# -*- perl -*-


This plugin uses MaxMind's GeoIP service and the Geo::IP perl module to
do a lookup on incoming connections and record the country of origin.

Thats all it does.

It logs the country to the connection notes 'geoip_country'.  Another
plugin can use that value to do things to the connection, like reject,
or greylist.


use Geo::IP;

my $geoip = Geo::IP->new(GEOIP_STANDARD);

sub hook_connect {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $country = 
    $geoip->country_code_by_addr( $self->qp->connection->remote_ip );

  $self->qp->connection->notes('geoip_country', $country);
  $self->log(LOGNOTICE, "GeoIP Country: $country");

  return DECLINED;