0.29 - 2005/03/03

  Store entire incoming message in spool file (so that scanners can read
  the complete message) and ignore old headers before adding lines and
  queuing for delivery.

  New anti-virus scanners: hbedv (Hanno Hecker), bitdefender, and clamdscan
  (John Peacock).  Update clamav plugin to directly scan the spool file.

  New temp_file() and temp_dir() methods; when used by plugins, they create
  a filename or directory which will last only as long as the current 
  transaction.  Also created a spool_dir() method which checks/creates the
  spool_dir when the application starts up.  All three methods are also
  available in the base class where the temp_* objects are not automatically
  limited to the transaction's lifetime. (John Peacock)

  Added Gavin Carr's greylisting plugin

  Renamed config/ to config.sample/

  Qpsmtpd::Auth - document $mechanism option, improve fallback to generic
  hooks, document that auth-login works now, stash auth user and method for
  later use by Qpsmtpd::SMTP to generate authentication header.
  (Michael Toren)

  Qpsmtpd::SMTP - "MAIL FROM: <#@[]>" now works like qmail (null sender), 
  add LOGIN to default auth mechanisms, display auth user and method in
  Received: line instead of X-Qpsmtpd-Auth header.
  (Michael Toren)

  check_badmailfromto - NEW PLUGIN - like check_badmailfrom except matches
  both FROM: and TO:, and effectively makes it seem like the recipient 
  no longer exists for that sender (great for harassment cases).
  (John Peacock)

  check_earlytalker and require_resolvable_fromhost - short circuit test if
  whitelistclient is set. (Michael Toren)

  check_badmailfrom - Do not say why a given message is denied.
  (Michael Toren)

  dns_whitelist_soft - NEW PLUGIN - dns-based whitelist override for
  other qpsmtpd plugins.  Add suuport for whitelisthost to dnsbl.
  (John Peacock)

  auth/auth_vpopmail_sql - Support CRAM-MD5 (requires clear_passwd)
  (John Peacock)

  plugins/queue/qmail-queue - Added a timestamp and the qmail-queue qp
  identifier to the "Queued!" message, for compatibility with qmail-smtpd
  (Michael Toren)

  Support qmail-smtpd's timeoutsmtpd config file

  Many improvements to the forking server (qpsmtpd-forkserver)

  Plugin testing framework (Matt)

  Added Apache::Qpsmtpd (Apache/mod_perl 2.0 connection handler)

  Allow for multiple instances of a single plugin by using plugin:0
  notation (Robert)

  Fix CDB support so the server can work without it

  VRFY plugin support (Robert Spier)

  Added Makefile.PL etc to make it easier to build a package (Matt).

  Added Apache::Qpsmtpd to the distro.

  Make the distro follow the CPAN module style (Makefile.PL, MANIFEST, etc)

  Make the rhsbl plugin do DNS lookups in the background. (Mark Powell)

  Fix warning in count_unrecognized_commands plugin (thanks to spaze
  and Roger Walker)

  Improve error messages from the Postfix module (Erik I. Bolsø,
  <knan at mo.himolde.no>)

  make the maildir plugin record who the message was to (with a bit of improvements 
  this could make a decent local delivery plugin)

  Pass extra "stuff" to HELO/EHLO callbacks (to make it easier to
  support SMTP extensions)

  Renamed the *HARD return codes to DENY_DISCONNECT and

  Mail::Address does RFC822 addresses, we need SMTP addresses.
  Replace Mail::Address with Peter J. Holzer's Qpsmtpd::Address module.

  Don't keep adding ip addresses to the process status line ($0) when
  running under PPerl.

  Include the date and time the session started in the process status line.

  Add "plugin/virus/uvscan" - McAfee commandline virus scanner

  Inbound connections logged as soon as the remote host address is known
  when running under tcpserver.

  Add Qpsmtpd::Auth (authentication handlers! See plugins/auth/) (John Peacock)
  Add a plugin hook for the DATA command

  check_earlytalker -
    + optionally react to an earlytalker by denying all MAIL-FROM commands
      rather than issuing a 4xx/5xx greeting and disconnecting. (Mark
    + initial "awkward silence" period now configurable (Mark Powell)
    + DENY/DENYSOFT now configurable

  Move relay flag to connection object (John Peacock):
    + add relay_client() method to Connection.pm
    + Remove $transaction->relaying() completely (due to popular demand)

  Split check_relay plugin into two plugins (John Peacock):
    + check_relay now fires on connect and sets relay_client() flag
    + rcpt_ok runs last of rcpt plugins and performs final OK/DENY
    + change default config/plugins to reflect new order

0.28 - 2004/06/05

  Don't keep adding ip addresses to the process status line ($0) when running under PPerl.

  Include the date and time the session started in the process status line.

  Added a "queue/maildir" plugin for writing incoming mails to a maildir.

