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#!perl -w
=head1 NAME
auth_cvm_unix_local - SMTP AUTH LOGIN module using
Bruce Guenther's Credential Validation Module (CVM)
In config/plugins:
auth/auth_cvm_unix_local \
cvm_socket /var/lib/cvm/cvm-unix-local.socket \
enable_smtp no \
enable_ssmtp yes
=head1 BUGS
- Should probably handle auth-cram-md5 as well. However, this requires
access to the plain text password. We could store a separate database
of passwords purely for SMTP AUTH, for example as an optional
SMTPAuthPassword property of an account in the esmith::AccountsDB;
This plugin implements an authentication plugin using Bruce Guenther's
Credential Validation Module (http://untroubled.org/cvm).
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2005 Gordon Rowell <gordonr@gormand.com.au>
This software is free software and may be distributed under the same
terms as qpsmtpd itself.
=head1 VERSION
Version $Id: auth_cvm_unix_local,v 1.1 2005/06/09 22:50:06 gordonr Exp gordonr $
use strict;
use warnings;
use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
use Socket;
use constant SMTP_PORT => getservbyname("smtp", "tcp") || 25;
use constant SSMTP_PORT => getservbyname("ssmtp", "tcp") || 465;
POD corrections, additional tests, plugin consistency on files in plugins dir: fixed a number of POD errors formatted some # comments into POD removed bare 1; (these are plugins, not perl modules) most instances of this were copy/pasted from a previous plugin that had it removed instances of # vim ts=N ... they weren't consistent, many didn't match .perltidyrc on modules that failed perl -c tests, added 'use Qpsmtpd::Constants;' Conflicts: plugins/async/check_earlytalker plugins/async/dns_whitelist_soft plugins/async/dnsbl plugins/async/queue/smtp-forward plugins/async/require_resolvable_fromhost plugins/async/rhsbl plugins/async/uribl plugins/auth/auth_checkpassword plugins/auth/auth_cvm_unix_local plugins/auth/auth_flat_file plugins/auth/auth_ldap_bind plugins/auth/auth_vpopmail plugins/auth/auth_vpopmail_sql plugins/auth/authdeny plugins/check_badmailfromto plugins/check_badrcptto_patterns plugins/check_bogus_bounce plugins/check_earlytalker plugins/check_norelay plugins/check_spamhelo plugins/connection_time plugins/dns_whitelist_soft plugins/dnsbl plugins/domainkeys plugins/greylisting plugins/hosts_allow plugins/http_config plugins/logging/adaptive plugins/logging/apache plugins/logging/connection_id plugins/logging/transaction_id plugins/logging/warn plugins/milter plugins/queue/exim-bsmtp plugins/queue/maildir plugins/queue/postfix-queue plugins/queue/smtp-forward plugins/quit_fortune plugins/random_error plugins/rcpt_map plugins/rcpt_regexp plugins/relay_only plugins/require_resolvable_fromhost plugins/rhsbl plugins/sender_permitted_from plugins/spamassassin plugins/tls plugins/tls_cert plugins/uribl plugins/virus/aveclient plugins/virus/bitdefender plugins/virus/clamav plugins/virus/clamdscan plugins/virus/hbedv plugins/virus/kavscanner plugins/virus/klez_filter plugins/virus/sophie plugins/virus/uvscan
2012-04-07 20:11:16 -04:00
sub register {
my ($self, $qp, %arg) = @_;
unless ($arg{cvm_socket}) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "skip: requires cvm_socket argument");
return 0;
$self->{_args} = {%arg};
$self->{_enable_smtp} = $arg{enable_smtp} || 'no';
$self->{_enable_ssmtp} = $arg{enable_ssmtp} || 'yes';
my $port = $ENV{PORT} || SMTP_PORT;
if ($arg{enable_smtp} ne 'yes' && ($port == SMTP_PORT || $port == 587)) {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "skip: enable_smtp=no");
return 0;
if ($port == SSMTP_PORT && $arg{enable_ssmtp} ne 'yes') {
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "skip: enable_ssmtp=no");
return 0;
