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#!perl -w
=head1 NAME
rcpt_map - check recipients against recipient map
B<rcpt_map> reads a list of adresses, return codes and comments
from the supplied config file. Adresses are compared with I<eq lc($rcpt)>.
The recipient addresses are checked against this list, and if the first
matches, the return code from that line and the comment are returned to
qpsmtpd. Return code can be any valid plugin return code from
L<Qpsmtpd::Constants>. Matching is always done case insenstive.
When the given map file changes on disk, it is re-read in the pre-connection
The C<file MAP> and C<domain NAME> arguments are required. The default value of
the C<default> argument is C<DENY=No_such_user.> (see below why C<_>).
=over 4
=item domain NAME
If the recipient address does not match this domain name NAME, this plugin will
return C<DECLINED>
=item file MAP
Use the config file as map file, format as explained below
=item default CODE[=MSG]
Use CODE as default return code (and return MSG as message) if a recipient
was B<not> found in the map. Since we can't use spaces in MSG, every C<_>
is replaced by a space, i.e. use C<DENY=User_not_found> if you want a deny
message C<User not found>.
The config file contains lines with an address, a return code and a comment,
which will be returned to the sender, if the code is not OK or DECLINED.
# example_org_map - config for rcpt_map plugin
me@example.org OK
you@example.org OK
info@example.org DENY User not found.
=head1 NOTES
We're currently running this plugin like shown in the following example.
Excerpt from the C<plugins> config file:
## list of valid users, config in /srv/qpsmtpd/config/rcpt_regexp
## ... except for "*@example.org":
## only for "@example.org":
rcpt_map domain example.org file /srv/qpsmtpd/config/map_example_org
And the C<rcpt_regexp> config file:
### "example.org" addresses are checked later by the rcpt_map
### plugin, return DECLINED here:
/^.*\@example\.org$/ DECLINED
### all other domains just check for valid users, the validity
### of the domain is checked by the rcpt_ok plugin => never use
### something else than "DENY" or "DECLINED" here!
/^(abuse|postmaster)\@/ DECLINED
/^(me|you)\@/ DECLINED
/^.*$/ DENY No such user.
Copyright (c) 2009 Hanno Hecker
This plugin is licensed under the same terms as the qpsmtpd package itself.
Please see the LICENSE file included with qpsmtpd for details.
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
our %map;
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, %args) = @_;
foreach my $arg (qw(domain file default)) {
next unless exists $args{$arg};
if ($arg eq "default") {
my ($code, $msg) = split /=/, $args{$arg};
$code = Qpsmtpd::Constants::return_code($code);
die "Not a valid constant for 'default' arg"
unless defined $code;
$msg or $msg = "No such user.";
$msg =~ s/_/ /g;
$self->{_default} = [$code, $msg];
else {
$self->{"_$arg"} = $args{$arg};
or $self->{_default} = [DENY, "No such user."];
or die "No map file given...";
or die "No domain name given...";
$self->{_domain} = lc $self->{_domain};
"Using map " . $self->{_file} . " for domain " . $self->{_domain});
%map = $self->read_map(1);
die "Empty map file " . $self->{_file}
unless keys %map;
sub hook_pre_connection {
my $self = shift;
my ($time) = (stat($self->{_file}))[9] || 0;
if ($time > $self->{_time}) {
my %temp = $self->read_map();
keys %temp
or return DECLINED;
%map = %temp;
return DECLINED;
sub read_map {
my $self = shift;
my %hash = ();
open F, $self->{_file}
or do { $_[0] ? die "ERROR opening: $!" : return (); };
($self->{_time}) = (stat(F))[9] || 0;
my $line = 0;
while (<F>) {
next if /^#/;
next unless $_;
my ($addr, $code, $msg) = split / /, $_, 3;
next unless $addr;
unless ($code) {
"No constant in line $line in " . $self->{_file});
$code = Qpsmtpd::Constants::return_code($code);
unless (defined $code) {
"Not a valid constant in line $line in " . $self->{_file});
$msg or $msg = "No such user.";
$hash{$addr} = [$code, $msg];
return %hash;
sub hook_rcpt {
my ($self, $transaction, $recipient) = @_;
return (DECLINED)
unless $recipient->host && $recipient->user;
return (DECLINED)
unless lc($recipient->host) eq $self->{_domain};
my $rcpt = lc $recipient->user . '@' . lc $recipient->host;
return (@{$self->{_default}})
unless exists $map{$rcpt};
return @{$map{$rcpt}};