  Create temp files with permissions 0600 (thanks to Robert James Kaes again)

  Fix warning in check_badrcptto plugin (Thanks to Robert James Kaes)

  Proper "Log levels" with a configuration option

  $Include feature in config/plugins

0.27.1 - 2004/03/11

  SpamAssassin plugin Outlook compatibility fix (Thanks to Gergely Risko)

0.27 - 2004/03/10

  Support for unix sockets in the spamassassin plugin (requires SA
  2.60 or higher).  Thanks to John Peacock!

  Modified the dnsbl plugin to better support both A and TXT records and 
  support all of the RBLSMTPD functionality. (Thanks to Mark Powell)

  reject bare carriage-returns in addition to the  bare line-feeds
  (based on a patch from Robert James Kaes, thanks!)

  Bugfix to the count_unrecognized_commands plugin so it works
  under PPerl (it wasn't resetting the count properly).

  reset_transaction is called after disconnect plugins are called so
  the Transaction objects DESTROY method is called. (Thanks to Robert
  James Kaes <rjkaes@flarenet.com>)

  Made the SpamAssassin plugin work with SA 2.6+ (thanks to numerous
  contributors, thanks everyone!). Note that for now it's not
  including the Spam: headers with the score explained. For that use
  the spamassassin_spamc plugin from http://projects.bluefeet.net/
  (for now).

  Added Postfix queue plugin thanks to Peter J Holzer!

  Took out the last "exit" call from the SMTP object; the "transport"
  module ("TcpServer", "SelectServer") needs to do the right thing in
  it's disconnect method.

  Update the SPF plugin (Philip Gladstone, philip@gladstonefamily.net):
   * Integrated with Mail::SPF::Query 1.991
   * Don't do SPF processing when you are acting as a relay system
   * Remove the MX changes as they are now inside Mail::SPF::Query

  Take out Data::Dumper to save a few bytes of memory

  Say Received: ... via ESMTP instead of via SMTP when the client
  speaks ESMTP.  (Hoping this can be a useful SpamAssassin rule).

  Take out the X-SMTPD header. 

  Add pod documentation and sanity checking of the config to

  Use $ENV{QMAIL} to override /var/qmail for where to find the
  control/ directory.

  Enable "check_earlytalker" in the default plugins config

  Added a milter plugin to allow use of sendmail milters

  Don't store the Qpsmtpd object in the Plugin object any more (this
  caused a circular reference)

  Added a new qpsmtpd-server - a select() based server for qpsmtpd

  Allow a config/relayclients and config/morerelayclients files to
  define who can relay (useful with the select() server)

  Fixed qpsmtpd unfolding all header lines

  Speed up persistent qpsmtpd's by checking for plugin functions after
  munging the name (the main breakage was with queue/qmail-queue)

  Use dup2() instead of perl open("<&") style. POSIX seems to work better.

  Added SPF, sender permitted from, plugin 

  More minor changes and probably a few big ones that we missed adding here :-)

0.26 - 2003/06/11

  Add queue/smtp-forward plugin (Matt Sergeant)

  Add documentation to Qpsmtpd::Transaction (Matt Sergeant)

  Fix bug in dnsbl that made it sometimes ignore "hits" (thanks to
  James H. Thompson <jht@lava.net>)

  Fix bug hiding the error message when an existing configuration file
  isn't readable.

  If a plugin running the ehlo hook add something to the ARRAY
  reference $self->transaction->notes('capabilities') then it will be
  added to the EHLO response.

  Add command_counter method to the SMTP object.  Plugins can use this
  to catch (or not) consecutive commands.  In particular useful with
  the unrecognized_command hook.

  Filter out all uncommon characters from the remote_host
  setting. (thanks to Frank Denis / Jedi/Sector One for the hint).

  Added a check for the spool_dir having mode 0700.

  Don't break under taint mode on OpenBSD. (thanks to Frank Denis /
  Jedi/Sector One)

  Have the qmail-queue plugin add the message-id to the "Queued!"
  message we send back to the client (to help those odd sendmail using
  people debug their logs)

  Set the process name to "qpsmtpd [ : host.name.tld]"

  Fixed timeout bug when the client sent DATA and then stopped before
  sending the next line. (Gergely Risko <risko@risko.hu>) 

  unrecognized_command hook and a count_unrecognized_commands
  plugin. (Rasjid Wilcox)

  check_earlytalker plugin.  Deny the connection if the client talks
  before we show our SMTP banner.  (From Devin Carraway)

  Patch Qpsmtpd::SMTP to allow connect plugins to give DENY and
  DENYSOFT return codes.  Based on patch from Devin Carraway.

  Support morercpthosts.cdb

  config now takes an extra "type" parameter.  If it's "map" then a
  reference to a tied hash will be returned.

0.25 - 2003/03/18

  Use the proper RFC2822 date format in the Received headers. (Somehow
  I had convinced myself that ISO8601 dates were okay). Thanks to
  Kee Hinckley <nazgul@somewhere.com>.

