#!perl -w =head1 NAME parse_addr_withhelo =head1 SYNOPSIS strict RFC 821 forbids parameters after the MAIL FROM:<user@example.net> and RCPT TO:<someone@example.com> load this plugin to enforce, else the default EHLO parsing with parameters is done. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Qpsmtpd::Constants; sub hook_mail_parse { my $self = shift; return (OK, \&_parse) if ($self->qp->connection->hello eq 'helo'); return (DECLINED); } sub hook_rcpt_parse { my $self = shift; return (OK, \&_parse) if ($self->qp->connection->hello eq 'helo'); return (DECLINED); } sub _parse { my ($self, $cmd, $line) = @_; $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "_parse() cmd=[$cmd], line=[$line]"); if ($cmd eq 'mail') { return (DENY, "Syntax error in command") unless ($line =~ s/^from:\s*//i); } else { # cmd eq 'rcpt' return (DENY, "Syntax error in command") unless ($line =~ s/^to:\s*//i); } if ($line =~ s/^(<.*>)\s*//) { my $addr = $1; return (DENY, "No parameters allowed in " . uc($cmd)) if ($line =~ /^\S/); return (OK, $addr, ()); } ## now, no <> are given $line =~ s/\s*$//; if ($line =~ /\@/) { return (DENY, "No parameters allowed in " . uc($cmd)) if ($line =~ /\@\S+\s+\S/); return (OK, $line, ()); } if ($cmd eq "mail") { return (OK, "<>") unless $line; # 'MAIL FROM:' -> 'MAIL FROM:<>' return (DENY, "Could not parse your MAIL FROM command"); } else { return (DENY, "Could not parse your RCPT TO command") unless $line =~ /^(postmaster|abuse)$/i; } }