Merge pull request #233 from jaredj/greylist-error-handling
Skip greylisting when we can't talk to greylist DB
This commit is contained in:
@ -180,15 +180,23 @@ sub flush {
sub dir {
my ( $self, @candidate_dirs ) = @_;
return $self->{dir} if $self->{dir} and ! @candidate_dirs;
push @candidate_dirs, ( $self->qphome . '/var/db', $self->qphome . '/config' );
for my $d ( @candidate_dirs ) {
my ( $self, @arg ) = @_;
return $self->{dir} if $self->{dir} and ! @arg;
for my $d ( $self->candidate_dirs(@arg) ) {
next if ! $self->validate_dir($d);
return $self->{dir} = $d; # first match wins
sub candidate_dirs {
my ( $self, @arg ) = @_;
return @{ $self->{candidate_dirs} } if $self->{candidate_dirs} && ! @arg;
$self->{candidate_dirs} = \@arg if @arg;
push @{ $self->{candidate_dirs} },
$self->qphome . '/var/db', $self->qphome . '/config';
return @{ $self->{candidate_dirs} };
sub validate_dir {
my ( $self, $d ) = @_;
return 0 if ! $d;
@ -347,10 +347,24 @@ sub _register_standard_hooks {
sub db_args {
my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;
$self->{db_args} = \%arg if %arg;
$self->{db_args}{name} ||= $self->plugin_name;
$self->{db_args}{cnx_timeout} ||= 1;
return %{ $self->{db_args} };
sub db {
my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;
$arg{name} ||= $self->plugin_name;
return $self->{db} ||= Qpsmtpd::DB->new(%arg);
return $self->{db} ||= Qpsmtpd::DB->new( $self->db_args(%arg) );
sub validate_db_args {
(my $self, undef, my @args) = @_;
die "Invalid db arguments\n" if @args % 2;
@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ Location of redis server where the greylisting DB will be stored.
Redis can be used as a scalable and clusterable alternative
to a simple DBM file. For more information, see
When Redis is in use, this plugin will wait up to 1 second to connect;
when Redis is unavailable, clients will not be greylisted.
=head2 per_recipient <bool>
Flag to indicate whether to use per-recipient configs.
@ -211,9 +214,10 @@ sub register {
$config->{reject} = $config->{mode} =~ /testonly|off/i ? 0 : 1;
$self->{_args} = $config;
$self->init_db() or return;
eval { $self->prune_db(); };
$self->log(LOGERROR, "Unable to prune greylist DB: $@") if $@;
if ($self->{_args}{upgrade}) {
@ -233,22 +237,20 @@ sub register_hooks {
sub init_db {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->init_redis if $self->{_args}{redis};
return $self->init_dbm;
if ( $self->{_args}{redis} ) {
} else {
sub init_redis {
my ($self) = @_;
eval {
name => 'greylist',
class => 'Qpsmtpd::DB::Redis',
server => $self->parse_redis_server,
) or die 'Unknown error';
return 1 if ! $@;
$self->log(LOGCRIT, "Unable to connect to redis, GREYLISTING DISABLED: $@");
return 0;
name => 'greylist',
class => 'Qpsmtpd::DB::Redis',
server => $self->parse_redis_server,
sub parse_redis_server {
@ -263,19 +265,18 @@ sub init_dbm {
name => 'greylist',
class => 'Qpsmtpd::DB::File::DBM'
) or return 0;
my $cdir = $self->{_args}{db_dir};
$cdir = $1 if $cdir and $cdir =~ m{^([-a-zA-Z0-9./_]+)$};
# greylisting-specific hints for where to store the greylist DB
my $db_dir = $self->db->dir( $cdir, '/var/lib/qpsmtpd/greylisting' );
$self->db->nfs_locking( $self->{_args}{nfslock} );
# Work around old DBM filename
return 1 if -f "$db_dir/greylist.dbm";
my $oldname = 'denysoft_greylist';
return 1 if ! -f "$db_dir/$oldname.dbm";
return 1;
if ( ! -f "$db_dir/greylist.dbm" && -f "$db_dir/$oldname.dbm" ) {
sub load_exclude_files {
@ -386,16 +387,25 @@ sub greylist {
my $key = $self->get_greylist_key($sender, $rcpt) or return DECLINED;
my @result;
eval {
@result = $self->greylist_result($key, $config);
return $self->errcode($@) if $@;
return @result;
sub greylist_result {
my ($self, $key, $config) = @_;
my $fmt = "%s:%d:%d:%d";
$self->db->lock or return DECLINED;
my $value = $self->db->get($key);
if ( ! $value ) {
# new IP or entry timed out - record new
$self->db->set( $key, sprintf $fmt, $self->now, 1, 0, 0 );
$self->log(LOGWARN, "fail: initial DENYSOFT, unknown");
return $self->cleanup_and_return();
return $self->failcode();
my ( $ts, $new, $black, $white ) = split /:/, $value;
@ -407,7 +417,7 @@ sub greylist {
if ( $self->now - $ts < $config->{white_timeout} ) {