  Print the date in the local timezone instead of in -0000. (Not
  entirely convinced this is a good idea)

  Lots of changes from Rasjid Wilcox <rasjidw@openminddev.net>:

  Fix error handling in queue/qmail-queue. (Rasjid)
  Add option to queue/qmail-queue to specify an alternate qmail-queue
  location. (Rasjid)

  Add support for the QMAILQUEUE environment variable. (Rasjid)

  PPerl compatibility (yay!)  (Rasjid)

  Allow mail to <abuse> and <postmaster> to go through. (Rasjid)

  Add "deny" hook that gets called when another hook returns DENY or
  DENYSOFT. (Rasjid)

  Add list of required modules to the README. Thanks to Skaag Argonius

  Fix dnsbl plugin to give us all the results. (Patch from Matt
  Sergeant <matt@sergeant.org>)

  Disable identd lookups by passing -R to tcpserver. (Thanks to Matt)

  add plugin hooks for HELO and EHLO (Devin Carraway

  check_spamhelo plugin to deny mail from claimed senders from the
  list specified in F<badhelo>.  (For example aol.com or yahoo.com) 
  (Devin Carraway)

0.20 - 2002/12/09

  Fix the "too many dots in the beginning of the line" bug.

  Add munge_subject_threshold and reject_threshold options to the
  spamassassin plugin.  Add documentation to the spamassassin plugin.

  Add -p to mkdir in log/run (Rasjid Wilcox <rasjidw@openminddev.net>)

  clamav plugin, thanks to Matt Sergeant, matt@sergeant.org.
  Enabling this might require you to increase your "softlimit" in
  the run file.  http://www.clamav.org/

  Make the spamassassin plugin not stop the next content plugins from

  Store hooks runtime config globally so they will work within the
  transaction objects too.

  content_log plugin - log the content of all mails for
  debugging. Robert Spier <robert@perl.org>.

  http_config plugin - get configuration via http

  plugins can take arguments via their line in the "plugins" file

  make the quit_fortune plugin check that the fortune program exists

0.12 - 2002/10/17

  Better error messages when a plugin fails
  Remove some debug messages in the log 

  Fix NOOP command with perl 5.6.

  Better installation instructions and error message when no plugin
  allowed or denied relaying (thanks to Lars Rander
  Use /usr/bin/perl instead of the non-standard /home/perl/bin/perl

0.11 - 2002/10/09

  Make a "queue" plugin hook and move the qmail-queue functionality
  to plugins/queue/qmail-queue.  This allows you to make qpsmtpd 
  delivery mail via smtp or lmtp or into a database or whatever you want.

  Reorganize most of Qpsmtpd.pm into Qpsmtpd/SMTP.pm.

  Add spool_dir option (thanks to Ross Mueller <ross@visual.com>)

  Add plugin name to the "hooks" data structure, so we can log plugin
  module had an error when we run a hook.

  Make klez filter run for mails bigger than 220KB; they are sometimes
  bigger than that.

  Avoid "use of uninitialized variable" warning when the "MAIL" or the
  "RCPT" command is executed without a parameter.

  Compatibility with perl 5.5.3.

  Fix "Could not print" error message in the TcpServer object. (Thanks
  to Ross Mueller <ross@visual.com>)

  dnsbl plugin queues lookups in the background upon connect but
  doesn't block for the results until they are needed, greatly
  speeding up connection times.  Also fix a typo in the dnsbl plugin
  so it'll actually work(!).

  check_badmailfrom and check_badrcptto plugins (Jim Winstead

  Better RFC conformance. (Reset transactions after the DATA command and
  when the MAIL command is being done)

0.10 - 2002/09/08

  New object oriented internals
  Very flexible plugin

  All functionality not core to SMTP moved to plugins

  Can accept mails as large as your file system will allow (instead of
  up to as much memory you would allow qpsmtpd to eat).

  Add klez_filter plugin

  Support more return codes for data_post

  Document data_post

  Add plugin name to the log entries when plugins use log()

  Add plugin_name method to the default plugin object.

  Improve error handling in the spamassassin plugin

  Spool message bodies to a tmp file so we can support HUGE messages
  API to read the message body (undocumented, subject to change)

  data_post hook (undocumented)

  SpamAssassin plugin (connects to spamd on localhost), see

  DNS RBL and RHSBL support via plugins.

  More hooks.

  First (non functional) version of the new object oriented mail engine (0.10).

Changes on the old v0.0x branch:

  Klez filter (thanks to Robert Spier)

  Bumped version number to 0.07

  Support comments in configuration files (prefix the line with #)
  Support RELAYCLIENT like qmail-smtpd (thanks to Marius Kjeldahl
  <marius@kjeldahl.net> and Zukka Zitting <jukka.zitting@iki.fi>)

  If the connection fails while in DATA we would just accept the
  message. Ouch! Thanks to Devin Carraway <qpsmtpd@devin.com> for the

  Allow [] for the hostname when checking if the dns resolves

  assorted fixes; getting dnsbl's to actually work

  fixing the maximum message size (databytes) stuff (thanks for the
  spot to Andrew Pam <xanni@glasswings.com.au>)

  support and enable taint checking (thanks to Devin Carraway

  Make the MAIL FROM host dns check configurable. (thanks to Devin

  Add more documentation to the README file.