if ($arg{cvm_socket} =~ /^([\w\/.-]+)$/) {
$self->{_cvm_socket} = $1;
unless (-S $self->{_cvm_socket}) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "skip: cvm_socket missing or not usable");
return 0;
$self->register_hook("auth-plain", "authcvm_plain");
$self->register_hook("auth-login", "authcvm_plain");
#$self->register_hook("auth-cram-md5", "authcvm_hash");
POD corrections, additional tests, plugin consistency on files in plugins dir: fixed a number of POD errors formatted some # comments into POD removed bare 1; (these are plugins, not perl modules) most instances of this were copy/pasted from a previous plugin that had it removed instances of # vim ts=N ... they weren't consistent, many didn't match .perltidyrc on modules that failed perl -c tests, added 'use Qpsmtpd::Constants;' Conflicts: plugins/async/check_earlytalker plugins/async/dns_whitelist_soft plugins/async/dnsbl plugins/async/queue/smtp-forward plugins/async/require_resolvable_fromhost plugins/async/rhsbl plugins/async/uribl plugins/auth/auth_checkpassword plugins/auth/auth_cvm_unix_local plugins/auth/auth_flat_file plugins/auth/auth_ldap_bind plugins/auth/auth_vpopmail plugins/auth/auth_vpopmail_sql plugins/auth/authdeny plugins/check_badmailfromto plugins/check_badrcptto_patterns plugins/check_bogus_bounce plugins/check_earlytalker plugins/check_norelay plugins/check_spamhelo plugins/connection_time plugins/dns_whitelist_soft plugins/dnsbl plugins/domainkeys plugins/greylisting plugins/hosts_allow plugins/http_config plugins/logging/adaptive plugins/logging/apache plugins/logging/connection_id plugins/logging/transaction_id plugins/logging/warn plugins/milter plugins/queue/exim-bsmtp plugins/queue/maildir plugins/queue/postfix-queue plugins/queue/smtp-forward plugins/quit_fortune plugins/random_error plugins/rcpt_map plugins/rcpt_regexp plugins/relay_only plugins/require_resolvable_fromhost plugins/rhsbl plugins/sender_permitted_from plugins/spamassassin plugins/tls plugins/tls_cert plugins/uribl plugins/virus/aveclient plugins/virus/bitdefender plugins/virus/clamav plugins/virus/clamdscan plugins/virus/hbedv plugins/virus/kavscanner plugins/virus/klez_filter plugins/virus/sophie plugins/virus/uvscan
2012-04-07 20:11:16 -04:00
sub authcvm_plain {
my ($self, $transaction, $method, $user, $passClear, $passHash, $ticket) =
if ($user =~ /\x00/) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "deny: invalid username");
return DENY, "authcvm, invalid username";
socket(SOCK, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or do {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "skip: socket creation attempt for: $user");
return DENY, "authcvm";
# DENY, really? Should this plugin return a DENY when it cannot connect
# to the cvs socket? I'd expect such a failure to return DECLINED, so
# any other auth plugins could take a stab at authenticating the user
connect(SOCK, sockaddr_un($self->{_cvm_socket})) or do {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "skip: socket connection attempt for: $user");
return DENY, "authcvm, connection failed";
my $o = select(SOCK);
$| = 1;
my ($u, $host) = split(/\@/, $user);
$host ||= "localhost";
print SOCK "\001$u\000$host\000$passClear\000\000";
shutdown SOCK, 1; # tell remote we're finished
my $ret = <SOCK>;
my ($s) = unpack("C", $ret);
if (!defined $s) {
$self->log(LOGERROR, "skip: no response from cvm for $user");
return DECLINED;
if ($s == 0) {
$self->log(LOGINFO, "pass: authentication for: $user");
return OK, "auth success for $user";
if ($s == 100) {
$self->log(LOGINFO, "fail: authentication failure for: $user");
return DENY, 'auth failure (100)';
$self->log(LOGERROR, "skip: unknown response from cvm for $user");
return DECLINED, "unknown result code ($s)";