2012-06-22 05:38:01 -04:00
#!perl -w
=head1 NAME
auth_ldap_bind - Authenticate user via an LDAP bind
This plugin authenticates users against an LDAP Directory. The plugin
first performs a lookup for an entry matching the connecting user. This
lookup uses the 'ldap_auth_filter_attr' attribute to match the connecting
user to their LDAP DN. Once the plugin has found the user's DN, the plugin
will attempt to bind to the Directory as that DN with the password that has
been supplied.
Configuration items can be held in either the 'ldap' configuration file, or as
arguments to the plugin.
Configuration items in the 'ldap' configuration file
are set one per line, starting the line with the configuration item key,
followed by a space, then the values associated with the configuration item.
Configuration items given as arguments to the plugin are keys and values
separated by spaces. Be sure to quote any values that have spaces in them.
The only configuration item which is required is 'ldap_base'. This tells the
plugin what your base DN is. The plugin will not work until it has been
The configuration items 'ldap_host' and 'ldap_port' specify the host and port
at which your Directory server may be contacted. If these are not specified,
the plugin will use port '389' on 'localhost'.
The configuration item 'ldap_timeout' specifies how long the plugin should
wait for a response from your Directory server. By default, the value is 5
The configuration item 'ldap_auth_filter_attr' specifies how the plugin should
find the user in your Directory. By default, the plugin will look up the user
based on the 'uid' attribute.
=head1 NOTES
Each auth requires an initial lookup to find the user's DN. Ideally, the
plugin would simply bind as the user without the need for this lookup (see
This plugin requires that the Directory allow anonymous bind (see FUTURE
A configurable LDAP filter should be made available, to account for users
who are over quota, have had their accounts disabled, or whatever other
arbitrary requirements.
A configurable DN template (uid=$USER,ou=$DOMAIN,$BASE). This would prevent
the need of the initial user lookup, as the DN is created from the template.
A configurable bind DN, for Directories that do not allow anonymous bind.
Another plugin ('ldap_auth_cleartext'?), to allow retrieval of plain-text
passwords from the Directory, permitting CRAM-MD5 or other hash algorithm
=head1 AUTHOR
Elliot Foster <elliotf@gratuitous.net>
Copyright (c) 2005 Elliot Foster
This plugin is licensed under the same terms as the qpsmtpd package itself.
Please see the LICENSE file included with qpsmtpd for details.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::LDAP qw(:all);
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, @args) = @_;
$self->register_hook("auth-plain", "authldap");
$self->register_hook("auth-login", "authldap");
# pull config defaults in from file
%{$self->{"ldconf"}} =
map { (split /\s+/, $_, 2)[0, 1] } $self->qp->config('ldap');
# override ldap config defaults with plugin args
for my $ldap_arg (@args) {
%{$self->{"ldconf"}} = map { (split /\s+/, $_, 2)[0, 1] } $ldap_arg;
# do light validation of ldap_host and ldap_port to satisfy -T
my $ldhost = $self->{"ldconf"}->{'ldap_host'};
my $ldport = $self->{"ldconf"}->{'ldap_port'};
if (($ldhost) && ($ldhost =~ m/^(([a-z0-9]+\.?)+)$/)) {
$self->{"ldconf"}->{'ldap_host'} = $1;
else {
undef $self->{"ldconf"}->{'ldap_host'};
if (($ldport) && ($ldport =~ m/^(\d+)$/)) {
$self->{"ldconf"}->{'ldap_port'} = $1;
else {
undef $self->{"ldconf"}->{'ldap_port'};
# set any values that are not already
$self->{"ldconf"}->{"ldap_host"} ||= "";
$self->{"ldconf"}->{"ldap_port"} ||= 389;
$self->{"ldconf"}->{"ldap_timeout"} ||= 5;
$self->{"ldconf"}->{"ldap_auth_filter_attr"} ||= "uid";
sub authldap {
my ($self, $transaction, $method, $user, $passClear, $passHash, $ticket) =
my ($ldhost, $ldport, $ldwait, $ldbase, $ldmattr, $lduserdn, $ldh, $mesg);
# pull values in from config
$ldhost = $self->{"ldconf"}->{"ldap_host"};
$ldport = $self->{"ldconf"}->{"ldap_port"};
$ldbase = $self->{"ldconf"}->{"ldap_base"};
# log error here and DECLINE if no baseDN, because a custom baseDN is required:
unless ($ldbase) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "skip: please configure ldap_base");
return (DECLINED, "authldap - temporary auth error");
2013-04-21 00:50:39 -04:00
2012-06-22 05:38:01 -04:00
$ldwait = $self->{"ldconf"}->{'ldap_timeout'};
$ldmattr = $self->{"ldconf"}->{'ldap_auth_filter_attr'};
my ($pw_name, $pw_domain) = split "@", lc($user);
# find dn of user matching supplied username
$ldh = Net::LDAP->new($ldhost, port => $ldport, timeout => $ldwait) or do {
$self->log(LOGALERT, "skip: error in initial conn");
return (DECLINED, "authldap - temporary auth error");
# find the user's DN
2013-04-21 00:50:39 -04:00
$mesg = $ldh->search(
base => $ldbase,
scope => 'sub',
filter => "$ldmattr=$pw_name",
attrs => ['uid'],
timeout => $ldwait,
sizelimit => '1'
or do {
2012-06-22 05:38:01 -04:00
$self->log(LOGALERT, "skip: err in search for user");
return (DECLINED, "authldap - temporary auth error");
2013-04-21 00:50:39 -04:00
2012-06-22 05:38:01 -04:00
# deal with errors if they exist
if ($mesg->code) {
2013-04-21 00:50:39 -04:00
"skip: err " . $mesg->code . " in search for user");
2012-06-22 05:38:01 -04:00
return (DECLINED, "authldap - temporary auth error");
# unbind, so as to allow a rebind below
$ldh->unbind if $ldh;
# bind against directory as user with password supplied
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if (!$mesg->count || $lduserdn = $mesg->entry->dn) {
2012-06-22 05:38:01 -04:00
$self->log(LOGALERT, "fail: user not found");
return (DECLINED, "authldap - wrong username or password");
2013-04-21 00:50:39 -04:00
2012-06-22 05:38:01 -04:00
$ldh = Net::LDAP->new($ldhost, port => $ldport, timeout => $ldwait) or do {
$self->log(LOGALERT, "skip: err in user conn");
return (DECLINED, "authldap - temporary auth error");
# here's the whole reason for the script
$mesg = $ldh->bind($lduserdn, password => $passClear, timeout => $ldwait);
$ldh->unbind if $ldh;
# deal with errors if they exist, or allow success
if ($mesg->code) {
$self->log(LOGALERT, "fail: error in user bind");
return (DECLINED, "authldap - wrong username or password");
$self->log(LOGINFO, "pass: $user auth success");
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "user: $user, pass: $passClear");
return (OK, "authldap");