($cmd eq "rcpt"); $self->respond(500, "Unrecognized command"), return 1 if ($cmd !~ /^(\w{1,12})$/ or !exists $self->{_commands}->{$1}); $cmd = $1; if (1 or $self->{_commands}->{$cmd} and $self->can($cmd)) { my ($result) = eval { $self->$cmd(@_) }; $self->log(0, "XX: $@") if $@; return $result if defined $result; return $self->fault("command '$cmd' failed unexpectedly"); } return; } sub fault { my $self = shift; my ($msg) = shift || "program fault - command not performed"; print STDERR "$0[$$]: $msg ($!)\n"; return $self->respond(451, "Internal error - try again later - " . $msg); } sub start_conversation { my $self = shift; $self->respond(220, $self->config('me') ." ESMTP qpsmtpd ". $self->version ." ready; send us your mail, but not your spam."); } sub transaction { my $self = shift; use Data::Dumper; #warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\$self], [qw(self)]); return $self->{_transaction} || ($self->{_transaction} = Qpsmtpd::Transaction->new()); } sub connection { my $self = shift; return $self->{_connection} || ($self->{_connection} = Qpsmtpd::Connection->new()); } sub helo { my ($self, $hello_host, @stuff) = @_; my $conn = $self->connection; return $self->respond (503, "but you already said HELO ...") if $conn->hello; $conn->hello("helo"); $conn->hello_host($hello_host); $self->transaction; $self->respond(250, $self->config('me') ." Hi " . $conn->remote_info . " [" . $conn->remote_ip ."]; I am so happy to meet you."); } sub ehlo { my ($self, $hello_host, @stuff) = @_; my $conn = $self->connection; return $self->respond (503, "but you already said HELO ...") if $conn->hello; $conn->hello("ehlo"); $conn->hello_host($hello_host); $self->transaction; $self->respond(250, $self->config("me") . " Hi " . $conn->remote_info . " [" . $conn->remote_ip ."]", "PIPELINING", "8BITMIME", ($self->config('databytes') ? "SIZE ". ($self->config('databytes'))[0] : ()), ); } sub mail { my $self = shift; return $self->respond(501, "syntax error in parameters") if $_[0] !~ m/^from:/i; unless ($self->connection->hello) { return $self->respond(503, "please say hello first ..."); } else { my $from_parameter = join " ", @_; $self->log(2, "full from_parameter: $from_parameter"); my ($from) = ($from_parameter =~ m/^from:\s*(\S+)/i)[0]; #warn "$$ from email address : $from\n" if $TRACE; if ($from eq "<>" or $from =~ m/\[undefined\]/) { $from = Mail::Address->new("<>"); } else { $from = (Mail::Address->parse($from))[0]; } return $self->respond(501, "could not parse your mail from command") unless $from; # this needs to be moved to a plugin --- FIXME 0 and $from->format ne "<>" and $self->config("require_resolvable_fromhost") and !check_dns($from->host) and return $self->respond(450, $from->host ? "Could not resolve ". $from->host : "FQDN required in the envelope sender"); $self->log(2, "getting mail from ".$from->format); $self->respond(250, $from->format . ", sender OK - how exciting to get mail from you!"); $self->transaction->sender($from); } } sub rcpt { my $self = shift; return $self->respond(501, "syntax error in parameters") unless $_[0] =~ m/^to:/i; return(503, "Use MAIL before RCPT") unless $self->transaction->sender; my $from = $self->transaction->sender; # Move to a plugin -- FIXME if (0 and $from->format ne "<>" and $self->config('rhsbl_zones')) { my %rhsbl_zones = map { (split /\s+/, $_, 2)[0,1] } $self->config('rhsbl_zones'); my $host = $from->host; for my $rhsbl (keys %rhsbl_zones) { $self->respond("550", "Mail from $host rejected because it $rhsbl_zones{$rhsbl}"), return 1 if check_rhsbl($rhsbl, $host); } } my ($rcpt) = ($_[0] =~ m/to:(.