refactored p0f plugin, added p0f v3 support
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,15 +43,33 @@ from Windows computers.
Configuration consists of two steps: starting p0f and configuring this plugin.
=head2 start p0f
Create a startup script for PF that creates a communication socket when your
server starts up.
p0f -u qpsmtpd -d -q -Q /tmp/.p0f_socket 'dst port 25' -o /dev/null
chown qpsmtpd /tmp/.p0f_socket
p0f v2 example:
p0f -u qpsmtpd -d -q -Q /tmp/.p0f_socket2 'dst port 25' -o /dev/null
chown qpsmtpd /tmp/.p0f_socket2
p0f v3 example:
p0f -u qpsmtpd -d -s /tmp/.p0f_socket3 'dst port 25'
chown qpsmtpd /tmp/.p0f_socket3
=head2 configure p0f plugin
add an entry to config/plugins to enable p0f:
ident/p0f /tmp/.p0f_socket
ident/p0f /tmp/.p0f_socket3
It's even possible to run both versions of p0f simultaneously:
ident/p0f:2 /tmp/.p0f_socket2 version 2
ident/p0f:3 /tmp/.p0f_socket3
=head2 local_ip
@ -64,11 +82,20 @@ Example config/plugins entry with local_ip override:
ident/p0f /tmp/.p0f_socket local_ip
All code heavily based upon the included with the p0f distribution.
=head2 version
The version settings specifies the version of p0f you are running. This plugin supports p0f versions 2 and 3. If version is not defined, version 3 is assumed.
Example entry specifying p0f version 2
ident/p0f /tmp/.p0f_socket version 2
=head1 Environment requirements
p0f requires four pieces of information to look up the p0f fingerprint:
p0f v3 requires only the remote IP.
p0f v2 requires four pieces of information to look up the p0f fingerprint:
local_ip, local_port, remote_ip, and remote_port. has been
has been updated to provide that information when running under djb's
tcpserver. The async, forkserver, and prefork models will likely require
@ -76,19 +103,36 @@ some additional changes to make sure these fields are populated.
Heavily based upon the included with the p0f distribution.
Version 2 code heavily based upon the included with the p0f distribution.
=head1 AUTHORS
Matt Simerson <> - 5/1/2010
previous unnamed author
Robert Spier ( original author )
Matt Simerson
=head1 CHANGES
Added local_ip option - Matt Simerson (5/2010)
Refactored and added p0f v3 support - Matt Simerson (4/2012)
use strict;
use warnings;
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
use IO::Socket;
use Net::IP;
my $QUERY_MAGIC = 0x0defaced;
my $QUERY_MAGIC_V2 = 0x0defaced;
my $QUERY_MAGIC_V3 = 0x50304601;
my $RESP_MAGIC_V3 = 0x50304602;
my $P0F_STATUS_OK = 0x10;
my $P0F_STATUS_NOMATCH = 0x20;
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, $p0f_socket, %args) = @_;
@ -103,53 +147,173 @@ sub register {
sub hook_connect {
my($self, $qp) = @_;
my $p0f_socket = $self->{_args}->{p0f_socket};
my $p0f_version = $self->{_args}->{version} || 3;
if ( $p0f_version == 3 ) {
my $response = $self->query_p0f_v3() or return DECLINED;
$self->test_v3_response( $response ) or return DECLINED;
$self->store_v3_results( $response );
else {
my $response = $self->query_p0f_v2() or return DECLINED;
$self->test_v2_response( $response ) or return DECLINED;
$self->store_v2_results( $response );
return DECLINED;
sub get_v2_query {
my $self = shift;
my $local_ip = $self->{_args}{local_ip} || $self->qp->connection->local_ip;
my $src = new Net::IP ($self->qp->connection->remote_ip)
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: ".Net::IP::Error()), return (DECLINED);
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: ".Net::IP::Error()), return;
my $dst = new Net::IP($local_ip)
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: ".NET::IP::Error()), return (DECLINED);
my $query = pack("L L L N N S S",
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: ".NET::IP::Error()), return;
return pack("L L L N N S S",
rand ^ 42 ^ time,
sub get_v3_query {
my $self = shift;
my $src_ip = $self->qp->connection->remote_ip;
if ( $src_ip =~ /:/ ) { # IPv6
my @bits = split(/\:/, $src_ip );
return pack( "L C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C", $QUERY_MAGIC_V3, 0x06, @bits );
my @octets = split(/\./, $src_ip);
return pack( "L C C16", $QUERY_MAGIC_V3, 0x04, @octets );
sub query_p0f_v3 {
my $self = shift;
my $p0f_socket = $self->{_args}->{p0f_socket} or return;
my $query = $self->get_v3_query();
# Open the connection to p0f
my $sock;
eval {
$sock = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $p0f_socket, Type => SOCK_STREAM );
if ( ! $sock ) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: could not open socket: $@");
