Two new plugins from Gordon Rowell <>

*   plugins/check_badrcptto_patterns
     Match bad RCPTO address with regex
 *   plugins/check_norelay
     Carve out holes from larger relay blocks

git-svn-id: 958fd67b-6ff1-0310-b445-bb7760255be9
This commit is contained in:
John Peacock 2005-06-09 16:36:43 +00:00
parent 662003437d
commit 8b50b6dd46
2 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
This plugin checks the badrcptto_patterns config. This allows
special patterns to be denied (e.g. percent hack, bangs,
double ats).
=head1 CONFIG
Patterns are stored in the format pattern\sresponse, where pattern
is a Perl pattern expression. Don't forget to anchor the pattern if
you want to restrict it from matching anywhere in the string.
qpsmtpd already ensures that the address contains an @, with something
to the left and right of the @.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2005 Gordon Rowell <>
This software is free software and may be distributed under the same
terms as Perl itself.
sub register
my ($self, $qp) = @_;
$self->register_hook("rcpt", "check_for_badrcptto_patterns");
sub check_for_badrcptto_patterns
my ($self, $transaction, $recipient) = @_;
return (DECLINED) if $self->qp->connection->relay_client();
my @badrcptto = $self->qp->config("badrcptto_patterns") or return (DECLINED);
my $host = lc $recipient->host;
my $to = lc($recipient->user) . '@' . $host;
for (@badrcptto)
my ($pattern, $response) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
return (DENY, $response) if ($to =~ /$pattern/);
return (DECLINED);

plugins/check_norelay Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
This plugin checks the norelayclients config file to see if
relaying is denied.
This allows specific clients, such as the gateway, to be denied
relaying, even though they would be allowed relaying by the
relayclients file.
=head1 CONFIG
Each line is:
- a full IP address
- partial IP address terminated by a dot for matching whole networks
e.g. 192.168.42.
This plugin does not have a more_norelayclients map equivalent
of the more_relayclients map of the check_relay plugin.
=head1 AUTHOR
Based on check_relay plugin from the qpsmtpd distribution.
Copyright 2005 Gordon Rowell <>
This software is free software and may be distributed under the same
terms as Perl itself.
sub register {
my ($self, $qp) = @_;
$self->register_hook("connect", "check_norelay");
sub check_norelay {
my ($self, $transaction) = @_;
my $connection = $self->qp->connection;
# Check if this IP is not allowed to relay
my @no_relay_clients = $self->qp->config("norelayclients");
my %no_relay_clients = map { $_ => 1 } @no_relay_clients;
my $client_ip = $self->qp->connection->remote_ip;
while ($client_ip) {
if ( exists($no_relay_clients{$client_ip}) )
$self->log(LOGNOTICE, "check_norelay: $client_ip denied relaying");
$client_ip =~ s/\d+\.?$//; # strip off another 8 bits
return (DECLINED);