package Test::Qpsmtpd; use strict; use Carp qw(croak); use Test::More; use lib 't'; use lib 'lib'; use parent 'Qpsmtpd::SMTP'; use Qpsmtpd::Constants; use Test::Qpsmtpd::Plugin; if ( ! -d 't/tmp' ) { mkdir 't/tmp' or warn "Could not create temporary testing directory:$!"; } sub new_conn { ok(my $smtpd = __PACKAGE__->new(), "new"); ok( my $conn = $smtpd->start_connection( remote_host => 'localhost', remote_ip => '' ), "start_connection" ); is(($smtpd->response)[0], "220", "greetings"); ($smtpd, $conn); } sub start_connection { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $remote_host = $args{remote_host} or croak "no remote_host parameter"; my $remote_info = "test\@$remote_host"; my $remote_ip = $args{remote_ip} or croak "no remote_ip parameter"; my $conn = $self->SUPER::connection->start( remote_info => $remote_info, remote_ip => $remote_ip, remote_host => $remote_host, @_ ); $self->load_plugins; my $rc = $self->start_conversation; return if $rc != DONE; $conn; } sub respond { my $self = shift; $self->{_response} = [@_]; } sub response { my $self = shift; $self->{_response} ? (@{delete $self->{_response}}) : (); } sub command { my ($self, $command) = @_; $self->input($command); $self->response; } sub input { my ($self, $command) = @_; my $timeout = $self->config('timeout'); alarm $timeout; $command =~ s/\r?\n$//s; # advanced chomp $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "dispatching $command"); if (!defined $self->dispatch(split / +/, $command, 2)) { $self->respond(502, "command unrecognized: '$command'"); } alarm $timeout; } sub config_dir { return './t/config' if $ENV{QPSMTPD_DEVELOPER}; return './config.sample'; } sub plugin_dirs { ('./plugins', './plugins/ident'); } sub log { my ($self, $trace, $hook, $plugin, @log) = @_; my $level = Qpsmtpd::TRACE_LEVEL() || 5; $level = $self->init_logger if !defined $level; return if $trace > $level; print("# " . join(' ', $$, @log) . "\n"); ( undef, undef, my @record_args ) = @_; push @{ $self->{_logged} }, log_level($trace) . ":" . join '', grep { defined } @record_args; } sub varlog { shift->log(@_); } # sub run # sub disconnect sub run_plugin_tests { my ($self, $only_plugin) = @_; $self->{_test_mode} = 1; my @plugins = $self->load_plugins(); require Test::Builder; my $Test = Test::Builder->new(); foreach my $plugin (@plugins) { next if ($only_plugin && $plugin !~ /$only_plugin/); $plugin->register_tests(); $plugin->run_tests($self); } $Test->done_testing(); } sub mock_hook { ########################################################################### # Inserts a given subroutine into the beginning of the set of hooks already # in place. Used to test code against different potential plugins it will # interact with. For example, to test behavior against various results of # the data_post hook: # # $self->mock_hook('data_post',sub { return DECLINED }; # ok(...); # $self->mock_hook('data_post',sub { return DENYSOFT }; # ok(...); # $self->mock_hook('data_post',sub { return DENY }; # ok(...); # $self->mock_hook('data_post',sub { return DENY_DISCONNECT }; # ok(...); # $self->unmock_hook('data_post'); ########################################################################### my ( $self, $hook, $sub ) = @_; unshift @{ $self->hooks->{$hook} ||= [] }, { name => '___MockHook___', code => $sub, }; } sub unmock_hook { my ( $self, $hook ) = @_; $self->hooks->{$hook} = [ grep { $_->{name} ne '___MockHook___' } @{ $self->hooks->{$hook} || [] } ]; } sub mock_config { #################################################################### # Used to test code against various possible configurations # For example, to test against various possible config('me') values: # # $self->mock_config( me => '***invalid***' ); # ok(...); # $self->mock_config( me => 'valid-nonfqdn' ); # ok(...); # $self->mock_config( me => ''); # ok(...); # $self->unmock_config(); #################################################################### my $self = shift; my $mock_config = {@_}; $self->mock_hook( 'config', sub { my ( $self, $txn, $conf ) = @_; return DECLINED if ! exists $mock_config->{$conf}; return OK, $mock_config->{$conf}; } ); } sub unmock_config { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->unmock_hook('config'); } 1;