*)/i)[0]; $rcpt = $_[1] unless $rcpt; $rcpt = (Mail::Address->parse($rcpt))[0]; return $self->respond(501, "could not parse recipient") unless $rcpt; return $self->respond(550, "will not relay for ". $rcpt->host) unless $self->check_relay($rcpt->host); $self->transaction->add_recipient($rcpt); $self->respond(250, $rcpt->format . ", recipient ok"); } sub check_relay { my $self = shift; my $host = lc shift; my @rcpt_hosts = $self->config("rcpthosts"); return 1 if exists $ENV{RELAYCLIENT}; for my $allowed (@rcpt_hosts) { $allowed =~ s/^\s*(\S+)/$1/; return 1 if $host eq lc $allowed; return 1 if substr($allowed,0,1) eq "." and $host =~ m/\Q$allowed\E$/i; } return 0; } sub get_qmail_config { my ($self, $config) = (shift, shift); $self->log(5, "trying to get config for $config"); if ($self->{_config_cache}->{$config}) { return wantarray ? @{$self->{_config_cache}->{$config}} : $self->{_config_cache}->{$config}->[0]; } my $configdir = '/var/qmail/control'; my ($name) = ($0 =~ m!(.*?)/([^/]+)$!); $configdir = "$name/config" if (-e "$name/config/$config"); open CF, "<$configdir/$config" or warn "$$ could not open configfile $config: $!", return; my @config = ; chomp @config; @config = grep { $_ and $_ !~ m/^\s*#/ and $_ =~ m/\S/} @config; close CF; $self->log(5, "returning get_config for $config ",Data::Dumper->Dump([\@config], [qw(config)])); $self->{_config_cache}->{$config} = \@config; return wantarray ? @config : $config[0]; } sub help { my $self = shift; $self->respond(214, "This is qpsmtpd " . $self->version, "See", 'To report bugs or send comments, mail to .'); } sub version { $Qpsmtpd::VERSION; } sub noop { my $self = shift; warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\$self], [qw(self)]); $self->respond(250, "OK"); } sub vrfy { shift->respond(252, "Just try sending a mail and we'll see how it turns out ..."); } sub rset { my $self = shift; $self->{_transaction} = undef; $self->transaction->start(); $self->respond(250, "OK"); } sub quit { my $self = shift; my @fortune = `/usr/games/fortune -s`; @fortune = map { chop; s/^/ \/ /; $_ } @fortune; $self->respond(221, $self->config('me') . " closing connection. Have a wonderful day.", @fortune); exit; } sub data { my $self = shift; $self->respond(503, "MAIL first"), return 1 unless $self->transaction->sender; $self->respond(503, "RCPT first"), return 1 unless $self->transaction->recipients; $self->respond(354, "go ahead"); my $buffer = ''; my $size = 0; my $i = 0; my $max_size = ($self->config('databytes'))[0] || 0; # this should work in scalar context my $blocked = ""; my %matches; my $in_header = 1; my $complete = 0; $self->log(6, "max_size: $max_size / size: $size"); my $header = Mail::Header->new(Modify => 0, MailFrom => "COERCE"); while () { $complete++, last if $_ eq ".\r\n"; $i++; $self->respond(451, "See"), exit if $_ eq ".\n"; unless ($self->transaction->blocked and ($max_size and $size > $max_size)) { s/\r\n$/\n/; if ($in_header and m/^\s*$/) { $in_header = 0; my @header = split /\n/, $buffer; # ... need to check that we don't reformat any of the received lines. # # 3.8.2 Received Lines in Gatewaying # When forwarding a message into or out of the Internet environment, a # gateway MUST prepend a Received: line, but it MUST NOT alter in any # way a Received: line that is already in the header. $header->extract(\@header); $buffer = ""; # FIXME - call plugins to work on just the header here; can # save us buffering the mail content. } if ($in_header) { #. .. } $buffer .