package Qpsmtpd::TcpServer; use Qpsmtpd::SMTP; use Qpsmtpd::Constants; @ISA = qw(Qpsmtpd::SMTP); use strict; use POSIX (); my $first_0; sub start_connection { my $self = shift; die "Qpsmtpd::TcpServer must be started by tcpserver\n" unless $ENV{TCPREMOTEIP}; my $remote_host = $ENV{TCPREMOTEHOST} || ( $ENV{TCPREMOTEIP} ? "[$ENV{TCPREMOTEIP}]" : "[noip!]"); my $remote_info = $ENV{TCPREMOTEINFO} ? "$ENV{TCPREMOTEINFO}\@$remote_host" : $remote_host; my $remote_ip = $ENV{TCPREMOTEIP}; $self->log(LOGNOTICE, "Connection from $remote_info [$remote_ip]"); # if the local dns resolver doesn't filter it out we might get # ansi escape characters that could make a ps axw do "funny" # things. So to be safe, cut them out. $remote_host =~ tr/a-zA-Z\.\-0-9//cd; $first_0 = $0 unless $first_0; my $now = POSIX::strftime("%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d", localtime); $0 = "$first_0 [$remote_ip : $remote_host : $now]"; $self->SUPER::connection->start(remote_info => $remote_info, remote_ip => $remote_ip, remote_host => $remote_host, @_); } sub run { my $self = shift; # should be somewhere in and not here... $self->load_plugins unless $self->{hooks}; my $rc = $self->start_conversation; return if $rc != DONE; # this should really be the loop and read_input should just get one line; I think $self->read_input; } sub read_input { my $self = shift; my $timeout = $self->config('timeoutsmtpd') # qmail smtpd control file || $self->config('timeout') # qpsmtpd control file || 1200; # default value alarm $timeout; while () { alarm 0; $_ =~ s/\r?\n$//s; # advanced chomp $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "dispatching $_"); $self->connection->notes('original_string', $_); defined $self->dispatch(split / +/, $_, 2) or $self->respond(502, "command unrecognized: '$_'"); alarm $timeout; } alarm(0); } sub respond { my ($self, $code, @messages) = @_; my $buf = ''; while (my $msg = shift @messages) { my $line = $code . (@messages?"-":" ").$msg; $self->log(LOGDEBUG, $line); $buf .= "$line\r\n"; } print $buf or ($self->log(LOGERROR, "Could not print [$buf]: $!"), return 0); return 1; } sub disconnect { my $self = shift; $self->log(LOGDEBUG,"click, disconnecting"); $self->SUPER::disconnect(@_); $self->run_hooks("post-connection"); exit; } 1;