#!perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Qpsmtpd::Constants; sub register_tests { my $self = shift; $self->register_test("test_is_match"); $self->register_test("test_hook_rcpt"); $self->register_test("test_get_host_and_to"); } sub _reset_connection_flags { my $self = shift; $self->qp->connection->relay_client(0); $self->qp->connection->notes('whitelisthost', 0); $self->connection->notes('naughty',0); $self->connection->notes('rejected', 0); } sub test_is_match { my $self = shift; # is_match receives ( $to, $bad, $host ) my $r = $self->is_match( 'matt@example.com', 'matt@example.com', 'example.com' ); ok($r, "match"); ok( $self->is_match( 'matt@exAmple.com', 'matt@example.com', 'tnpi.com' ), "case insensitive match"); ok( $self->is_match( 'mAtt@example.com', 'matt@example.com', 'tnpi.com' ), "case insensitive match +"); ok( ! $self->is_match( 'matt@exmple.com', 'matt@example.com', 'tnpi.com' ), "non-match"); ok( ! $self->is_match( 'matt@example.com', 'matt@exAple.com', 'tnpi.com' ), "case insensitive non-match"); ok( $self->is_match( 'matt@example.com', '@example.com', 'example.com' ), "match host"); ok( ! $self->is_match( 'matt@example.com', '@example.not', 'example.com' ), "non-match host"); ok( ! $self->is_match( 'matt@example.com', '@example.com', 'example.not' ), "non-match host"); ok( $self->is_match( 'matt@example.com', 'example.com$', 'tnpi.com' ), "pattern match"); ok( ! $self->is_match( 'matt@example.com', 'example.not$', 'tnpi.com' ), "pattern non-match"); } sub test_hook_rcpt { my $self = shift; $self->_reset_connection_flags(); my $transaction = $self->qp->transaction; my $recipient = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( '<user@example.com>' ); my ($r, $mess) = $self->hook_rcpt( $transaction, $recipient ); cmp_ok( $r, '==', DECLINED, "valid +"); $recipient = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( '<bad@example.com>' ); ($r, $mess) = $self->hook_rcpt( $transaction, $recipient ); cmp_ok( $r, '==', DENY, "bad match, +, $mess"); $recipient = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( '<any@bad.example.com>' ); ($r, $mess) = $self->hook_rcpt( $transaction, $recipient ); cmp_ok( $r, '==', DENY, "bad host match, +, $mess"); } sub test_get_host_and_to { my $self = shift; my $recipient = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( '<>' ); my ($host, $to) = $self->get_host_and_to( $recipient ); ok( ! $host, "null recipient -"); $recipient = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( '<user>' ); ($host, $to) = $self->get_host_and_to( $recipient ); ok( ! $host, "missing host -"); ok( ! $to, "unparseable to -"); $recipient = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( '<user@example.com>' ); ($host, $to) = $self->get_host_and_to( $recipient ); ok( $host, "valid host +"); ok( $to, "valid to +"); cmp_ok( $to, 'eq', 'user@example.com', "valid to +"); $recipient = Qpsmtpd::Address->new( '<uSer@exaMple.com>' ); ($host, $to) = $self->get_host_and_to( $recipient ); cmp_ok( $host, 'eq', 'example.com', "case normalized +"); cmp_ok( $to, 'eq', 'user@example.com', "case normalized +"); }