#!perl =head1 NAME queue/maildir =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin delivers mails to a maildir spool. =head1 CONFIG It takes one required parameter, the location of the maildir. A second optional parameter delivers the mail into a sub directory named by the recipient of the mail B. Some substituions take place. Before replacing the parts descibed below, any character of the recipient address, which is not one of C<-A-Za-z0-9+_.,@=> is set to a C<_>. If a third parameter is given, it will be used as octal (!) permisson of the newly created files and directories, any execute bits will be stripped for files: Use C<770> to create group writable directories and files with mode C<0660>. =head2 Maildir spool directory substitutions =over 4 =item %l Replaced by the local part of the address (i.e. the username) =item %d Replaced by the domain part of the address (i.e. the domain name) =item %u Replaced by the full address. =cut # =item %% # # Replaced by a single percent sign (%) # # =cut =back Examples: if the plugin is loaded with the parameters queue/maildir /var/spool/qpdeliver %d/%l and the recipient is C the mails will be written to the C sub directory of C. With queue/maildir /var/spool/qpdeliver %u and a recipient of C the mail goes to C. =head1 NOTES Names of the substitution parameters and the replaced charachters are the same L supports, for more info see the C<--virtual-config-dir> option of L. When called with more than one parameter, this plugin is probably not usable with qpsmtpd-async. With the the second parameter being C<%d> it will still deliver one message for each recipient: With the two recpients C and C you get two messages in the C directory. =cut use File::Path qw(mkpath); use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); sub register { my ($self, $qp, @args) = @_; if (@args > 0) { ($self->{_maildir}) = ($args[0] =~ m!([/\w\.]+)!); } if (@args > 1) { ($self->{_subdirs}) = ($args[1] =~ m#^(.*\%[ldu].*)$#); unless ($self->{_subdirs}) { $self->log(LOGWARN, "WARNING: sub directory does not contain a " ."substitution parameter"); return 0; } } if (@args > 2) { ($self->{_perms}) = ($args[2] =~ /^([0-7]{3})$/); unless ($self->{_perms}) { # 000 is unfortunately true ;-) $self->log(LOGWARN, "WARNING: mode is not an octal number"); return 0; } $self->{_perms} = oct($self->{_perms}); } $self->{_perms} = 0700 unless $self->{_perms}; unless ($self->{_maildir}) { $self->log(LOGWARN, "WARNING: maildir directory not specified"); return 0; } unless ($self->{_subdirs}) { # mkpath is influenced by umask... my $old_umask = umask 000; map { my $d = $self->{_maildir} . "/$_"; -e $d or mkpath $d, 0, $self->{_perms} } qw(cur tmp new); umask $old_umask; } my $hostname = (hostname =~ m/([\w\._\-]+)/)[0]; $self->{_hostname} = $hostname; } my $maildir_counter = 0; sub hook_queue { my ($self, $transaction) = @_; my ($rc, @msg); my $old_umask = umask($self->{_perms} ^ 0777); if ($self->{_subdirs}) { foreach my $addr ($transaction->recipients) { ($rc, @msg) = $self->deliver_user($transaction, $addr); unless($rc == OK) { umask $old_umask; return ($rc, @msg); } } umask $old_umask; return (OK, @msg); # last @msg is the same like any other before... } $transaction->header->add('Delivered-To', $_->address, 0) for $transaction->recipients; ($rc, @msg) = $self->write_file($transaction, $self->{_maildir}); umask $old_umask; return ($rc, @msg); } sub write_file { my ($self, $transaction, $maildir, $addr) = @_; my ($time, $microseconds) = gettimeofday; $time = ($time =~ m/(\d+)/)[0]; $microseconds =~ s/\D//g; my $unique = "P$$" . "M$microseconds" . "Q" . $maildir_counter++; my $file = join ".", $time, $unique, $self->{_hostname}; open (MF, ">$maildir/tmp/$file") or $self->log(LOGWARN, "could not open $maildir/tmp/$file: $!"), return(DECLINED, "queue error (open)"); print MF "Delivered-To: ",$addr->address,"\n" if $addr; # else it had been added before... $transaction->header->print(\*MF); $transaction->body_resetpos; while (my $line = $transaction->body_getline) { print MF $line; } close MF or $self->log(LOGWARN, "could not close $maildir/tmp/$file: $!") and return(DECLINED, "queue error (close)"); link "$maildir/tmp/$file", "$maildir/new/$file" or $self->log(LOGWARN, "could not link $maildir/tmp/$file to $maildir/new/$file: $!") and return(DECLINED, "queue error (link)"); unlink "$maildir/tmp/$file"; my $msg_id = $transaction->header->get('Message-Id') || ''; $msg_id =~ s/[\r\n].*//s; return (OK, "Queued! $msg_id"); } sub deliver_user { my ($self, $transaction, $addr) = @_; my $user = $addr->user; $user =~ tr/-A-Za-z0-9+_.,@=/_/c; my $host = $addr->host; $host =~ tr/-A-Za-z0-9+_.,@=/_/c; my $rcpt = $user.'@'.$host; my $subdir = $self->{_subdirs}; $subdir =~ s/\%l/$user/g; $subdir =~ s/\%d/$host/g; $subdir =~ s/\%u/$rcpt/g; # $subdir =~ s/\%%/%/g; my $maildir = $self->{_maildir}."/$subdir"; my $old_umask = umask 000; map { my $d = $maildir . "/$_"; -e $d or mkpath $d, 0, $self->{_perms} } qw(cur tmp new); umask $old_umask; return $self->write_file($transaction, $maildir, $addr); }