#!perl -w =head1 NAME auth_checkpassword - Authenticate against a DJB style checkpassword program =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin authenticates users against a DJB style checkpassword program. Unlike previous checkpassword implementations, this plugin expects qpsmtpd to be running as the qpsmtpd user. Privilege escalation can be attained by running the checkpassword binary setuid or with sudo. =head1 CONFIGURATION Configure the path to your checkpassword binary. You can configure this in config/plugins by defining the checkpw and true arguments as follows: auth/auth_checkpassword checkpw /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw true /bin/true or by editing the config file config/smtpauth-checkpassword: echo "/usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /bin/true" > ~qpsmtpd/config/smtpauth-checkpassword vchkpw is the checkpassword program provided by vpopmail. Substitute your own checkpassword app as appropriate. If you are using vchkpw and this plugin is being executed by a user ID other than 89 or 0 (as is the default), and the vchkpw binary is not setuid (as is the default), this plugin will automatically prepend the vchkpw command with sudo. If that is the case, you must configure sudo by adding these two lines to your sudoers file: Defaults:qpsmtpd closefrom_override qpsmtpd ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw The closefrom_override option is necessary because, by default, sudo appropriates the first 3 file descriptors. Those descriptors are necessary to communicate with the checkpassword program. If you run qpsmtpd as some other user, adjust the sudo lines approriately. Using sudo is preferable to enabling setuid on the vchkpw binary. If you reinstall vpopmail and the setuid bit is lost, this plugin will be broken. =head1 SEE ALSO If you are using this plugin with vpopmail, please read the VPOPMAIL section in docs/authentication.pod =head1 DIAGNOSTICS Is the path in the config/smtpauth-checkpassword correct? Is the path to true in config/smtpauth-checkpassword correct? Is qpsmtpd running as the qpsmtpd user? If not, did you adjust the sudo configuration appropriately? If you are not using sudo, did you remember to make the vchkpw binary setuid (chmod 4711 ~vpopmail/bin/vchkpw)? While writing this plugin, I first wrote myself a little test script, which helped me identify the sudo closefrom_override issue. Here is that script: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my $sudo = "/usr/local/bin/sudo"; $sudo .= " -C4 -u vpopmail"; my $vchkpw = "/usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw"; my $true = "/bin/true"; open(CPW,"|$sudo $vchkpw $true 3<&0"); printf(CPW "%s\0%s\0Y123456\0",'user@example.com','pa55word'); close(CPW); my $status = $?; print "FAIL\n" and exit if ( $status != 0 ); print "OK\n"; Save that script to vchkpw.pl and then run it as the same user that qpsmtpd runs as: setuidgid qpsmtpd perl vchkpw.pl If you aren't using sudo, then remove $sudo from the open line. =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS based upon authcheckpassword by Michael Holzt and adapted by Johan Almqvist 2006-01-18 =head1 AUTHOR Matt Simerson <msimerson@cpan.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2010 Matt Simerson This plugin is licensed under the same terms as the qpsmtpd package itself. Please see the LICENSE file included with qpsmtpd for details. =cut sub register { my ($self, $qp, %args) = @_; my ($checkpw, $true) = $self->get_checkpw(\%args); return DECLINED if !$checkpw || !$true; $self->connection->notes('auth_checkpassword_bin', $checkpw); $self->connection->notes('auth_checkpassword_true', $true); $self->register_hook('auth-plain', 'auth_checkpassword'); $self->register_hook('auth-login', 'auth_checkpassword'); } sub auth_checkpassword { my ($self, $transaction, $method, $user, $passClear, $passHash, $ticket) = @_; my $binary = $self->connection->notes('auth_checkpassword_bin'); my $true = $self->connection->notes('auth_checkpassword_true'); chomp($binary, $true); my $sudo = get_sudo($binary); $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "auth_checkpassword: $sudo $binary $true 3<&0"); open(CPW, "|$sudo $binary $true 3<&0"); printf(CPW "%s\0%s\0Y123456\0", $user, $passClear); close(CPW); my $status = $?; if ($status != 0) { $self->log(LOGNOTICE, "fail, auth failed: $status"); return DECLINED; } $self->connection->notes('authuser', $user); $self->log(LOGINFO, "pass, auth success with $method"); return OK, "auth_checkpassword"; } sub get_checkpw { my ($self, $args) = @_; my ($checkpw) = $args->{checkpw} =~ /^(.*)$/ if $args->{checkpw}; # untaint my ($true) = $args->{true} =~ /^(.*)$/ if $args->{true}; # untaint return $checkpw, $true if $checkpw && $true && -x $checkpw && -x $true; my $missing_config = "disabled due to invalid configuration. See 'perldoc plugins/auth/auth_checkpassword' for how to configure."; if (!$self->qp->config('smtpauth-checkpassword')) { $self->log(LOGERROR, $missing_config); return; } $self->log(LOGNOTICE, "reading config from smtpauth-checkpassword"); my $config = $self->qp->config("smtpauth-checkpassword"); ($checkpw, $true) = $config =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/; if (!$checkpw || !$true || !-x $checkpw || !-x $true) { $self->log(LOGERROR, $missing_config); return; } return $checkpw, $true; } sub get_sudo { my $binary = shift; return '' if $> == 0; # running as root return '' if $> == 89 && $binary =~ /vchkpw$/; # running as vpopmail my $mode = (stat($binary))[2]; $mode = sprintf "%lo", $mode & 07777; return '' if $mode eq '4711'; # $binary is setuid my $sudo = `which sudo` || '/usr/local/bin/sudo'; return '' if !-x $sudo; $sudo .= ' -C4'; # prevent sudo from clobbering file descriptor 3 return $sudo if $binary !~ /vchkpw$/; return "$sudo -u vpopmail"; }