use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib 'lib'; # test lib/Qpsmtpd (vs site_perl) use lib 't'; use Test::Qpsmtpd; use_ok('Qpsmtpd::DB::File::DBM'); my $db = Qpsmtpd::DB::File::DBM->new( name => 'testing', dir => 't/tmp' ); __new(); __get(); __mget(); __set(); __delete(); __get_keys(); __size(); __flush(); __qphome(); __candidate_dirs(); __validate_dir(); __dir(); __untie_gotcha(); done_testing(); sub __new { is( ref $db, 'Qpsmtpd::DB::File::DBM', 'Qpsmtpd::DB::File::DBM object created' ); } sub __get { $db->lock; $db->flush; $db->set( moo => 'oooo' ); is( $db->get('moo'), 'oooo', 'get() retrieves key' ); $db->unlock; } sub __mget { $db->lock; $db->flush; $db->set( key1 => 'val1' ); $db->set( key2 => 'val2' ); is( join('|',$db->mget(qw( key2 key1 ))), 'val2|val1', 'mget() retrieves multiple keys' ); $db->unlock; } sub __set { $db->lock; $db->flush; $db->set( mee => 'ow' ); is( $db->get('mee'), 'ow', 'set() stores key' ); $db->unlock; } sub __delete { $db->lock; $db->flush; $db->set( oink => 1 ); $db->set( quack => 1 ); $db->set( woof => 1 ); $db->set( moo => 1 ); is( $db->delete('quack'), 1, 'delete() return value when removing a single key' ); is( join( '|', sort $db->get_keys ), 'moo|oink|woof', 'delete() removes a single key' ); is( $db->delete(qw( moo oink )), 2, 'delete() return value when removing a single key' ); is( join( '|', sort $db->get_keys ), 'woof', 'delete() removes two keys' ); is( $db->delete('noop'), 0, 'delete() return value when removing a non-existent key' ); $db->unlock; } sub __get_keys { $db->lock; $db->flush; $db->set( asdf => 1 ); $db->set( qwerty => 1 ); is( join( '|', sort $db->get_keys ), 'asdf|qwerty', 'get_keys() lists all keys in the db' ); $db->unlock; } sub __size { $db->lock; $db->flush; $db->set( baz => 1 ); $db->set( blah => 1 ); is( $db->size, 2, 'size() shows key count for db' ); $db->unlock; } sub __flush { $db->lock; $db->flush; $db->set( bogus => 1 ); is( join( '|', $db->get_keys ), 'bogus', 'DBM db populated' ); $db->flush; is( join( '|', $db->get_keys ), '', 'flush() empties db' ); $db->unlock; } sub __qphome { is( $db->qphome, 't', 'qphome()' ); } sub __candidate_dirs { is( join('|', $db->candidate_dirs), 't/var/db|t/config', 'candidate_dirs() default ' ); is( join('|', $db->candidate_dirs('foo')), 'foo|t/var/db|t/config', 'candidate_dirs() passed args plus defaults' ); is( join('|', $db->candidate_dirs), 'foo|t/var/db|t/config', 'candidate_dirs() cached values' ); } sub __validate_dir { is( $db->validate_dir(), 0, 'validate_dir(): false on no input' ); is( $db->validate_dir(undef), 0, 'validate_dir(): false on undef' ); is( $db->validate_dir('invalid'), 0, 'validate_dir(): false for non-existent directory' ); is( $db->validate_dir('t/tmp'), 1, 'validate_dir(): true for real directory' ); mkdir 't/tmp/wtest', 0555; is( $db->validate_dir('t/tmp/wtest'), 0, 'validate_dir(): false for non-writeable directory' ); chmod 0777, 't/tmp/wtest'; is( $db->validate_dir('t/tmp/wtest'), 1, 'validate_dir(): true for writeable directory' ); rmdir 't/tmp/wtest'; } sub __dir { my $db2 = Qpsmtpd::DB::File::DBM->new( name => 'dirtest' ); is( $db2->dir(), 't/config', 'default directory' ); is( $db2->dir('_invalid','t/Test'), 't/Test', 'skip invalid candidate dirs' ); $db2->{dir} = '_cached'; is( $db2->dir(), '_cached', 'cached directory' ); is( $db2->dir('t/Test'), 't/Test', 'passing candidate dirs resets cache' ); is( $db2->dir('_invalid'), 't/config', 'invalid candidate dirs reverts to default' ); } sub __untie_gotcha { # Regression test for 'gotcha' with untying hash that never goes away $db->lock; $db->flush; $db->set( cut => 'itout' ); $db->unlock; my $db2 = Qpsmtpd::DB::File::DBM->new( name => 'testing', dir => 't/tmp' ); $db2->lock; is( $db2->get('cut'), 'itout', 'get() in second db handle reads key set in first handle' ); # Get rid of test data $db2->flush; $db2->unlock; $db->lock; $db->flush; $db->unlock; }