sub register { my ($self, $qp) = @_; $self->register_hook("connect", "connect_handler"); $self->register_hook("rcpt", "rcpt_handler"); #$self->register_hook("disconnect", "disconnect_handler"); } sub connect_handler { my ($self, $transaction) = @_; my $remote_ip = $self->qp->connection->remote_ip; my %dnsbl_zones = map { (split /\s+/, $_, 2)[0,1] } $self->qp->config('dnsbl_zones'); return unless %dnsbl_zones; my $reversed_ip = join(".", reverse(split(/\./, $remote_ip))); # we should queue these lookups in the background and just fetch the # results in the first rcpt handler ... oh well. my $result = ""; my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver; for my $dnsbl (keys %dnsbl_zones) { $self->log(3, "Checking $reversed_ip.$dnsbl"); my $query = $res->query("$reversed_ip.$dnsbl", "TXT"); if ($query) { my $a_record = 0; foreach my $rr ($query->answer) { $a_record = 1 if $rr->type eq "A"; next unless $rr->type eq "TXT"; $self->log(10, "got txt record"); $result = $rr->txtdata and last; } $a_record and $result = "Blocked by $dnsbl"; } else { warn "$$ query for $reversed_ip.$dnsbl failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n" unless $res->errorstring eq "NXDOMAIN"; } } $transaction->notes('dnsbl', $result); return DECLINED; } sub rcpt_handler { my ($self, $transaction, $rcpt) = @_; my $note = $transaction->notes('rhsbl'); return (DENY, $note) if $note; return DECLINED; } sub disconnect_handler { # if we queued stuff in the background we should make sure it got # cleaned up here. return DECLINED; } 1;