=head1 NAME



This plugin delivers mails to a maildir spool. 

=head1 CONFIG

It takes one required parameter, the location of the maildir.


use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);

sub register {
  my ($self, $qp, @args) = @_;

  # TODO: support per user/domain/? maildirs

  if (@args > 0) {
    ($self->{_maildir}) = ($args[0] =~ m!([/\w\.]+)!);

  unless ($self->{_maildir}) {
    $self->log(1, "WARNING: maildir directory not specified");
    return 0;

  map { my $d = $self->{_maildir} . "/$_"; -e $d or mkpath $d, 0, 0700 } qw(cur tmp new); 

  my $hostname = (hostname =~ m/([\w\._\-]+)/)[0];
  $self->{_hostname} = $hostname;

  $self->register_hook("queue", "queue_handler");


my $maildir_counter = 0;

sub queue_handler {
  my ($self, $transaction) = @_;

  my ($time, $microseconds) = gettimeofday;

  $time = ($time =~ m/(\d+)/)[0];
  $microseconds =~ s/\D//g;

  my $unique  = "P$$" . "M$microseconds" . "Q" . $maildir_counter++;
  my $file    = join ".", $time, $unique, $self->{_hostname};
  my $maildir = $self->{_maildir};

  # TODO: deliver the mail once per recipient instead 
  $transaction->header->add('Delivered-To', $_->address, 0)
    for $transaction->recipients;

  open (MF, ">$maildir/tmp/$file") or 
    $self->log(LOGWARN, "could not open $maildir/tmp/$file: $!"),
    return(DECLINED, "queue error (open)");

  while (my $line = $transaction->body_getline) {
    print MF $line;

  close MF or
    $self->log(LOGWARN, "could not close $maildir/tmp/$file: $!")
    and return(DECLINED, "queue error (close)");

  link "$maildir/tmp/$file", "$maildir/new/$file" or
    $self->log(LOGWARN, "could not link $maildir/tmp/$file to $maildir/new/$file: $!")
    and return(DECLINED, "queue error (link)");

  unlink "$maildir/tmp/$file";

  my $msg_id = $transaction->header->get('Message-Id') || '';
  $msg_id =~ s/[\r\n].*//s;

  return (OK, "Queued! $msg_id"); 