# This file contains a list of every plugin used on this server. If you have
# additional plugins running, add them here.
# Fields are whitespace delimited. Columns are ordered by numeric plugin ID.
#   the order of plugins in this file determines the order they appear in
#   summary output
#id	name						abb3	abb5		aliases
201	hosts_allow					alw		allow
202	ident::geoip				geo		geoip
203	ident::p0f					p0f		p0f			ident::p0f_3a0,ident::p0f_3a1

205	karma						krm		karma
206	dnsbl						dbl		dnsbl
207	relay						rly		relay       check_relay,check_norelay,relay_only
208	fcrdns						dns		fcrdn

300	earlytalker					ear		early		check_earlytalker
301	helo						hlo		helo		check_spamhelo
302	tls							tls		tls

320	dont_require_anglebrackets	rab		drabs
321	unrecognized_commands		cmd		uncmd		count_unrecognized_commands
322	noop						nop		noop		noop_counter
323	random_error				rnd		rande
324	milter						mlt		mlter
325	content_log					log		colog
# Authentication
400	auth::auth_vpopmail_sql		avq		avsql
401	auth::auth_vpopmaild		avd		vpopd
402	auth::auth_vpopmail			avp		vpop
403	auth::auth_checkpassword	ack		chkpw
404	auth::auth_cvs_unix_local	acv		cvsul
405	auth::auth_flat_file		aff		aflat
406	auth::auth_ldap_bind		ald		aldap
407	auth::authdeny	        	dny		adeny
# Sender / Envelope From
500	badmailfrom					bmf		badmf		check_badmailfrom,check_badmailfrom_patterns
501	badmailfromto				bmt		bfrto
502	rhsbl						rbl		rhsbl
504	resolvable_fromhost			rfh		rsvfh		require_resolvable_fromhost
505	sender_permitted_from		spf		spf
# Recipient / Envelope To
600	badrcptto					bto		badto		check_badrcptto,check_badrcptto_patterns
601	rcpt_map					rmp		rcmap
602	rcpt_regex					rcx		rcrex
603	qmail_deliverable			qmd		qmd
605	rcpt_ok						rok		rcpok
608	bogus_bounce				bog		bogus		check_bogus_bounce
609	greylisting					gry		greyl
# Content Filters
700	headers						hdr		headr		check_basicheaders
701	loop						lop		loop
702	uribl						uri		uribl

710	domainkeys					dky		dkey
711	dkim						dkm		dkim
712 dmarc 				        dmc     dmarc

720	spamassassin				spm		spama
721	dspam						dsp		dspam
# Anti-Virus Plugins
770	virus::aveclient			ave		avirs
771	virus::bitdefender			bit		bitdf
772	virus::clamav				cav		clamv
773	virus::clamdscan			clm		clamd
774	virus::hbedv				hbv		hbedv
775	virus::kavscanner			kav		kavsc
776	virus::klez_filter			klz		vklez
777	virus::sophie				sop		sophe
778	virus::uvscan				uvs		uvscn
# Queue Plugins
800	queue::qmail-queue			qqm		queue	queue::qmail_2dqueue
801	queue::maildir				qdr		qudir
802	queue::postfix-queue		qpf		qupfx	queue::postfix_2dqueue
803	queue::smtp-forward			qfw		qufwd	queue::smtp_2dqueue
804	queue::exim-bsmtp			qxm		qexim	queue::exim_2dbsmtp

900	quit_fortune				for		fortu

999	connection_time				tim		time