$sock->autoflush(1); # paranoid redundancy
$sock->connected or do {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: socket not connected: $!");
my $sent = $sock->send($query, 0) or do {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: send failed: $!");
print $sock $query; # yes, this is redundant, but I get no response from p0f otherwise
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "p0f: send $sent byte request");
my $response;
$sock->recv( $response, 232 );
my $length = length $response;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "p0f: received $length byte response");
close $sock;
return $response;
sub query_p0f_v2 {
my $self = shift;
my $p0f_socket = $self->{_args}->{p0f_socket};
my $query = $self->get_v2_query() or return;
# Open the connection to p0f
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: socket: $!"), return (DECLINED);
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: socket: $!"), return;
connect(SOCK, sockaddr_un($p0f_socket))
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: connect: $!"), return (DECLINED);
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: connect: $!"), return;
defined syswrite SOCK, $query
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: write: $!"), close SOCK, return (DECLINED);
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: write: $!"), close SOCK, return;
my $response;
defined sysread SOCK, $response, 1024
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: read: $!"), close SOCK, return (DECLINED);
or $self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: read: $!"), close SOCK, return;
close SOCK;
return $response;
sub test_v2_response {
my ($self, $response ) = @_;
# Extract part of the p0f response
my ($magic, $id, $type) = unpack ("L L C", $response);
# $self->log(LOGERROR, $response);
if ($magic != $QUERY_MAGIC_V2) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: Bad response magic.");
if ($type == 1) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: p0f did not honor our query");
elsif ($type == 2) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "p0f: This connection is no longer in the cache");
return 1;
sub test_v3_response {
my ($self, $response ) = @_;
my ($magic,$status) = unpack ("L L", $response);
# check the magic response value (a p0f constant)
if ($magic != $RESP_MAGIC_V3 ) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: Bad response magic.");
# check the response status
if ($status == $P0F_STATUS_BADQUERY ) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: bad query");
elsif ($status == $P0F_STATUS_NOMATCH ) {
$self->log(LOGINFO, "p0f: no match");
if ($status == $P0F_STATUS_OK ) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "p0f: query ok");
return 1;
sub store_v2_results {
my ($self, $response ) = @_;
# Extract the response from p0f
my ($magic, $id, $type, $genre, $detail, $dist, $link, $tos, $fw,
$nat, $real, $score, $mflags, $uptime) =
unpack ("L L C Z20 Z40 c Z30 Z30 C C C s S N", $response);
if ($magic != $QUERY_MAGIC) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: Bad response magic.");
return (DECLINED);
if ($type == 1) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "p0f: P0f did not honor our query");
return (DECLINED);
if ($type == 2) {
$self->log(LOGWARN, "p0f: This connection is no longer in the cache");
return (DECLINED);
my $p0f = {
genre => $genre,
detail => $detail,
@ -159,8 +323,28 @@ sub hook_connect {
$self->qp->connection->notes('p0f', $p0f);
$self->log(LOGINFO, "Results: ".$p0f->{genre}." (".$p0f->{detail}.")");
$self->log(LOGINFO, $genre." (".$detail.")");
$self->log(LOGERROR,"error: $@") if $@;
sub store_v3_results {
my ($self, $response ) = @_;
my @labels = qw/ magic status first_seen last_seen total_conn uptime_min
up_mod_days last_nat last_chg distance bad_sw os_match_q os_name os_flavor
http_name http_flavor link_type language /;
my @values = unpack ("L L L L L L L L L s C C A32 A32 A32 A32 A32 A32 A32", $response);
my %r;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. ( scalar @labels -1 ) ) {
next if ! defined $values[$i];
next if ! defined $values[$i];
$r{ $labels[$i] } = $values[$i];
$self->qp->connection->notes('p0f', \%r);
$self->log(LOGINFO, "$values[12] $values[13]");
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, join(' ', @values ));
$self->log(LOGERROR,"error: $@") if $@;
return DECLINED;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user