= $_; $size += length $_; } $self->log(5, "size is at $size\n") unless ($i % 300); alarm $self->config('timeout'); } $self->log(6, "max_size: $max_size / size: $size"); $self->transaction->header($header); $self->transaction->body(\$buffer); # if we get here without seeing a terminator, the connection is # probably dead. $self->respond(451, "Incomplete DATA"), return 1 unless $complete; # # FIXME - Call plugins to work on the body here # $self->respond(550, $self->transaction->blocked),return 1 if ($self->transaction->blocked); $self->respond(552, "Message too big!"),return 1 if $max_size and $size > $max_size; return $self->queue($self->transaction); } sub queue { my ($self, $transaction) = @_; # these bits inspired by Peter Samuels "qmail-queue wrapper" pipe(MESSAGE_READER, MESSAGE_WRITER) or fault("Could not create message pipe"), exit; pipe(ENVELOPE_READER, ENVELOPE_WRITER) or fault("Could not create envelope pipe"), exit; my $child = fork(); not defined $child and fault(451, "Could not fork"), exit; if ($child) { # Parent my $oldfh = select(MESSAGE_WRITER); $| = 1; select(ENVELOPE_WRITER); $| = 1; select($oldfh); close MESSAGE_READER or fault("close msg reader fault"),exit; close ENVELOPE_READER or fault("close envelope reader fault"), exit; print MESSAGE_WRITER "Received: from ".$self->connection->remote_info ." (HELO ".$self->connection->hello_host . ") (".$self->connection->remote_ip . ")\n by ".$self->config('me')." (qpsmtpd/".$self->version .") with SMTP; ". (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %TZ', gmtime)) . "\n"; print MESSAGE_WRITER "X-smtpd: qpsmtpd/",$self->version,",\n"; $transaction->header->print(\*MESSAGE_WRITER); print MESSAGE_WRITER ${$transaction->body}; close MESSAGE_WRITER; my @rcpt = map { "T" . $_->address } $transaction->recipients; my $from = "F".($transaction->sender->address|| "" ); print ENVELOPE_WRITER "$from\0", join("\0",@rcpt), "\0\0" or respond(451,"Could not print addresses to queue"),exit; close ENVELOPE_WRITER; waitpid($child, 0); my $exit_code = $? >> 8; $exit_code and respond(451, "Unable to queue message ($exit_code)"), exit; $self->respond(250, "Queued."); } elsif (defined $child) { # Child close MESSAGE_WRITER or die "could not close message writer in parent"; close ENVELOPE_WRITER or die "could not close envelope writer in parent"; open(STDIN, "<&MESSAGE_READER") or die "b1"; open(STDOUT, "<&ENVELOPE_READER") or die "b2"; unless (exec '/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue') { die "should never be here!"; } } } sub load_plugins { my $self = shift; my @plugins = $self->config('plugins'); my ($name) = ($0 =~ m!(.*?)/([^/]+)$!); my $dir = "$name/plugins"; $self->log(2, "loading plugins from $dir"); for my $plugin (@plugins) { $self->log(3, "Loading $plugin"); my $plugin_name = $plugin; # Escape everything into valid perl identifiers $plugin_name =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_\/])/sprintf("_%2x",unpack("C",$1))/eg; # second pass cares for slashes and words starting with a digit $plugin_name =~ s{ (/+) # directory (\d?) # package's first character }[ "::" . (length $2 ? sprintf("_%2x",unpack("C",$2)) : "") ]egx; my $sub; open F, "$dir/$plugin" or die "could not open $dir/$plugin: $!"; { local $/ = undef; $sub = ; } close F; my $package = "Qpsmtpd::Plugin::$plugin_name"; warn "PLUGIN PACKAGE: $package"; my $line = "\n#line 1 $dir/$plugin\n"; my $eval = join( "\n", "package $package;", "require Qpsmtpd::Plugin;", 'use vars qw(@ISA);', '@ISA = qw(Qpsmtpd::Plugin);', # $line, $sub, "\n", # last line comment without newline? ); warn "eval: $eval"; $eval =~ m/(.*)/; $eval = $1; eval $eval; warn "EVAL: $@"; die "eval $@" if $@; #my $package_path = $package; #$package_path =~ s!::!/!g; #$package_path .= ".pm"; #$INC{$package_path} = "$dir/$plugin"; #use Data::Dumper; #warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\%INC, \@INC], [qw(INCh INCa)]); my $plug = $package->new(); $plug->register(); } } 1;