Script to generate Qpsmtpd::Postfix::Constants from the Postfix source.

From Hanno Hecker (tweaks by John Peacock).

git-svn-id: 958fd67b-6ff1-0310-b445-bb7760255be9
This commit is contained in:
John Peacock 2006-11-01 02:28:41 +00:00
parent 86e202d19e
commit 0786b60699
2 changed files with 118 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
0.33 0.33
New Qpsmtpd::Postfix::Constants to encapsulate all of the current return
codes from Postfix, plus script to generate it. (Hanno Hecker)
Add ability to specific socket for syslog (Peter Eisch) Add ability to specific socket for syslog (Peter Eisch)
Do the right thing for unimplemented AUTH mechanisms (Brian Szymanski) Do the right thing for unimplemented AUTH mechanisms (Brian Szymanski)

lib/Qpsmtpd/Postfix/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
#/usr/bin/perl -w
my $version = "0.1";
$0 =~ s#.*/##;
my $path = $&; # sneaky way to get path back
my $POSTFIX_SRC = shift || die <<"EOF";
$0 /path/to/postfix/source
my $header = "$POSTFIX_SRC/src/global/cleanup_user.h";
my $src = "$POSTFIX_SRC/src/global/cleanup_strerror.c";
my $pf_vers = "$POSTFIX_SRC/src/global/mail_version.h";
my $postfix_version = "";
open VERS, $pf_vers
or die "Could not open $pf_vers: $!\n";
while (<VERS>) {
next unless /^\s*#\s*define\s+MAIL_VERSION_NUMBER\s+"(.+)"\s*$/;
$postfix_version = $1;
close VERS;
$postfix_version =~ s/^(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
if ($postfix_version < 2.3) {
die "Need at least postfix v2.3";
my $start = <<'_END';
# Qpsmtpd::Postfix::Constants
# This is a generated file, do not edit
$start .= "# created by $0 v$version @ ".scalar(gmtime)."\n"
."# postfix version $postfix_version\n"
$start .= <<'_END';
package Qpsmtpd::Postfix::Constants;
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
require Exporter;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %cleanup_soft %cleanup_hard $postfix_version);
use strict;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
my @export = qw(%cleanup_soft %cleanup_hard $postfix_version);
my @out = ();
open HEAD, $header
or die "Could not open $header: $!\n";
while (<HEAD>) {
while (s/\\\n$//) {
$_ .= <HEAD>;
if (/^\s*#define\s/) {
next if /^_/;
my $comment = $1 || "";
my @words = split ' ', $_;
my $const = shift @words;
if ($const eq "CLEANUP_STAT_OK") {
push @out, "";
push @export, $const;
push @out, "use constant $const => ". join(" ", @words). "; "
.($comment ? "# $comment ": "");
close HEAD;
open SRC, $src
or die "Could not open $src: $!\n";
my $data;
local $/ = undef;
$data = <SRC>;
close SRC;
$data =~ s/.*cleanup_stat_map\[\]\s*=\s*{\s*\n//s;
$data =~ s/};.*$//s;
my @array = split "\n", $data;
my (@denysoft,@denyhard);
foreach (@array) {
s/,/ => /;
s/"(\d\.\d\.\d)",\s+"(.*)",/"$2 (#$1)",/;
s!(/\*.*\*/)!# $1!;
s/4\d\d,\s// && push @denysoft, $_;
s/5\d\d,\s// && push @denyhard, $_;
open my $CONSTANTS, '>', "$path/";
print ${CONSTANTS} $start, '@EXPORT = qw(', "\n";
while (@export) {
print ${CONSTANTS} "\t", shift @export, "\n";
print ${CONSTANTS} ");\n\n",
"\$postfix_version = \"$postfix_version\";\n",
join("\n", @out),"\n\n";
print ${CONSTANTS} "\%cleanup_soft = (\n", join("\n", @denysoft), "\n);\n\n";
print ${CONSTANTS} "\%cleanup_hard = (\n", join("\n", @denyhard), "\n);\n\n1;\n";