# by default, qpsmtpd logs to STDERR at the level set in config/loglevel.
# In addition, qpsmtpd will log through any plugins enabled in this file.
# You can enable as many plugins as you wish. Example plugin invocations
# are included below. Just remove the # symbol to enable them.

# default logging plugin
logging/warn 6

#logging/adaptive [accept minlevel] [reject maxlevel] [prefix char]
#logging/adaptive 4 6

# send logs to apache (useful if running qpsmtpd under apache)

# send logs to the great bit bucket

# log to a file
#logging/file loglevel LOGINFO /var/log/qpsmtpd.log

# log to syslog
#logging/syslog loglevel LOGWARN priority LOG_NOTICE