$self->db->set( $key, sprintf $fmt, $self->now, $new, $black, ++$white );
$self->log(LOGINFO, "pass: white, $white deliveries");
return $self->cleanup_and_return(DECLINED);
return DECLINED;
else {
$self->log(LOGINFO, "key $key has timed out (white)");
@ -419,26 +429,29 @@ sub greylist {
$self->db->set( $key, sprintf $fmt, $ts, $new, ++$black, 0 );
"fail: black DENYSOFT - $black deferred connections");
return $self->cleanup_and_return();
return $self->failcode();
$self->log(LOGWARN, "pass: timed out (grey)");
return $self->cleanup_and_return(DECLINED);
return DECLINED;
# This exists purely to be overridden for testing
sub now { time() }
sub cleanup_and_return {
my ($self, $return_val) = @_;
return $return_val if defined $return_val; # explicit override
sub failcode {
my ($self) = @_;
if defined $self->{_args}{reject} && !$self->{_args}{reject};
sub errcode {
my ($self, $err) = @_;
return DECLINED;
sub get_greylist_key {
my $self = shift;
my $sender = shift || $self->qp->transaction->sender;
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ sub register_tests {
sub test_load_exclude_files {
@ -333,19 +335,27 @@ sub rc {
sub test_init_redis {
my ($self) = @_;
delete $self->{db};
$self->{_args}{redis} = 'bogusserverasdfqwerty.:6379';
ok( ! $self->init_redis, 'init_redis() fails on bogus server' );
eval { Qpsmtpd::DB::Redis->new };
return if $@;
$self->{_args}{redis} = 'localhost';
ok( $self->init_redis, 'init_redis() succeeds when redis is up' );
$self->{_args}{redis} = 'testredis';
is( keyvals($self->db_args),
. 'name=greylist;server=testredis:6379',
'init_redis() sets redis args' );
sub keyvals {
my ( %h ) = @_;
return join ";", map { "$_=$h{$_}" } sort keys %h;
sub test_init_dbm {
my ($self) = @_;
delete $self->{db};
delete $self->{_args}{redis};
ok( $self->init_db, 'init_db() works for DBM' );
is( $self->db->name, 'greylist', 'init_dbm() sets correct db name' );
is( $self->db->path, 't/config/greylist.dbm', 'init_dbm() sets correct path' );
is( ref $self->db, 'Qpsmtpd::DB::File::DBM', 'init_dbm() gives DBM object' );
sub test_parse_redis_server {
@ -358,3 +368,24 @@ sub test_parse_redis_server {
'parse_redis_server(): add default port' );
sub test_failcode {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{_args}{reject} = 0;
is( $self->rc( $self->failcode() ), 'DECLINED',
'failcode(): reject disabled' );
delete $self->{_args}{reject};
is( $self->rc( $self->failcode() ), 'DENYSOFT: This mail is temporarily denied',
'failcode(): reject enabled' );
sub test_errcode {
my ($self) = @_;
delete $self->qp->{_logged};
is( $self->rc( $self->errcode('test error') ),
'errcode(): proper return code' );
is( join("\n", @{ $self->qp->{_logged} || [] }),
'errocode(): logged error' );
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ __get_keys();
@ -108,6 +109,15 @@ sub __qphome {
is( $db->qphome, 't', 'qphome()' );
sub __candidate_dirs {
is( join('|', $db->candidate_dirs), 't/var/db|t/config',
'candidate_dirs() default ' );
is( join('|', $db->candidate_dirs('foo')), 'foo|t/var/db|t/config',
'candidate_dirs() passed args plus defaults' );
is( join('|', $db->candidate_dirs), 'foo|t/var/db|t/config',
'candidate_dirs() cached values' );
sub __validate_dir {
is( $db->validate_dir(), 0, 'validate_dir(): false on no input' );
is( $db->validate_dir(undef), 0, 'validate_dir(): false on undef' );
@ -9,11 +9,42 @@ use Test::Qpsmtpd;
sub __validate_db_args {
my $plugin = FakePlugin->new;
eval { $plugin->validate_db_args($plugin, testkey => 1) };
is( $@, '', 'validate_db_args() does not die on valid data' );
eval { $plugin->validate_db_args($plugin, 'bogus') };
is( $@, "Invalid db arguments\n", 'validate_db_args() dies on invalid data' );
sub __db_args {
my $plugin = FakePlugin->new;
is( keyvals($plugin->db_args),
'default db args populated' );
is( keyvals($plugin->db_args( arg1 => 1 )),
'passed args in addition to defaults' );
is( keyvals($plugin->db_args( name => 'bob', arg2 => 2 )),
'passed args override defaults' );
is( keyvals($plugin->db_args),
'get previous args' );
sub keyvals {
my ( %h ) = @_;
return join ";", map { "$_=$h{$_}" } sort keys %h;
sub __db {
my $plugin = FakePlugin->new;
my $db = $plugin->db( class => 'FakeDB', name => 'testfoo' );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user